通用中文 | 贝利司他注射剂 | 通用外文 | belinostat |
品牌中文 | 品牌外文 | Beleodaq | |
其他名称 | |||
公司 | Spectrum(Spectrum) | 产地 | 美国(USA) |
含量 | 500mg | 包装 | 1支/瓶 |
剂型给药 | 储存 | 室温 | |
适用范围 | T细胞淋巴瘤 |
通用中文 | 贝利司他注射剂 |
通用外文 | belinostat |
品牌中文 | |
品牌外文 | Beleodaq |
其他名称 | |
公司 | Spectrum(Spectrum) |
产地 | 美国(USA) |
含量 | 500mg |
包装 | 1支/瓶 |
剂型给药 | |
储存 | 室温 |
适用范围 | T细胞淋巴瘤 |
批准日期:2014年7月3日;公司: Spectrum药业公司
FDA的药品评价和研究中心血液学和肿瘤室主任Richard Pazdur医学博士说:“这是自2009年对外周T细胞淋巴瘤治疗批准的第三个药物。”“今天批准对有 严重和危及生命疾病患者扩展可得到的治疗选择数。” 加速批准和孤儿药物指定
Beleodaq是一种组蛋白去乙酰化酶抑制剂[histone deacetylase inhibitor]适用为有复发或难治周边T细胞淋巴瘤(PTCL)患者的治疗,这个适应证是在根据肿瘤反应率和反应时间在加速批准下批准的。尚未确定改善生存或疾病相关症状。继续批准这个适应证可能取决于在验证性试验中核实和描述临床获益。(1)
⑴Beleodaq的推荐剂量是在21天疗程的第1-5天每天1次1,000 mg/m2通过静脉历时30分钟输注给药。疗程可重复直至疾病进展或不可接受的毒性。(2.1)
为注射:500 mg ,冻干粉在为重建的一次性使用小瓶。(3)
⑴血小板减少,白细胞减少(中性粒细胞减少和淋巴细胞减少),和贫血:监视血细胞计数和对血液学毒性调整剂量。 (2.2,5.1)
⑶肝毒性:Beleodaq可能致肝毒性和肝功能测试异常。监视肝功能测试和omit或调整剂量 for 肝毒性. (2.2,5.3)
1 适应证和用途
2 剂量和给药方法
2.1 给药资料
Beleodaq的推荐剂量是在21天疗程的第1-5天每天1次通过历时30分钟静脉输注1,000 mg/m2。每21天可能重复疗程直至疾病进展或不可接受的毒性。
2.2 对血液学和非-血液学毒性剂量调整
●每个疗程开始前绝对嗜中性计数(ANC)应是大于或等于1.0 × 109/L和血小板计数应是大于或等于50 × 109/L和治疗所致毒性恢复至前以后。用Beleodaq治疗随后的恢复按照以下表1描述的指导原则。患者两次剂量减低后,有复发性ANC最低值低于0.5 × 109/L和/或复发性血小板计数最低值低于25 × 109/L终止Beleodaq。
2.3 有减低的UGT1A1活性患者
在已知对UGT1A1*28等位基因是纯合子患者减低Beleodaq的起始剂量至750 mg/m2[见临床药理学(12.5)]。
2.4 制备和给药注意事项
2.5 重建和输注指导
a) 用一个适宜的注射器无菌地通过加入9 mL的无菌注射用水,USP,至Beleodaq小瓶重建每个Beleodaq小瓶,实现浓度50 mg belinostat每mL。旋转小瓶内容物直至最后溶液无可见的颗粒。重建产品在环境温度(15-25°C; 59-77°F)可贮存至12小时。
b) 无菌地抽吸为需要剂量所需的容积(根据50 mg/mL浓度和患者的体表面积BSA[m2])和转移至含250 mL 0.9 %氯化钠注射液输注袋。有药物的输注袋可在环境温度(15-25°C; 59-77°F)贮存至36小时包括输注时间。
c) 肉眼观察溶液有无颗粒物质。如呈云雾状或观察到颗粒不要使用。
d) 连接含药物溶液的输注袋至一个有在线0.22 μm滤膜输注组件为给药。
e) 历时30分钟静脉输注。如输注部位疼痛或归咎于输注发生的其他症状,输注时间可延长至 45分钟。
3 剂型和规格
注射用:500 mg,冻干粉在为重建一次性使用小瓶内。
4 禁忌证
5 警告和注意事项
5.1 血液学毒性
5.2 感染
5.3 肝毒性
5.4 肿瘤溶解综合证
5.5 胃肠道毒性
5.6 胚胎-胎儿毒性
6 不良反应
●血液学 毒性[见警告和注意事项(5.1)]
在单臂临床试验在129例有复发或难治PTCL患者中评价Beleodaq的安全性。在21-天疗程中第1-5天每天1次患者被通过历时30分钟静脉输注给予Beleodaq剂量1,000 mg/m2[见临床研究(14)]。中位治疗时间为2个疗程(范围1 – 33个疗程)。
61例患者(47.3%)当用Beleodaq或末次Beleodaq 给药后30天内经受严重不良反应。最常见严重不良反应(> 2%)是肺炎,发热,感染,贫血,肌酐增高,血小板减少,和多器官衰竭。试验中报道一例治疗-相关死亡伴肝衰竭。
7 药物相互作用
7.1 UGT1A1抑制剂
7.2 华法林[Warfarin]
8 特殊人群中使用
8.1 妊娠
8.3 哺乳母亲
8.4 儿童使用
8.5 老年人使用
在单臂试验中,48%患者(n = 62)是 ≥ 65岁和10%患者(n=13)是≥ 75岁[见临床研究(14)]。试验人群中位年龄为63岁。对Beleodaq治疗≥ 65岁患者比< 65岁患者有较高反应率(36%相比16%) 而观察到患者≥ 75岁和< 75岁患者间反应率差别无意义。观察到根据年龄患者严重不良反应差别(< 65岁与≥ 65岁比较或< 75岁与≥ 75岁比较)无临床上意义。
8.6 有肝受损患者中使用
Belinostat是在肝脏中被代谢和肝受损预期增加对belinostat暴露。临床试验排除有中度和严重肝受损患者(总胆红素 >1.5 × 正常上限(ULN))。
