通用中文 | 诺西那生钠注射液 | 通用外文 | Nusinersen |
品牌中文 | 品牌外文 | Spinraza | |
其他名称 | |||
公司 | Biogen(Biogen) | 产地 | 瑞士(Switzerland) |
含量 | 12mg/5ml | 包装 | 1瓶/盒 |
剂型给药 | 注射针剂 | 储存 | 2度-8度(冰箱冷藏,禁止冷冻) |
适用范围 | 脊髓肌肉萎缩 |
通用中文 | 诺西那生钠注射液 |
通用外文 | Nusinersen |
品牌中文 | |
品牌外文 | Spinraza |
其他名称 | |
公司 | Biogen(Biogen) |
产地 | 瑞士(Switzerland) |
含量 | 12mg/5ml |
包装 | 1瓶/盒 |
剂型给药 | 注射针剂 |
储存 | 2度-8度(冰箱冷藏,禁止冷冻) |
适用范围 | 脊髓肌肉萎缩 |
批准日期: 2016年12月23日;公司Biogen
FDA的药品评价和研究中心中神经学产品部主任Billy Dunn,M.D.说:“长期以来需要对婴儿中死亡最常见原因脊髓性肌肉萎缩的治疗,和可以影响人们在任何生活阶段的疾病,” “如同我们对承办单位建议比计划更早分析研究结果的建议所示,FDA是致力于协助发展和批准对罕见病安全和有效药物和努力工作快速审评这个应用;我们无比高兴对这个致人衰弱疾病的首次批准。”快速通道指定和优先审评。孤儿药物指定和罕见的儿科疾病优先审查凭证,
SPINRAZA是一个针对生存运动神经元-2(SMN2)反义寡核苷酸适用为在儿童和成年患者中脊髓肌肉萎缩(SMA) 的治疗(1)
⑵ 推荐剂量是12 mg(5 mL)每次给药
⑶给药前抽吸5 mL脑脊液
⑶ 历时1至3分钟鞘内推注给药
注射液:在单剂量小瓶中12 mg/5 mL(2.4 mg/mL)(3)
1 适应证和用途
2 剂量和给药方法
2.1 给药信息
推荐剂量是每次给予12 mg(5 mL)。
2.2 重要制备和给药指导
●被给药前令SPINRAZA小瓶在室温加温至室温(25o C/77o F)
●从单剂量小瓶抽吸12 mg(5 mL)SPINRAZA至一个注射器和遗弃未使用的小瓶内容物。
●给药前,取出5 mL脑脊液
2.3 实验室测试和监视评估安全性
3 剂型和规格
注射液:在单剂量小瓶中12 mg/5 mL(2.4 mg/mL) nusinersen作为透明和无色溶液
4 禁忌证
5 警告和注意事项
5.1 血小板减少和凝血异常
5.2 肾毒性
SPINRAZA的存在和被肾排泄[见临床药理学(12.3)]。在一项临床研究中(均数治疗暴露7个月),17/51例(33%)SPINRAZA-治疗患者有升高的尿蛋白,与假-对照患者5/25例(20%)比较。在一组以后-发病SMA患者(均数治疗暴露34个月),36/52例(69%)有升高的尿蛋白。在这些研究中未观察到血清肌酐或半胱氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂[cystatin]C升高。在基线时和每次给予SPINRAZA前进行定量定点尿蛋白测试(最好用用第一次早晨尿样品)。对尿蛋白浓度大于0.2 g/L,考虑重复测试和进一步评价。
6 不良反应
6.1 临床试验经验
下面描述数据反映对SPINRAZA暴露在173例患者(50%男性,82%高加索人),包括120例暴露共至少6个月和83例暴露共至少1年。在有症状性SMA婴儿中研究SPINRAZA的安全性,在研究纳入时年龄约1个月至8个月;在一项假-对照试验(n=80对SPINRAZA,n=41对对照);在开放研究在症状前和症状婴儿(n=37),和在开放研究在后期发病患者(n=56,研究纳入时2至15岁)。在症状性婴儿对照研究中,41患者被暴露共至少6 个月和19例患者被暴露共至少12个月。
在对照研究中,在SPINRAZA-治疗患者和假-对照患者基线疾病特征是很大地相似除了SPINRAZA-治疗患者与假-对照患者比较在基线时有一个更高百分率的反常呼吸[paradoxical breathing](89%相比66%),肺炎或呼吸症状(35%相比22%),吞咽或喂食困难(51%相比29%)和需要对呼吸支持(26%相比15%)。
在用SPINRAZA治疗患者中报道皮疹病例。一例患者,开始SPINRAZA治疗后8个月,前臂,腿,和足上发生无痛红班历时8周阶段。病变溃疡和结痂历时4周内,和历时几个月解决。第二个患者在SPINRAZA开始治疗10个月发生红班皮肤病变在脸颊和手,历时3个月解决。 两病例继续接受SPINRAZA和皮疹自发性解决。
6.2 免疫原性
8 在特殊人群中使用
8.1 妊娠
当交配前和期间和在雌性器官形成期自始至终连续被皮下给予nusinersen(0,3,10,或25 mg/kg)雄性和雌性小鼠每隔天,未观察到对胚胎胎儿发育不良影响。皮下给予nusinersen(0,6,12.6,或25 mg/kg)至妊娠兔每隔天器官形成期自始至终不产生胚胎胎儿发育毒性证据。
8.2 哺乳
8.4 儿童使用
在幼年猴鞘内毒性研究中,给予nusinersen(0,0.3,1,或3 mg/dose共14周和0,0.3,1,或4 mg/dose共53周)导致在中和高剂量时脑组织病理学(神经元空泡化和海马中坏死/细胞碎片)和在各个研究中在高剂量时在下部脊髓反射中急性,暂时性缺陷。此外,在53-周猴研究中高剂量时的一个学习和记忆测试观察到可能性的神经行为缺陷。当在每年基础上计算和对CSF容积校正种属差异性,在猴中对神经组织病理学的无效应剂量(0.3 mg/dose)是约等同于人剂量。
8.5 老年人使用
11 一般描述
SPINRAZA以一个无菌,无防腐剂,无色溶液供应在一个单剂量玻璃小瓶中为鞘内使用。 每1 mL溶液含2.4 mg的nusinersen(等同于2.53 mg的nusinersen钠盐)。每1 mL还含氯化钙二水合物(0.21 mg) USP,氯化镁六水合物(0.16 mg)USP,氯化钾(0.22 mg)USP,氯化钠(8.77 mg)USP,无水磷酸氢二钠(0.10 mg)USP,磷酸二氢钠二水合物(0.05 mg) USP,和注射用水USP。产品可能含盐酸或氢氧化钠以调节pH。pH为~7.2。
12 临床药理学
12.1 作用机制
12.2 药效动力学
在121例有脊髓肌肉萎缩患者接受或SPINRAZA或假-对照,观察到在5%的接受SPINRAZA患者QTcF值 >500 ms和从基线值变化 >60 ms。与假-对照比较,在用SPINRAZA治疗患者伴随延迟的心室心室复极化的心脏不良反应发生率没有增加。
12.3 药代动力学
SPINRAZA的鞘内注射至脑脊液(CSF)允许nusinersen将被从CSF分布至靶中枢神经系统(CNS)组织。鞘内给予后,nusinersen的血浆低谷浓度与与CSF低谷浓度是相对低。中位血浆Tmax值范围从1.7至6.0小时。均数血浆Cmax和AUC值直至剂量12 mg接近剂量正比例增加。
来自患者(n=3) 尸检数据显示SPINRAZA鞘内给予被分布在CNS和周围组织内,例如骨骼肌,肝,和肾。
13 非临床毒理学
13.1 癌发生,突变发生,生育力受损
当小鼠交配前和期间每隔天通过皮下注射给予nusinersen(0,3,10,或25 mg/kg)和雌性在器官形成期自始至终,未观察到对雄性或雌性生育力不良影响。
14 临床研究
14.1 在婴儿-发病SMA临床试验
本研究是一项多中心,随机化,双盲,假-操作对照研究在121例症状性婴儿 ≤ 7月龄在首次剂量时,被诊断有SMA(在6个月龄前症状发病)。患者被随机化2:1接受或SPINRAZA或假注射。
根据患者死亡,撤出,或完成至少183 天治疗进行计划的准确疗效分析。被包括在中期分析中的82例患者,44%为男性和56%为女性。在首次治疗时年龄范围从30至262天(中位数181)。87%受试者是高加索人,2%是黑种人,和4%是亚裔。治疗长度范围从6至442天(中位数261天)。SPINRAZA和对照组间基线人口统计指标被平衡除了在首次治疗时年龄(中位年龄分别为175相比206天)。SPINRAZA和对照组关于以下被平衡妊娠年龄,出生体重,疾病时间,和SMN2拷贝数(在两组98%的受试者中2拷贝)。中位疾病时间为14周。在症状发病年龄有某些不平衡在SPINRAZA组有88%受试者和在对照组中77%受试者在生命的头12周经受症状。
尽管在中期分析时对多重比较没有统计学对照,研究还评估对Philadelphia儿童医院神经肌肉疾病婴儿测试(CHOP-意向)治疗的影响,它是在有婴儿发病SMA患者运动技能的评价。 在表2中展示CHOP-意向结果。
在婴儿-发病SMA患者中对照试验的结果被在症状性SMA患者在首次剂量时年龄范围从30天至15岁中和在症状前患者,首次剂量时年龄范围从8天至42天中进行的开放非对照试验支持。在这些研究中患者有或是很可能发展类型1,2,或3 SMA。有些患者实现基本单元例如无帮助坐,站立,或走的能力否则他们将意外地这样做,维持基本单元在年龄当他们预计将丧失时,和生存至预计不能的年龄考虑 纳入研究患者的SMN2基因拷贝数。
16 如何供应/贮存和处置
16.1 如何供应
SPINRAZA注射液是一种无菌,透明和无色溶液以无防腐剂在一个单剂量玻璃小瓶内12 mg/5 mL(2.4 mg/mL)溶液供应。NDC为64406-058-01.