8.7 有肾受损患者中使用
约40%的belinostat剂量被肾排泄,主要地以代谢物。在有肌酐清除率(CLcr) > 39 mL/min患者中Belinostat暴露没有变化。数据不够充分不能建议有 CLcr ≤ 39 mL/min患者中Beleodaq的剂量[见临床药理学(12.3)]]。
10 药物过量
11 一般描述
Beleodaq是一种组蛋白去乙酰化酶抑制剂友谊磺酰胺肉桂羟基酰胺[sulfonamide-hydroxamide]结构。Belinostat的化学名为(2E)-N-hydroxy-3-[3-(phenylsulfamoyl)phenyl]prop-2-enamide。分子式C15 H14 N2O4S和分子量318.35 g/mol。结构式如下:
Belinostat是一种白色至类白色粉。微溶于蒸馏水(0.14 mg/mL)和聚乙二醇400(约1.5 mg/mL),和自由地溶于乙醇(> 200 mg/mL)。用电位分析法pKa值为7.87和8.71和用紫外7.86和8.59。
注射用Beleodaq (belinostat)以无菌冰冻干燥黄色粉供应含500 mg belinostat活性成分。每小瓶换含1000 mg L-精氨酸,USP作为无活性成分。药物产品以一次性使用30 mL透明玻璃小瓶有涂塞和铝制密封有“翻转”帽供应。Beleodaq是意向用9 mL无菌注射用水重建后为静脉给药,而重建溶液输注前进一步用250 mL无菌0.9%氯化钠注射液稀释[见剂量和给药方法(2)]。
12 临床药理学
12.1 作用机制
Beleodaq是一种组蛋白去乙酰化酶(HDAC)抑制剂。HDACs催化从组蛋白和有些非-组蛋白蛋白的赖氨酸残基去除乙酰基。在体外,belinostat致乙酰化组蛋白和其他蛋白积蓄,诱导细胞周期停止和/或有些转化细胞的凋亡。与正常细胞比较,Belinostat显示优先向肿瘤细胞细胞毒性。Belinostat在纳摩尔浓度(<250 nM)抑制组蛋白去乙酰化酶的酶活性。
12.2 药效动力学
曾用Beleodaq进行多项临床试验,收集许多ECG数据和由中央实验室分析。临床ECG和belinostat血浆浓度数据分析显示Beleodaq对心脏复极化作用无有意义的影响。没有一个试验显示Beleodaq对心率,PR时间或QRS时间任何临床上意义变化或自主状态,房-室传导或去极化;没有室速尖端扭转[Torsades de Pointes]病例。.
12.3 药代动力学
来自1/2期临床研究从用belinostat剂量范围150至1200 mg/m2合并数据分析belinostat的药代动力学特征。总均数血浆清除率和消除半衰期分别为1240 mL/min和1.1小时。总清除率接近平均肝脏血流(1500 mL/min),提示高肝提取(清除率是血流依赖)。
均数belinostat分布容积接近总机体水,表明belinostat有受限机体组织分布。在体外血浆研究曾显示在平衡透析分析belinostat血浆浓度从500至25,000 ng/mL中92.9%和95.8%间的belinostat与蛋白结合,而与血浆浓度无关。
Belinostat是主要地被肝UGT1A1代谢。强UGT1A1抑制剂预计增加对belinostat暴露。Belinostat 还被CYP2A6,CYP2C9,和CYP3A4酶进行肝脏代谢形成belinostat酰胺和belinostat酸。不知道负责形成甲基belinostat和3-(anilinosulfonyl)-benzenecarboxylic acid,( 3-ASBA)的酶。
在癌症患者中,Beleodaq(1,000 mg/m2)和华法林(5 mg),一种已知CYP2C9底物共同给药,不增加或R-或S-华法林的AUC或Cmax。
12.5 药物基因组学
因为belinostat是主要地(80 -90%)被UGT1A1代谢,在有减低的UGT1A1活性患者(如,有UGT1A1*28等位基因患者)the clearance of belinostat的清除率可能减低。在已知是对UGT1A1*28等位基因纯合子的患者中减低Beleodaq起始剂量至750 mg/m2以减小剂量限制 毒性。
13 非临床毒理学
13.1 癌发生,突变发生,生育力受损
尚未用belinostat 进行致癌性研究。
14 临床研究
在62个中心进行的一项开放,单臂,非-随机化国际试验,129例有复发或难治周边T细胞淋巴瘤(PTCL)患者在第1-5天在21-天疗程每天1次用Beleodaq 1,000 mg/m2经静脉历时30分钟输注治疗给药。有120例历史上已被确证的PTCL患者通过中央审评可评价疗效。患者用每三周重复疗程治疗直至疾病进展或不可耐受的毒性。
主要疗效终点是反应率(完全缓解和部分缓解)当通过一个独立审评委员会(IRC)利用国际工作组标准(IWC) (Cheson 2007)评估。关键性次要疗效终点为反应时间。在头12个月每6周和然后每12周评价反应评估直至从研究治疗开始2年。反应时间的测量是从记录反应的第一天至疾病进展或死亡。疾病反应和进展由IRC用IWC评价。
在所有用Beleodaq治疗的可评价患者(N = 120),用IWC总体反应铝每中央评价为25.8% (n = 31) (表4) 两个纳入的最大组,对周边T细胞淋巴瘤(PTCL)对PTCL未指定(NOS)23.4%,对ALK-1阴性间变性大细胞淋巴瘤(ALCL)45.5%。
根据反应第一天至疾病进展或死亡的中位反应时间为8.4个月(95% CI:4.5 – 29.4)。对反应者至反应中位时间为5.6周(范围4.3 -50.4周)。9例患者(7.5%)是用Beleodaq治疗后能够向前进行干细胞移植。