16.2 贮存和处置
17 患者咨询资料
告知患者和护理人员SPINRAZA可能增加出血的风险。告知患者和护理人员 得到在基线时和每次给药前血液实验室测试对监测对出血潜能增肌的重要性。指导患者和护理人员如发生非期望出血发生寻求医学关注[见警告和注意事项(5.1)]。
(nusinersen) Injection, for Intrathecal Use
Nusinersen is a modified antisense oligonucleotide, where the 2'-hydroxy groups of the ribofuranosyl rings are replaced with 2'-O-2-methoxyethyl groups and the phosphate linkages are replaced with phosphorothioate linkages. Nusinersen binds to a specific sequence in the intron downstream of exon 7 of the SMN2 transcript. The structural formula is:
SPINRAZA is supplied as a sterile, preservative-free, colorless solution for intrathecal use in a single-dose glass vial. Each 1 mL solution contains 2.4 mg of nusinersen (equivalent to 2.53 mg of nusinersen sodium salt). Each 1 mL also contains calcium chloride dihydrate (0.21 mg) USP, magnesium chloride hexahydrate (0.16 mg) USP, potassium chloride (0.22 mg) USP, sodium chloride (8.77 mg) USP, sodium phosphate dibasic anhydrous (0.10 mg) USP, sodium phosphate monobasic dihydrate (0.05 mg) USP, and Water for Injection USP. The product may contain hydrochloric acid or sodium hydroxide to adjust pH. The pH is ~7.2.
The molecular formula of SPINRAZA is C234H323N61O128P17S17Na17 and the molecular weight is 7501.0 daltons.
SPINRAZA is indicated for the treatment of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) in pediatric and adult patients.
DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATIONDosing InformationSPINRAZA is administered intrathecally by, or under the direction of, healthcare professionals experienced in performing lumbar punctures.
Recommended DosageThe recommended dosage is 12 mg (5 mL) per administration.
Initiate SPINRAZA treatment with 4 loading doses. The first three loading doses should be administered at 14-day intervals. The 4th loading dose should be administered 30 days after the 3rd dose. A maintenance dose should be administered once every 4 months thereafter.
Missed DoseIf a loading dose is delayed or missed, administer SPINRAZA assoonas possible,with at least 14-days between doses and continue dosing as prescribed. If a maintenance dose is delayed or missed, administer SPINRAZA as soon as possible and continue dosing every 4 months.
Important Preparation And Administration InstructionsSPINRAZA is for intrathecal use only.
Prepare and use SPINRAZA according to the following steps using aseptic technique. Each vial is intended for single dose only.
PreparationStore SPINRAZA in the carton in a refrigerator until time of use.Allow the SPINRAZA vial to warm to room temperature (25° C/77° F) prior to administration. Do not use external heat sources.Inspect the SPINRAZA vial for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration. Do not administer SPINRAZA if visible particulates are observed or if the liquid in the vial is discolored. The use of external filters is not required.Withdraw 12 mg (5 mL) of SPINRAZA from the single-dose vial into a syringe and discard unused contents of the vial.Administer SPINRAZA within 4 hours of removal from vial.AdministrationConsider sedation as indicated by the clinical condition of the patient.Consider ultrasound or other imaging techniques to guide intrathecal administration of SPINRAZA, particularly in younger patients.Prior to administration, remove 5 mL of cerebrospinal fluid.Administer SPINRAZA as an intrathecal bolus injection over 1 to 3 minutes using a spinal anesthesia needle [see Dosing Information]. Do not administer SPINRAZA in areas of the skin where there are signs of infection or inflammation [see ADVERSE REACTIONS].Laboratory Testing And Monitoring To Assess SafetyConduct the following laboratory tests at baseline and prior to each dose of SPINRAZA and as clinically needed [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]:
Platelet countProthrombin time; activated partial thromboplastin timeQuantitative spot urine protein testingHOW SUPPLIEDDosage Forms And StrengthsInjection12 mg/5 mL (2.4 mg/mL) nusinersen as a clear and colorless solution in a single-dose vial.
SPINRAZA injection is a sterile, clear and colorless solution supplied as a 12 mg/5 mL (2.4 mg/mL) solution in a single-dose glass vial free of preservatives. The NDC is 64406-058-01.
Storage And HandlingStore in a refrigerator between 2°C to 8°C (36°F to 46°F) in the original carton to protect from light. Do not freeze.
SPINRAZA should be protected from light and kept in the original carton until time of use.
If no refrigeration is available, SPINRAZA may be stored in its original carton, protected from light at or below 30°C (86°F) for up to 14 days.
Prior to administration, unopened vials of SPINRAZA can be removed from and returned to the refrigerator, if necessary. If removed from the original carton, the total combined time out of refrigeration should not exceed 30 hours at a temperature that does not exceed 25°C (77°F).
Manufactured for: Biogen Cambridge, MA 02142. Revised: May 2018
The following serious adverse reactions are described in detail in other sections of the labeling:
Thrombocytopenia and Coagulation Abnormalities [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]Renal Toxicity [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]Clinical Trials ExperienceBecause clinical trials are conducted under widely varying conditions, adverse reaction rates observed in the clinical trials of SPINRAZA cannot be directly compared to rates in clinical trials of other drugs and may not reflect the rates observed in practice.
The data described below reflect exposure to SPINRAZA in 260 patients (48% male, 80% Caucasian), including 227 exposed for at least 6 months and 181 exposed for at least 1 year. The safety of SPINRAZA was studied in presymptomatic infants with SMA; pediatric patients (approximately 3 days to 16 years of age at first dose) with symptomatic SMA; in a sham-controlled trial in infants with symptomatic SMA (Study 1; n=80 for SPINRAZA, n=41 for control); in a sham-controlled trial in children with symptomatic SMA (Study 2; n=84 for SPINRAZA, n=42 for control); in open-label studies in presymptomatic and symptomatic infants (n=40); and in open-label studies in later onset patients (n=56). In Study 1, 58 patients were exposed for at least 6 months and 28 patients were exposed for at least 12 months. In Study 2, 84 patients were exposed for at least 6 months and 82 patients were exposed for at least 12 months.
Clinical Trial In Infantile-Onset SMA (Study 1)In Study 1, baseline disease characteristics were largely similar in the SPINRAZA-treated patients and sham-control patients except that SPINRAZA-treated patients at baseline had a higher percentage compared to sham-control patients of paradoxical breathing (89% vs 66%), pneumonia or respiratory symptoms (35% vs 22%), swallowing or feeding difficulties (51% vs 29%), and requirement for respiratory support (26% vs 15%).
The most common adverse reactions that occurred in at least 20% of SPINRAZA-treated patients and occurred at least 5% more frequently than in control patients were lower respiratory infection and constipation. Serious adverse reactions of atelectasis were more frequent in SPINRAZA-treated patients (18%) than in control patients (10%). Because patients in Study 1 were infants, adverse reactions that are verbally reported could not be assessed in this study.
Table 1. Adverse Reactions that Occurred in at Least 5% of SPINRAZA Patients and Occurred at Least 5% More Frequently or At Least 2 Times as Frequently Than in Control Patients with Infantile-Onset SMA (Study 1)
Adverse Reactions |
SPINRAZA 12 mg1 N = 80 % |
Sham-Procedure Control N = 41 % |
Lower respiratory infection2 | 55 | 37 |
Constipation | 35 | 22 |
Teething | 18 | 7 |
Urinary tract infection | 9 | 0 |
Upper respiratory tract congestion | 8 | 2 |
Ear infection | 6 | 2 |
Flatulence | 5 | 2 |
Decreased weight | 5 | 2 |
1 Loading doses followed by 12 mg (5 mL) once every 4 months 2 Includes adenovirus infection, bronchiolitis, bronchitis, bronchitis viral, corona virus infection, Influenza, lower respiratory tract infection, lower respiratory tract infection viral, lung infection, parainfluenzae virus infection, pneumonia, pneumonia bacterial, pneumonia influenzal, pneumonia moraxella, pneumonia parainfluenzae viral, pneumonia pneumococcal, pneumonia pseudomonal, pneumonia respiratory syncytial viral, pneumonia viral, and respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis. |
In an open-label clinical study in infants with symptomatic SMA, severe hyponatremia was reported in a patient treated with SPINRAZA requiring salt supplementation for 14 months.
Cases of rash were reported in patients treated with SPINRAZA. One patient, 8 months after starting SPINRAZA treatment, developed painless red macular lesions on the forearm, leg, and foot over an 8-week period. The lesions ulcerated and scabbed over within 4 weeks, and resolved over several months. A second patient developed red macular skin lesions on the cheek and hand ten months after the start of SPINRAZA treatment, which resolved over 3 months. Both cases continued to receive SPINRAZA and had spontaneous resolution of the rash. SPINRAZA may cause a reduction in growth as measured by height when administered to infants, as suggested by observations from the controlled study. It is unknown whether any effect of SPINRAZA on growth would be reversible with cessation of treatment.