15 参考文献
1 OSHA Hazardous Drugs. OSHA.[Accessed on 14 May 2014,from http://www.osha.gov/SLTC/hazardousdrugs/index.html].
16 如何供应/贮存和处置
16.1 如何供应
注射用Beleodaq(belinostat)在一次性小瓶纸盒供应;每30 mL 透明小瓶含无菌,冻干粉等同于500 mg belinostat。
NDC 68152-108-09: Beleodaq 30 mL的单独包装纸盒一次性使用小瓶含500 mg belinostat。
16.2 贮存和处置
17 患者咨询资料
用Beleodaq治疗前医生应与患者讨论FDA批准的患者资料页单。指导患者仔细阅读患者 资料页单。
批准日期:2014年7月3日;公司: Spectrum药业公司
FDA的药品评价和研究中心血液学和肿瘤室主任Richard Pazdur医学博士说:“这是自2009年对外周T细胞淋巴瘤治疗批准的第三个药物。”“今天批准对有 严重和危及生命疾病患者扩展可得到的治疗选择数。” 加速批准和孤儿药物指定
Beleodaq是一种组蛋白去乙酰化酶抑制剂[histone deacetylase inhibitor]适用为有复发或难治周边T细胞淋巴瘤(PTCL)患者的治疗,这个适应证是在根据肿瘤反应率和反应时间在加速批准下批准的。尚未确定改善生存或疾病相关症状。继续批准这个适应证可能取决于在验证性试验中核实和描述临床获益。(1)
⑴Beleodaq的推荐剂量是在21天疗程的第1-5天每天1次1,000 mg/m2通过静脉历时30分钟输注给药。疗程可重复直至疾病进展或不可接受的毒性。(2.1)
为注射:500 mg ,冻干粉在为重建的一次性使用小瓶。(3)
⑴血小板减少,白细胞减少(中性粒细胞减少和淋巴细胞减少),和贫血:监视血细胞计数和对血液学毒性调整剂量。 (2.2,5.1)
⑶肝毒性:Beleodaq可能致肝毒性和肝功能测试异常。监视肝功能测试和omit或调整剂量 for 肝毒性. (2.2,5.3)
1 适应证和用途
2 剂量和给药方法
2.1 给药资料
Beleodaq的推荐剂量是在21天疗程的第1-5天每天1次通过历时30分钟静脉输注1,000 mg/m2。每21天可能重复疗程直至疾病进展或不可接受的毒性。
2.2 对血液学和非-血液学毒性剂量调整
●每个疗程开始前绝对嗜中性计数(ANC)应是大于或等于1.0 × 109/L和血小板计数应是大于或等于50 × 109/L和治疗所致毒性恢复至前以后。用Beleodaq治疗随后的恢复按照以下表1描述的指导原则。患者两次剂量减低后,有复发性ANC最低值低于0.5 × 109/L和/或复发性血小板计数最低值低于25 × 109/L终止Beleodaq。
2.3 有减低的UGT1A1活性患者
在已知对UGT1A1*28等位基因是纯合子患者减低Beleodaq的起始剂量至750 mg/m2[见临床药理学(12.5)]。
2.4 制备和给药注意事项
2.5 重建和输注指导
a) 用一个适宜的注射器无菌地通过加入9 mL的无菌注射用水,USP,至Beleodaq小瓶重建每个Beleodaq小瓶,实现浓度50 mg belinostat每mL。旋转小瓶内容物直至最后溶液无可见的颗粒。重建产品在环境温度(15-25°C; 59-77°F)可贮存至12小时。
b) 无菌地抽吸为需要剂量所需的容积(根据50 mg/mL浓度和患者的体表面积BSA[m2])和转移至含250 mL 0.9 %氯化钠注射液输注袋。有药物的输注袋可在环境温度(15-25°C; 59-77°F)贮存至36小时包括输注时间。
c) 肉眼观察溶液有无颗粒物质。如呈云雾状或观察到颗粒不要使用。
d) 连接含药物溶液的输注袋至一个有在线0.22 μm滤膜输注组件为给药。
e) 历时30分钟静脉输注。如输注部位疼痛或归咎于输注发生的其他症状,输注时间可延长至 45分钟。
3 剂型和规格
注射用:500 mg,冻干粉在为重建一次性使用小瓶内。
4 禁忌证
5 警告和注意事项
5.1 血液学毒性
5.2 感染
5.3 肝毒性
5.4 肿瘤溶解综合证
5.5 胃肠道毒性
5.6 胚胎-胎儿毒性
6 不良反应
●血液学 毒性[见警告和注意事项(5.1)]
在单臂临床试验在129例有复发或难治PTCL患者中评价Beleodaq的安全性。在21-天疗程中第1-5天每天1次患者被通过历时30分钟静脉输注给予Beleodaq剂量1,000 mg/m2[见临床研究(14)]。中位治疗时间为2个疗程(范围1 – 33个疗程)。
61例患者(47.3%)当用Beleodaq或末次Beleodaq 给药后30天内经受严重不良反应。最常见严重不良反应(> 2%)是肺炎,发热,感染,贫血,肌酐增高,血小板减少,和多器官衰竭。试验中报道一例治疗-相关死亡伴肝衰竭。
7 药物相互作用
7.1 UGT1A1抑制剂
7.2 华法林[Warfarin]
8 特殊人群中使用
8.1 妊娠
8.3 哺乳母亲
8.4 儿童使用
8.5 老年人使用
在单臂试验中,48%患者(n = 62)是 ≥ 65岁和10%患者(n=13)是≥ 75岁[见临床研究(14)]。试验人群中位年龄为63岁。对Beleodaq治疗≥ 65岁患者比< 65岁患者有较高反应率(36%相比16%) 而观察到患者≥ 75岁和< 75岁患者间反应率差别无意义。观察到根据年龄患者严重不良反应差别(< 65岁与≥ 65岁比较或< 75岁与≥ 75岁比较)无临床上意义。
8.6 有肝受损患者中使用
Belinostat是在肝脏中被代谢和肝受损预期增加对belinostat暴露。临床试验排除有中度和严重肝受损患者(总胆红素 >1.5 × 正常上限(ULN))。
8.7 有肾受损患者中使用
约40%的belinostat剂量被肾排泄,主要地以代谢物。在有肌酐清除率(CLcr) > 39 mL/min患者中Belinostat暴露没有变化。数据不够充分不能建议有 CLcr ≤ 39 mL/min患者中Beleodaq的剂量[见临床药理学(12.3)]]。
10 药物过量
11 一般描述
Beleodaq是一种组蛋白去乙酰化酶抑制剂友谊磺酰胺肉桂羟基酰胺[sulfonamide-hydroxamide]结构。Belinostat的化学名为(2E)-N-hydroxy-3-[3-(phenylsulfamoyl)phenyl]prop-2-enamide。分子式C15 H14 N2O4S和分子量318.35 g/mol。结构式如下:
Belinostat是一种白色至类白色粉。微溶于蒸馏水(0.14 mg/mL)和聚乙二醇400(约1.5 mg/mL),和自由地溶于乙醇(> 200 mg/mL)。用电位分析法pKa值为7.87和8.71和用紫外7.86和8.59。
注射用Beleodaq (belinostat)以无菌冰冻干燥黄色粉供应含500 mg belinostat活性成分。每小瓶换含1000 mg L-精氨酸,USP作为无活性成分。药物产品以一次性使用30 mL透明玻璃小瓶有涂塞和铝制密封有“翻转”帽供应。Beleodaq是意向用9 mL无菌注射用水重建后为静脉给药,而重建溶液输注前进一步用250 mL无菌0.9%氯化钠注射液稀释[见剂量和给药方法(2)]。
12 临床药理学
12.1 作用机制
Beleodaq是一种组蛋白去乙酰化酶(HDAC)抑制剂。HDACs催化从组蛋白和有些非-组蛋白蛋白的赖氨酸残基去除乙酰基。在体外,belinostat致乙酰化组蛋白和其他蛋白积蓄,诱导细胞周期停止和/或有些转化细胞的凋亡。与正常细胞比较,Belinostat显示优先向肿瘤细胞细胞毒性。Belinostat在纳摩尔浓度(<250 nM)抑制组蛋白去乙酰化酶的酶活性。
12.2 药效动力学
曾用Beleodaq进行多项临床试验,收集许多ECG数据和由中央实验室分析。临床ECG和belinostat血浆浓度数据分析显示Beleodaq对心脏复极化作用无有意义的影响。没有一个试验显示Beleodaq对心率,PR时间或QRS时间任何临床上意义变化或自主状态,房-室传导或去极化;没有室速尖端扭转[Torsades de Pointes]病例。.
12.3 药代动力学
来自1/2期临床研究从用belinostat剂量范围150至1200 mg/m2合并数据分析belinostat的药代动力学特征。总均数血浆清除率和消除半衰期分别为1240 mL/min和1.1小时。总清除率接近平均肝脏血流(1500 mL/min),提示高肝提取(清除率是血流依赖)。
均数belinostat分布容积接近总机体水,表明belinostat有受限机体组织分布。在体外血浆研究曾显示在平衡透析分析belinostat血浆浓度从500至25,000 ng/mL中92.9%和95.8%间的belinostat与蛋白结合,而与血浆浓度无关。
Belinostat是主要地被肝UGT1A1代谢。强UGT1A1抑制剂预计增加对belinostat暴露。Belinostat 还被CYP2A6,CYP2C9,和CYP3A4酶进行肝脏代谢形成belinostat酰胺和belinostat酸。不知道负责形成甲基belinostat和3-(anilinosulfonyl)-benzenecarboxylic acid,( 3-ASBA)的酶。
在癌症患者中,Beleodaq(1,000 mg/m2)和华法林(5 mg),一种已知CYP2C9底物共同给药,不增加或R-或S-华法林的AUC或Cmax。
12.5 药物基因组学
因为belinostat是主要地(80 -90%)被UGT1A1代谢,在有减低的UGT1A1活性患者(如,有UGT1A1*28等位基因患者)the clearance of belinostat的清除率可能减低。在已知是对UGT1A1*28等位基因纯合子的患者中减低Beleodaq起始剂量至750 mg/m2以减小剂量限制 毒性。
13 非临床毒理学
13.1 癌发生,突变发生,生育力受损
尚未用belinostat 进行致癌性研究。
14 临床研究
在62个中心进行的一项开放,单臂,非-随机化国际试验,129例有复发或难治周边T细胞淋巴瘤(PTCL)患者在第1-5天在21-天疗程每天1次用Beleodaq 1,000 mg/m2经静脉历时30分钟输注治疗给药。有120例历史上已被确证的PTCL患者通过中央审评可评价疗效。患者用每三周重复疗程治疗直至疾病进展或不可耐受的毒性。
主要疗效终点是反应率(完全缓解和部分缓解)当通过一个独立审评委员会(IRC)利用国际工作组标准(IWC) (Cheson 2007)评估。关键性次要疗效终点为反应时间。在头12个月每6周和然后每12周评价反应评估直至从研究治疗开始2年。反应时间的测量是从记录反应的第一天至疾病进展或死亡。疾病反应和进展由IRC用IWC评价。
在所有用Beleodaq治疗的可评价患者(N = 120),用IWC总体反应铝每中央评价为25.8% (n = 31) (表4) 两个纳入的最大组,对周边T细胞淋巴瘤(PTCL)对PTCL未指定(NOS)23.4%,对ALK-1阴性间变性大细胞淋巴瘤(ALCL)45.5%。
根据反应第一天至疾病进展或死亡的中位反应时间为8.4个月(95% CI:4.5 – 29.4)。对反应者至反应中位时间为5.6周(范围4.3 -50.4周)。9例患者(7.5%)是用Beleodaq治疗后能够向前进行干细胞移植。
15 参考文献
1 OSHA Hazardous Drugs. OSHA.[Accessed on 14 May 2014,from http://www.osha.gov/SLTC/hazardousdrugs/index.html].
16 如何供应/贮存和处置
16.1 如何供应
注射用Beleodaq(belinostat)在一次性小瓶纸盒供应;每30 mL 透明小瓶含无菌,冻干粉等同于500 mg belinostat。
NDC 68152-108-09: Beleodaq 30 mL的单独包装纸盒一次性使用小瓶含500 mg belinostat。
16.2 贮存和处置
17 患者咨询资料
用Beleodaq治疗前医生应与患者讨论FDA批准的患者资料页单。指导患者仔细阅读患者 资料页单。
(belinostat) For Injection, For Intravenous Use
Beleodaq is a histone deacetylase inhibitor with a sulfonamide-hydroxamide structure. The chemical name of belinostat is (2E)-N-hydroxy-3-[3-(phenylsulfamoyl)phenyl]prop-2-enamide. The structural formula is as follows:
The molecular formula is C15H14N2O4S and the molecular weight is 318.35 g/mol.