Clinical Trial In Later-Onset SMA (Study 2)In Study 2, baseline disease characteristics were largely similar in the SPINRAZA-treated patients and sham-control patients except for the proportion of SPINRAZA-treated patients who had ever achieved the ability to stand without support (13% vs 29%) or walk with support (24% vs 33%).
The most common adverse reactions that occurred in at least 20% of SPINRAZA-treated patients and occurred at least 5% more frequently than in control patients were pyrexia, headache, vomiting, and back pain.
Table 2. Adverse Reactions that Occurred in at Least 5% of SPINRAZA Patients and Occurred at Least 5% More Frequently or At Least 2 Times as Frequently Than in Control Patients with Later-Onset SMA (Study 2)
Adverse Reactions |
SPINRAZA 12 mg1 N=84 % |
Sham-Procedure Control N=42 % |
Pyrexia | 43 | 36 |
Headache | 29 | 7 |
Vomiting | 29 | 12 |
Back pain | 25 | 0 |
Epistaxis | 7 | 0 |
Fall | 5 | 0 |
Respiratory tract congestion | 5 | 2 |
Seasonal allergy | 5 | 2 |
1Loading doses followed by 12 mg (5 mL) once every 6 months |
Post-lumbar puncture syndrome has also been observed after administration of SPINRAZA.
ImmunogenicityAs with all oligonucleotides, there is potential for immunogenicity. The detection of antibody formation is highly dependent on the sensitivity and specificity of the assay. Additionally, the observed incidence of antibody (including neutralizing antibody) positivity in an assay may be influenced by several factors, including assay methodology, sample handling, timing of sample collection, concomitant medications, and underlying disease. For these reasons, comparison of the incidence of antibodies to nusinersen in the studies described below with the incidence of antibodies in other studies or to other products may be misleading.
The immunogenic response to nusinersen was determined in 249 patients with post-baseline plasma samples evaluated for anti-drug antibodies (ADAs). Sixteen patients (6%) developed treatment-emergent ADAs, of which 3 were transient,13 were considered to be persistent. Persistent was defined as having one positive test followed by another one more than 100 days after the first positive test. In addition, "persistent" is also defined as having one or more positive samples and no sample more than 100 days after the first positive sample. Transient was defined as having one or more positive results and not confirmed to be persistent. There are insufficient data to evaluate an effect of ADAs on clinical response, adverse events, or the pharmacokinetic profile of nusinersen.
Postmarketing ExperienceThe following adverse reactions have been identified during post-approval use of SPINRAZA. Because these reactions are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequency or establish a causal relationship to drug exposure.
Serious infections (including meningitis) and hydrocephalus have occurred in patients treated with SPINRAZA via lumbar puncture.
DRUG INTERACTIONSNo Information Provided
Included as part of the "PRECAUTIONS" Section
PRECAUTIONSThrombocytopenia And Coagulation AbnormalitiesCoagulation abnormalities and thrombocytopenia, including acute severe thrombocytopenia, have been observed after administration of some antisense oligonucleotides.
In the sham-controlled studies for patients with infantile-onset and later-onset SMA, 24 of 146 (16%) SPINRAZA-treated patients with high, normal, or unknown platelet count at baseline developed a platelet level below the lower limit of normal, compared to 10 of 72 (14%) sham-controlled patients.
In the sham-controlled study in patients with later-onset SMA (Study 2), two SPINRAZA-treated patients developed platelet counts lessthan 50,000 cellsper microliter, with alowestlevelof 10,000 cells per microliter recorded on study day 28.
Because of the risk of thrombocytopenia and coagulation abnormalities from SPINRAZA, patients may be at increased risk of bleeding complications.
Perform a platelet count and coagulation laboratory testing at baseline and prior to each administration of SPINRAZA and as clinically needed.
Renal ToxicityRenal toxicity, including potentially fatal glomerulonephritis, has been observed after administration of some antisense oligonucleotides.
SPINRAZA is present in and excreted by the kidney [see CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY]. In the sham-controlled studies for patients with infantile-onset and later-onset SMA, 71 of 123 (58%) of SPINRAZA-treated patients had elevated urine protein, compared to 22 of 65 (34%) sham-controlled patients. Conduct quantitative spot urine protein testing (preferably using a first morning urine specimen) at baseline and prior to each dose of SPINRAZA. For urinary protein concentration greater than 0.2 g/L, consider repeat testing and further evaluation.
Nonclinical ToxicologyCarcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment Of FertilityCarcinogenesisLong-term studies in animals to evaluate the carcinogenic potential of nusinersen have not been performed.
MutagenesisNusinersen demonstrated no evidence of genotoxicity in in vitro (Ames and chromosomal aberration in CHO cells) and in vivo (mouse micronucleus) assays.
Impairment Of FertilityWhen nusinersen (0, 3, 10, or 25 mg/kg) was administered by subcutaneous injection to mice every other day prior to and during mating and continuing in females throughout organogenesis, no adverse effects on male or female fertility were observed.