Belinostat is a white to off-white powder. It is slightly soluble in distilled water (0.14 mg/mL) and polyethylene glycol 400 (about 1.5 mg/mL), and is freely soluble in ethanol (> 200 mg/mL). The pKa values are 7.87 and 8.71 by potentiometry and 7.86 and 8.59 by UV.
Beleodaq (belinostat) for injection is supplied as a sterile lyophilized yellow powder containing 500 mg belinostat as the active ingredient. Each vial also contains 1000 mg L-Arginine, USP as an inactive ingredient. The drug product is supplied in a single-dose 30 mL clear glass vial with a coated stopper and aluminum crimp seal with “flip-off” cap. Beleodaq is intended for intravenous administration after reconstitution with 9 mL Sterile Water for injection, and the reconstituted solution is further diluted with 250 mL of sterile 0.9% Sodium Chloride injection prior to infusion [See DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION].
Indications & Dosage
INDICATIONSBeleodaq is indicated for the treatment of patients with relapsed or refractory peripheral T-cell lymphoma (PTCL).
This indication is approved under accelerated approval based on tumor response rate and duration of response [See Clinical Studies]. An improvement in survival or disease-related symptoms has not been established. Continued approval for this indication may be contingent upon verification and description of clinical benefit in the confirmatory trial.
DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATIONDosing InformationThe recommended dosage of Beleodaq is 1,000 mg/m2 administered over 30 minutes by intravenous infusion once daily on Days 1-5 of a 21-day cycle. Cycles can be repeated every 21 days until disease progression or unacceptable toxicity.
Dosage Modification For Hematologic And Non-Hematologic ToxicitiesTable 1 displays the recommended Beleodaq dosage modifications for hematologic and non-hematologic toxicities. Base dosage adjustments for thrombocytopenia and neutropenia on platelet and absolute neutrophil nadir (lowest value) counts in the preceding cycle of therapy.
· Absolute neutrophil count (ANC) should be greater than or equal to 1.0 x 109/L and the platelet count should be greater than or equal to 50 x 109/L prior to the start of each cycle and prior to resuming treatment following toxicity. Resume subsequent treatment with Beleodaq according to the guidelines described in Table 1 below. Discontinue Beleodaq in patients who have recurrent ANC nadirs less than 0.5 x 109/L and/or recurrent platelet count nadirs less than 25 x 109/L after two dosage reductions.
· Other toxicities must be NCI-CTCAE Grade 2 or less prior to re-treatment.
Monitor complete blood counts at baseline and weekly. Perform serum chemistry tests, including renal and hepatic functions prior to the start of the first dose of each cycle.
Table 1: Dosage Modifications for Hematologic and Non-Hematologic Toxicities
Dosage Modification |
Dosage Modifications due to Hematologic Toxicities |
Platelet count ≥ 25 x 109/L and nadir ANC ≥ 0.5 x 109/L |
No Change |
Nadir ANC < 0.5 x 109/L (any platelet count) |
Decrease dosage by 25% (750 mg/m2) |
Platelet count < 25 x 109/L (any nadir ANC) |
Dosage Modifications due to Non-Hematologic Toxicities |
Any CTCAE Grade 3 or 4 adverse reactiona |
Decrease dosage by 25% (750 mg/m2) |
Recurrence of CTCAE Grade 3 or 4 adverse reaction after two dosage reductions |
Discontinue Beleodaq |
a For nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, only dose modify if the duration is greater than 7 days with supportive management |
Reduce the starting dose of Beleodaq to 750 mg/m2 in patients known to be homozygous for the UGT1A1*28 allele [See CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY].
Preparation And Administration PrecautionsAs with other potentially cytotoxic anticancer agents, exercise care in the handling and preparation of solutions prepared with Beleodaq.
Reconstitution And Infusion InstructionsAseptically reconstitute each vial of Beleodaq by adding 9 mL of Sterile Water for injection, USP, into the Beleodaq vial with a suitable syringe to achieve a concentration of 50 mg of belinostat per mL. Swirl the contents of the vial until there are no visible particles in the resulting solution. The reconstituted product may be stored for up to 12 hours at ambient temperature (15-25°C; 59-77°F).Aseptically withdraw the volume needed for the required dosage (based on the 50 mg/mL concentration and the patient’s BSA [m2]) and transfer to an infusion bag containing 250 mL of 0.9 % Sodium Chloride injection. The infusion bag with drug solution may be stored at ambient room temperature (1525°C; 59-77°F) for up to 36 hours including infusion time.Visually inspect the solution for particulate matter. Do not use if cloudiness or particulates are observed.Connect the infusion bag containing drug solution to an infusion set with a 0.22 μm in-line filter for administration.Infuse intravenously over 30 minutes. If infusion site pain or other symptoms potentially attributable to the infusion occur, the infusion time may be extended to 45 minutes.HOW SUPPLIEDDosage Forms And StrengthsFor injection: 500 mg, lyophilized powder in single-dose vial for reconstitution
Storage And HandlingBeleodaq (belinostat) for injection is supplied in single vial cartons; each 30 mL clear vial contains sterile, lyophilized powder equivalent to 500 mg belinostat.
NDC 68152-108-09: Individual carton of Beleodaq 30 mL single-dose vial containing 500 mg belinostat.
Store Beleodaq (belinostat) for injection at room temperature 20°C to 25°C (68°F to 77°F). Excursions are permitted between 15°C and 30°C (59°F and 86°F). Retain in original package until use. [see USP Controlled Room Temperature].