Use In Specific PopulationsPregnancyRisk SummaryThere are no adequate data on the developmental risk associated with the use of SPINRAZA in pregnant women. No adverse effects on embryofetal development were observed in animal studies in which nusinersen was administered by subcutaneous injection to mice and rabbits during pregnancy (see Data).
In the U.S. general population, the estimated background risk of major birth defects and miscarriage in clinically recognized pregnancies is 2 to 4% and 15 to 20%, respectively. The background risk of major birth defects and miscarriage for the indicated population is unknown.
DataAnimal Data
When nusinersen (0, 3, 10, or 25 mg/kg) was administered subcutaneously to male and female mice every other day prior to and during mating and continuing in females throughout organogenesis, no adverse effects on embryofetal development were observed. Subcutaneous administration of nusinersen (0, 6, 12.6, or 25 mg/kg) to pregnant rabbits every other day throughout organogenesis produced no evidence of embryofetal developmental toxicity.
LactationRisk SummaryThere are no data on the presence of nusinersen in human milk, the effects on the breastfed infant, or the effects of the drug on milk production. The developmental and health benefits of breastfeeding should be considered along with the mother's clinical need for SPINRAZA and any potential adverse effects on the breastfed infant from SPINRAZA or from the underlying maternal condition.
Pediatric UseThe safety and effectiveness of SPINRAZA in pediatric patients from newborn to 17 years have been established [see Clinical Studies].
Juvenile Animal Toxicity DataIn intrathecal toxicity studies in juvenile monkeys, administration of nusinersen (0, 0.3, 1, or 3 mg/dose for 14 weeks and 0, 0.3, 1, or 4 mg/dose for 53 weeks) resulted in brain histopathology (neuronal vacuolation and necrosis/cellular debris in the hippocampus) at the mid and high doses and acute, transient deficits in lower spinal reflexes at the high dose in each study. In addition, possible neurobehavioral deficits were observed on a learning and memory test at the high dose in the 53-week monkey study. The no-effect dose for neurohistopathology in monkeys (0.3 mg/dose) is approximately equivalent to the human dose when calculated on a yearly basis and corrected for the species difference in CSF volume.
Geriatric UseClinical studies of SPINRAZA did not include sufficient numbers of subjects aged 65 and over to determine whether they respond differently from younger subjects.
SPINRAZA is an antisense oligonucleotide (ASO) designed to treat SMA caused by mutations in chromosome 5q that lead to SMN protein deficiency. Using in vitro assays and studies in transgenic animal models of SMA, SPINRAZA was shown to increase exon 7 inclusion in SMN2 messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) transcripts and production of full-length SMN protein.
PharmacodynamicsAutopsy samples from patients (n=3) had higher levels of SMN2 messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) containing exon 7 in the thoracic spinal cord compared to untreated SMA infants.
Cardiac ElectrophysiologyAcross the sham-controlled studies in 247 patients with spinal muscular atrophy who received either SPINRAZA or sham-control, QTcF values >500 ms and change from baseline values >60 ms were observed in 4 (2.4%) patients receiving SPINRAZA. Compared to the sham-control, there was no increase in the incidence of cardiac adverse reactions associated with delayed ventricular repolarization in patients treated with SPINRAZA.
PharmacokineticsAbsorptionIntrathecal injection of SPINRAZA into the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) allows nusinersen to be distributed from the CSF to the target central nervous system (CNS) tissues. Following intrathecal administration, trough plasma concentrations of nusinersen were relatively low, compared to the trough CSF concentration. Median plasma Tmax values ranged from 1.7 to 6.0 hours. Mean plasma Cmax and AUC values increased approximately dose-proportionally up to a dose of 12 mg.
DistributionAutopsy data from patients (n=3) showed that SPINRAZA administered intrathecally was distributed within the CNS and peripheral tissues, such as skeletal muscle, liver, and kidney.
Nusinersen is metabolized via exonuclease (3'-and 5')-mediated hydrolysis and is not a substrate for, or inhibitor or inducer of CYP450 enzymes.
The mean terminal elimination half-life is estimated to be 135 to 177 days in CSF, and 63 to 87 days in plasma. The primary route of elimination is likely by urinary excretion for nusinersen and its chain-shortened metabolites. At 24 hours, only 0.5% of the administered dose was recovered in the urine.
Clinical StudiesThe efficacy of SPINRAZA was demonstrated in two double-blind, sham-procedure controlled clinical trials in symptomatic infantile-onset and later-onset SMA patients (Study 1 and Study 2) and was supported by open-label clinical trials conducted in presymptomatic and symptomatic SMA patients. The overall findings from these trials support the effectiveness of SPINRAZA across the range of SMA patients, and appear to support the early initiation of treatment with SPINRAZA.