Beleodaq is a cytotoxic drug. Follow special handling and disposal procedures [see REFERENCES1].
Side Effects & Drug Interactions
SIDE EFFECTSThe following serious adverse reactions are described in more detail in other sections of the prescribing information.
· Hematologic Toxicity [See WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]
· Tumor Lysis Syndrome [See WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]
· Gastrointestinal Toxicity [See WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS]
Clinical Trials ExperienceBecause clinical trials are conducted under widely varying conditions, adverse reaction rates observed in the clinical trials of Beleodaq may not reflect the rates observed in practice.
Adverse Reactions In Patients With Peripheral T-Cell LymphomaThe safety of Beleodaq was evaluated in 129 patients with relapsed or refractory PTCL in the single arm clinical trial in which patients were administered Beleodaq at a dosage of 1,000 mg/m2 administered over 30 minutes by IV infusion once daily on Days 1-5 of a 21-day cycle [See Clinical Studies]. The median duration of treatment was 2 cycles (range 1 – 33 cycles).
The most common adverse reactions observed in the trial of patients with relapsed or refractory PTCL treated with Beleodaq were nausea, fatigue, pyrexia, anemia, and vomiting [See Clinical Studies]. Table 2 summarizes the adverse reactions regardless of causality from the trial in patients with relapsed or refractory PTCL.
Table 2: Adverse
Reactions Occurring in ≥ 10% of Patients with Relapsed or Refractory PTCL
(NCI-CTC Grade 1-4)
Adverse Reactions |
Percentage of Patients (%) |
All Grades |
Grade 3 or 4 |
All Adverse Reactions |
97 |
61 |
Nausea |
42 |
1 |
Fatigue |
37 |
5 |
Pyrexia |
32 |
11 |
Vomiting |
29 |
1 |
Constipation |
23 |
1 |
Diarrhea |
23 |
2 |
Dyspnea |
22 |
6 |
Rash |
20 |
1 |
Peripheral Edema |
20 |
0 |
Cough |
19 |
0 |
Thrombocytopenia |
16 |
7 |
Pruritus |
16 |
3 |
Chills |
16 |
1 |
Increased Blood Lactate Dehydrogenase |
16 |
2 |
Decreased Appetite |
15 |
2 |
Headache |
15 |
0 |
Infusion Site Pain |
14 |
0 |
Hypokalemia |
12 |
4 |
Prolonged QT |
11 |
4 |
Abdominal pain |
11 |
1 |
Hypotension |
10 |
3 |
Phlebitis |
10 |
1 |
Dizziness |
10 |
0 |
Note: Adverse reactions are listed by order of incidence in the “All Grades” category first, then by incidence in “ the Grade 3 or 4” category; Measured by National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (NCI-CTCAE) version 3.0 |
Sixty-one patients (47.3%) experienced serious adverse reactions while taking Beleodaq or within 30 days after their last dose of Beleodaq . The most common serious adverse reactions (> 2%) were pneumonia, pyrexia, infection, anemia, increased creatinine, thrombocytopenia, and multi-organ failure. One treatment-related death associated with hepatic failure was reported in the trial.
One patient with baseline hyperuricemia and bulky disease experienced Grade 4 tumor lysis syndrome during the first cycle of treatment and died due to multi-organ failure. A treatment-related death from ventricular fibrillation was reported in another monotherapy clinical trial with Beleodaq. ECG analysis did not identify QTc prolongation.
Discontinuations Due To Adverse ReactionsTwenty-five patients (19.4%) discontinued treatment with Beleodaq due to adverse reactions. The adverse reactions reported most frequently as the reason for discontinuation of treatment included anemia, febrile neutropenia, fatigue, and multi-organ failure.
Dosage Modifications Due To Adverse ReactionsIn the trial, dosage adjustments due to adverse reactions occurred in 12% of Beleodaq-treated patients.
DRUG INTERACTIONSUGT1A1 InhibitorsBelinostat is primarily metabolized by UGT1A1. Avoid concomitant administration of Beleodaq with strong inhibitors of UGT1A1 [See CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY].
WARNINGSIncluded as part of the "PRECAUTIONS" Section
PRECAUTIONSHematologic ToxicityBeleodaq can cause thrombocytopenia, leukopenia (neutropenia and lymphopenia), and/or anemia; monitor blood counts weekly during treatment, and modify dosage as necessary [See DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION and ADVERSE REACTIONS].
InfectionsSerious and sometimes fatal infections, including pneumonia and sepsis, have occurred with Beleodaq. Do not administer Beleodaq to patients with an active infection. Patients with a history of extensive or intensive chemotherapy may be at higher risk of life threatening infections [See ADVERSE REACTIONS].
HepatotoxicityBeleodaq can cause fatal hepatotoxicity and liver function test abnormalities [See ADVERSE REACTIONS]. Monitor liver function tests before treatment and before the start of each cycle. Interrupt or adjust dosage until recovery, or permanently discontinue Beleodaq based on the severity of the hepatic toxicity [See DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION].
Tumor Lysis SyndromeTumor lysis syndrome has occurred in Beleodaq-treated patients in the clinical trial of patients with relapsed or refractory PTCL [See Clinical Studies]. Monitor patients with advanced stage disease and/or high tumor burden and take appropriate precautions [See ADVERSE REACTIONS].
Gastrointestinal ToxicityNausea, vomiting and diarrhea occur with Beleodaq [See ADVERSE REACTIONS] and may require the use of antiemetic and antidiarrheal medications.
Embryo-Fetal ToxicityBeleodaq can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman. Beleodaq may cause teratogenicity and/or embryo-fetal lethality because it is genotoxic and targets actively dividing cells [see Nonclinical Toxicology]. Women of childbearing potential should be advised to avoid pregnancy while receiving Beleodaq. If this drug is used during pregnancy, or if the patient becomes pregnant while taking this drug, the patient should be apprised of potential hazard to the fetus [see Use In Specific Populations].