Infantile-Onset SMAStudy 1 was a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, sham-procedure controlled study in 121 symptomatic infants ≤ 7 months of age at the time of first dose, diagnosed with SMA (symptom onset before 6 months of age). Patients were randomized 2:1 to receive either 12 mg SPINRAZA or sham injection as a series of loading doses administered intrathecally followed by maintenance doses administered every 4 months. Patients in this study were deemed most likely to develop Type 1 SMA.
A planned interim efficacy analysis was conducted based on patients who died, withdrew, or completed at least 183 days of treatment. Of the 82 patients included in the interim analysis (52 patients in the SPINRAZA-treated group and 30 in the sham-control group), 44% were male, 87% were Caucasian, 2% were Black, and 4% were Asian. Age at first treatment ranged from 30 to 262 days (median 181). Length of treatment ranged from 6 to 442 days (median 261 days). Baseline demographics were balanced between the SPINRAZA and control groups with the exception of age at first treatment (median age 175 vs. 206 days, respectively). The SPINRAZA and control groups were balanced with respect to gestational age, birth weight, disease duration, and SMN2 copy number. Median disease duration was 14 weeks. There was some imbalance in age at symptom onset with 88% of subjects in the SPINRAZA group and 77% in the control group experiencing symptoms within the first 12 weeks of life.
The primary endpoint assessed at the time of interim analysis was the proportion of responders: patients with an improvement in motor milestones according to Section 2 of the Hammersmith Infant Neurologic Exam (HINE). This endpoint evaluates seven different areas of motor milestone development, with a maximum score between 2-4 points for each, depending on the milestone, and a total maximum score of 26. A treatment responder was defined as any patient with at least a 2-point increase (or maximal score of 4) in ability to kick (consistent with improvement by at least 2 milestones), or at least a 1-point increase in the motor milestones of head control, rolling, sitting, crawling, standing or walking (consistent with improvement by at least 1 milestone). To be classified as a responder, patients needed to exhibit improvement in more categories of motor milestones than worsening. Of the 82 patients who were eligible for the interim analysis, a statistically significantly greater percentage of patients achieved the definition of a motor milestone responder in the SPINRAZA group (40%) compared to the sham-control group (0%). Results from the final analysis were consistent with those from the interim analysis (Table 3). Fifty-one percent of patients in the SPINRAZA group achieved the definition of a motor milestone responder compared to 0% of patients in the sham-control group. Figure 1 is a descriptive display of the distribution of net change from baseline in the total motor milestone score for Section 2 of the HINE for patients in the final efficacy set who did not die or withdraw from the study.
The primary endpoint assessed at the final analysis was time to death or permanent ventilation (≥ 16 hours ventilation/day continuously for > 21 days in the absence of an acute reversible event or tracheostomy). Statistically significant effects on event-free survival and overall survival were observed in patients in the SPINRAZA group compared to those in the sham-control group (Table 4). A 47% reduction in the risk of death or permanent ventilation was observed in the SPINRAZA group (p=0.005) (Figure 2). Median time to death or permanent ventilation was not reached in SPINRAZA group and was 22.6 weeks in the sham-control group. A statistically significant 63% reduction in the risk of death was also observed (p=0.004).
At the final analysis, the study also assessed treatment effects on the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Infant Test of Neuromuscular Disorders (CHOP-INTEND), which is an evaluation of motor skills in patients with infantile-onset SMA. The CHOP-INTEND results are displayed in Table 3.
Table 3. Motor Milestone Response and CHOP-INTEND Results of the Final Analysis of Patients with Infantile-Onset SMA (Study 1)
Endpoint |
SPINRAZA-treated Patients (n=73) |
Sham-control Patients (n=37) |
Motor function | ||
Motor milestones 1 | ||
Proportion achieving pre-defined motor milestone responder criteria (HINE section 2)2,3 |
37 (51%) P<0.0001 |
0 (0%) |
Proportion achieving a 4-point improvement |
52 (71%) p<0.0001 |
1 (3%) |
Proportion achieving a 4-point worsening4 | 2 (3%) | 17 (46%) |
1At the final analysis, CHOP-INTEND and motor milestone analyses were conducted using the Efficacy Set (SPINRAZA n=73; Sham-control n=37). 2Assessed at the later of Day 183, Day 302, and Day 394 Study Visit 3According to HINE section 2: ≥2 point increase [or maximal score] in ability to kick, OR ≥1 point increase in the motor milestones of head control, rolling, sitting, crawling, standing or walking, AND improvement in more categories of motor milestones than worsening), defined as a responder for this primary analysis. 4Not statistically controlled for multiple comparisons |
Table 4. Survival Results of Patients with Infantile-Onset SMA (Study 1 )
Endpoint |
SPINRAZA-treated Patients (n=80) |
Sham-control Patients (n=41) |
Survival | ||
Event-free survival1 | ||
Number of patients who died or received permanent ventilation | 31 (39%) | 28 (68%) |
Hazard ratio (95% CI) | 0.53 (0.32 -0.89) | |
p-value2 | p=0.005 | |
Overall survival1 | ||
Number of patients who died | 13 (16%) | 16 (39%) |
Hazard Ratio (95% CI) | 0.37 (0.18 - 0.77) | |
p-value2 | p=0.004 | |
1At the final analysis, event-free survival and overall survival were assessed using the Intent to Treat population (ITT SPINRAZA n=80; Sham-control n=41). 2Based on log-rank test stratified by disease duration |
Figure 1. Percent of Patients Who Died and Net Change from Baseline in Total Motor Milestone Score (HINE) Among Patients Alive in the Final Efficacy Set of Study 1*
*For subjects who were alive and ongoing in the study, the change in total motor milestone score was calculated at the later of Day 183, Day 302, or Day 394.
Figure 2. Event-Free Survival in the Intent to Treat Set
Study 2 was a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, sham-procedure controlled study in 126 symptomatic children with later-onset SMA (symptom onset after 6 months of age). Patients were randomized 2:1 to either SPINRAZA 12 mg or sham injection as a series of loading doses administered intrathecally followed by maintenance doses administered every 6 months.
The median age at screening was 3 years (range 2-9 years), and the median age of onset of clinical signs and symptoms of SMA was 11 months (range 6-20 months). Of the 126 patients included in the study, 47% were male, 75% were Caucasian, 2% were Black, and 18% were Asian. Length of treatment ranged from 324 to 482 days (median 450 days). At baseline, patients had a mean Hammersmith Functional Motor Scale - Expanded (HFMSE) score of 21.6, all had achieved independent sitting, and no patients had achieved independent walking. Patients in this study were deemed most likely to develop Type 2 or 3 SMA.
The primary endpoint assessed was the change from baseline score at Month 15 on the HFMSE. The HFMSE evaluates motor function in patients with SMA who have limited ambulation, comprising of 33 scored activities that give objective information on motor ability and clinical progression, such as the ability to sit unassisted, stand, or walk. Each item is scored from 0-2, with a maximum total score of 66. Higher scores indicate better motor function. The primary analysis was conducted in the Intent to Treat (ITT) population, which included all subjects who were randomized and received at least 1 dose of SPINRAZA or at least one sham procedure. At the final analysis, a statistically significant improvement in HFMSE scores from baseline to Month 15 was observed in the SPINRAZA-treated group compared to the sham-control group (Table 5).
Table 5: HFMSE Results in Patients with Later-Onset SMA (Study 2)
Endpoint |
SPINRAZA-treated Patients (n=84) |
Sham-control Patients (n=42) |
HFMSE score | ||
Change from baseline in total HFMSE score at 15 months1,2,3 |
3.9 (95% CI: 3.0, 4.9) p=0.0000001 |
-1.0 (95% CI: -2.5, 0.5) |
Proportion of patients who achieved at least a 3-point improvement from baseline to Month 151 |
56.8% (95% CI: 45.6, 68.1) p=0.00064 |
26.3% (95% CI: 12.4, 40.2) |
1Assessed using the Intent to Treat population who received at least one dose of SPINRAZA or at least one sham procedure (SPINRAZA n=84; Sham-control n=42); data for patients without a Month 15 visit were imputed using the multiple imputation method 2Least squares mean 3Negative value indicates worsening, positive value indicates improvement. 4Based on logistic regression with treatment effect and adjustment for each subject's age at screening and HFMSE score at baseline |
Figure 3. Mean Change from Baseline in HFMSE Score Over Time in the Intent to Treat Set1, 2(Study 2)
1Data for patients without a Month 15 visit were imputed using the multiple imputation method 2Error bars denote ± standard error |
The results of the sham-controlled trial in infantile-onset and later-onset SMA patients were supported by an open-label uncontrolled trial conducted in presymptomatic SMA patients, who ranged in age from 3 days to 42 days at the time of first dose. Patients received 12 mg SPINRAZA as a series of loading doses administered intrathecally followed by maintenance doses administered every 4 months.
Some patients receiving SPINRAZA before the onset of SMA syptoms survived without requiring permanent ventilation beyond what would be expected based on their SMN2 copy number, and some patients also achieved age-appropriate growth and developmental motor milestones such as the ability to sit unassisted, stand, or walk.
Inform patients and caregivers that SPINRAZA could increase the risk of bleeding. Inform patients and caregivers of the importance of obtaining blood laboratory testing at baseline and prior to each dose to monitor for signs of increased potential for bleeding. Instruct patients and caregivers to seek medical attention if unexpected bleeding occurs [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].
Renal ToxicityInform patients and caregivers that SPINRAZA could cause renal toxicity. Inform patients and caregivers of the importance of obtaining urine testing at baseline and prior to each dose to monitor for signs of potential renal toxicity [see WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].