Patient Conseling InformationPhysicians should discuss the FDA approved Patient Information Leaflet with patients prior to treatment with Beleodaq. Instruct patients to read the Patient Information Leaflet carefully.
Advise the patient or the caregiver to read the FDA-approved patient labeling (Patient Information).
Advise patients or their caregivers:
· To report symptoms of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea so that appropriate antiemetic and antidiarrheal medications can be administered [See WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].
· To report any symptoms of thrombocytopenia, leukopenia (neutropenia and lymphopenia), and anemia [See WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].
· To immediately report symptoms of infection (e.g., pyrexia) [See WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS and ADVERSE REACTIONS].
· Of the potential risk to the fetus and for women to avoid pregnancy while receiving Beleodaq [See WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].
· To understand the importance of monitoring liver function test abnormalities and to immediately report potential symptoms of liver injury [See DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION and WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].
Nonclinical ToxicologyCarcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment Of FertilityCarcinogenicity studies have not been performed with belinostat.
Belinostat was genotoxic in a bacterial reverse mutation test (Amesassay), an in vitro mouse lymphoma cell mutagenesis assay, and an in vivo rat micronucleus assay.
Beleodaq may impair male fertility. Fertility studies using belinostat were not conducted. However, belinostat effects on male reproductive organs observed during the 24-week repeat-dose dog toxicology study included reduced organ weights of the testes/epididymides that correlated with a delay in testicular maturation.
Use In Specific PopulationsPregnancyPregnancy Category D [See WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS].
Risk SummaryBeleodaq may cause teratogenicity and/or embryo-fetal lethality because it is a genotoxic drug and targets actively dividing cells [see Nonclinical Toxicology]. Women should avoid pregnancy while receiving Beleodaq. If this drug is used during pregnancy, or if the patient becomes pregnant while taking this drug, the patient should be apprised of potential hazard to the fetus.
Animal DataNo reproductive and developmental animal toxicology studies have been conducted with belinostat.
Nursing MothersIt is not known whether belinostat is excreted in human milk. Because many drugs are excreted in human milk and because of the potential for serious adverse reactions in nursing infants from Beleodaq, a decision should be made whether to discontinue nursing or discontinue drug, taking into account the importance of the drug to the mother.
Pediatric UseThe safety and effectiveness of Beleodaq in pediatric patients have not been established.
Geriatric UseIn the single-arm trial, 48% of patients (n = 62) were ≥ 65 years of age and 10% of patients (n=13) were ≥ 75 years of age [See Clinical Studies]. The median age of the trial population was 63 years. Patients ≥ 65 years of age had a higher response rate to Beleodaq treatment than patients < 65 years of age (36% versus 16%) while no meaningful differences in response rate were observed between patients ≥ 75 years of age and those < 75 years of age. No clinically meaningful differences in serious adverse reactions were observed in patients based on age (< 65 years compared with ≥ 65 years or < 75 years of age compared with ≥ 75 years of age).
Use In Patients With Hepatic ImpairmentBelinostat is metabolized in the liver and hepatic impairment is expected to increase exposure to belinostat. Patients with moderate and severe hepatic impairment (total bilirubin >1.5 x upper limit of normal (ULN)) were excluded from clinical trials.
There is insufficient data to recommend a dose of Beleodaq in patients with moderate and severe hepatic impairment [See CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY].
Use In Patients With Renal ImpairmentBelinostat exposure is not altered in patients with Creatinine Clearance (CLcr) > 39 mL/min. There is insufficient data to recommend a dose of Beleodaq in patients with CLcr ≤ 39 mL/min. [See CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY].
Overdosage & Contraindications
OVERDOSENo specific information is available on the treatment of overdosage of Beleodaq. There is no antidote for Beleodaq and it is not known if Beleodaq is dialyzable. If an overdose occurs, general supportive measures should be instituted as deemed necessary by the treating physician. The elimination half-life of belinostat is 1.1 hours [See CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY].
CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGYMechanism Of ActionBeleodaq is a histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor. HDACs catalyze the removal of acetyl groups from the lysine residues of histones and some non-histone proteins. in vitro, belinostat caused the accumulation of acetylated histones and other proteins, inducing cell cycle arrest and/or apoptosis of some transformed cells. Belinostat shows preferential cytotoxicity towards tumor cells compared to normal cells. Belinostat inhibited the enzymatic activity of histone deacetylases at nanomolar concentrations (<250 nM).
PharmacodynamicsCardiac ElectrophysiologyMultiple clinical trials have been conducted with Beleodaq, in many of which ECG data were collected and analyzed by a central laboratory. Analysis of clinical ECG and belinostat plasma concentration data demonstrated no meaningful effect of Beleodaq on cardiac repolarization. None of the trials showed any clinically relevant changes caused by Beleodaq on heart rate, PR duration or QRS duration as measures of autonomic state, atrio-ventricular conduction or depolarization; there were no cases of Torsades de Pointes.
PharmacokineticsThe pharmacokinetic characteristics of belinostat were analyzed from pooled data from phase 1/2 clinical studies that used doses of belinostat ranging from 150 to 1200 mg/m2. The total mean plasma clearance and elimination half-life were 1240 mL/min and 1.1 hours, respectively. The total clearance approximates average hepatic blood flow (1500 mL/min), suggesting high hepatic extraction (clearance being flow dependent).
DistributionThe mean belinostat volume of distribution approaches total body water, indicating that belinostat has limited body tissue distribution. in vitro plasma studies have shown that between 92.9% and 95.8% of belinostat is bound to protein in an equilibrium dialysis assay, and was independent of belinostat plasma concentrations from 500 to 25,000 ng/mL.
Belinostat is primarily metabolized by hepatic UGT1A1. Strong UGT1A1 inhibitors are expected to increase exposure to belinostat. Belinostat also undergoes hepatic metabolism by CYP2A6, CYP2C9, and CYP3A4 enzymes to form belinostat amide and belinostat acid. The enzymes responsible for the formation of methyl belinostat and 3-(anilinosulfonyl)-benzenecarboxylic acid, ( 3-ASBA) are not known.
Following a single dose of [14C]-labelled belinostat (100 μCi, 1500 mg) administered as a 30-minute intravenous infusion in patients with recurrent or progressive malignancy (N=6), fecal excretion accounted for a mean (± SD) of 9.7% (± 6.5%) of the administered radioactive belinostat dose over 168 hours. The mean (± SD) of the administered radioactive belinostat dose that was excreted in urine over 168 hours was 84.8% (± 9.8%), of which unchanged belinostat accounted for only 1.7%.
Drug Interaction StudiesIn vitro studies showed belinostat and its metabolites (including belinostat glucuronide, belinostat amide, methyl belinostat) inhibited metabolic activities of CYP2C8 and CYP2C9. Other metabolites (3-ASBA and belinostat acid) inhibited CYP2C8.
In cancer patients, co-administration of Beleodaq (1,000 mg/m2) and warfarin (5 mg), a known CYP2C9 substrate, did not increase the AUC or Cmax of either R- or S-warfarin.
Belinostat is likely a glycoprotein (P-gp) substrate but is unlikely to inhibit P-gp.
PharmacogenomicsUGT1A1 activity is reduced in individuals with genetic polymorphisms that lead to reduced enzyme activity such as the UGT1A1*28 polymorphism. Approximately 20% of the black population, 10% of the white population, and 2% of the Asian population are homozygous for the UGT1A1*28 allele. Additional reduced function alleles may be more prevalent in specific populations.
Because belinostat is primarily (80 -90%) metabolized by UGT1A1, the clearance of belinostat could be decreased in patients with reduced UGT1A1 activity (e.g., patients with UGT1A1*28 allele). Reduce the starting dose of Beleodaq to 750 mg/m2 in patients known to be homozygous for the UGT1A1*28 allele to minimize dose limiting toxicities.
Clinical StudiesRelapsed Or Refractory Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma (PTCL)In an open-label, single-arm, non-randomized international trial conducted at 62 centers, 129 patients with relapsed or refractory PTCL were treated with Beleodaq 1,000 mg/m2 administered over 30 minutes via IV infusion once daily on Days 1-5 of a 21-day cycle. There were 120 patients who had histologically confirmed PTCL by central review evaluable for efficacy. Patients were treated with repeat cycles every three weeks until disease progression or unacceptable toxicity.
Efficacy was evaluated using response rate (complete response and partial response) as assessed by an independent review committee (IRC) using the International Workshop Criteria (IWC) (Cheson 2007). Response assessments were evaluated every 6 weeks for the first 12 months and then every 12 weeks until 2 years from the start of study treatment. Duration of response was measured from the first day of documented response to disease progression or death. Response and progression of disease were evaluated by the IRC using the IWC.
Table 3 summarizes the baseline demographic and disease characteristics of the study population, who were evaluable for efficacy.
Table 3: Baseline Patient Characteristics (PTCL Population)
Characteristics |
Evaluable Patients |
Age (years) |
Median (range) |
64 (29-81) |
Sex, % |
Male |
52 |
Female |
48 |
Race, % |
White |
88 |
Black |
6 |
Asian |
3 |
Latin |
3 |
Other |
2 |
PTCL Subtype Based on Central Diagnosis, % |
PTCL Unspecified (NOS) |
64 |
Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (AITL) |
18 |
ALK-1 negative anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) |
11 |
Other |
7 |
Baseline Platelet Count, % |
≥100,000/µL |
83 |
<100,000/µL |
17 |
ECOG Performance Status, % |
0 |
34 |
1 |
43 |
2 |
22 |
3 |
1 |
Median time (months) from Initial PTCL Diagnosis (Range) |
12 (2.6 – 266.4) |
Median Number of Prior Systemic Therapies (Range) |
2 (1-8) |
In all evaluable patients (N = 120) treated with Beleodaq, the overall response rate per central review using IWC was 25.8% (n = 31) (Table 4) with rates of 23.4% for PTCL, NOS and 45.5% for AITL, the two largest subtypes enrolled.
Table 4: Response Analysis per Central Assessment Using IWC in Patients with Relapsed or Refractory PTCL
Evaluable Patients |
Response Rate |
n (%) |
(95% CI) |
31 (25.8) |
18.3-34.6 |
CR |
13 (10.8) |
5.9-17.8 |
PR |
18 (15.0) |
9.1 – 22.7 |
CI=confidence interval, CR=complete response, PR=partial response |
The median duration of response based on the first date of response to disease progression or death was 8.4 months (95% CI: 4.5 – 29.4). Of the responders, the median time to response was 5.6 weeks (range 4.3 - 50.4 weeks). Nine patients (7.5%) were able to proceed to a stem cell transplant after treatment with Beleodaq.
(belinostat) For Injection, For Intravenous Use
Read this Patient Information before you receive treatment with Beleodaq and each time you receive Beleodaq. There may be new information. This leaflet does not take the place of talking to your doctor about your medical condition or your treatment.
What is Beleodaq?
Beleodaq is a prescription medicine used to treat people with a type of cancer called peripheral T-cell Lymphoma (PTCL) that comes back or does not respond to cancer treatment. It is not known if Beleodaq is safe and effective in children.
What should I tell my doctor before receiving Beleodaq?
Before receiving Beleodaq, tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions, including if you:
· have an infection
· have had chemotherapy treatment
· have liver or kidney problems
· have nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
· are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. Beleodaq can harm your unborn baby. You should not become pregnant while receiving Beleodaq. Tell your doctor right away if you become pregnant while receiving Beleodaq.
· are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. It is not known if Beleodaq passes into your breast milk. You and your doctor should decide if you will receive Beleodaq or breastfeed. You should not do both.
Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements.
How will I receive Beleodaq?
· Beleodaq will be given to you by intravenous (IV) injection into your vein, usually over 30 minutes.
· Beleodaq is given one time a day on Days 1 through 5 of a 21-day cycle of treatment.
· you should have regular blood tests before and during your treatment with Beleodaq.
· Your doctor may change your dose of Beleodaq, change when you receive your treatment, or stop treatment if you have certain side effects while receiving Beleodaq.
What are the possible side effects of Beleodaq?
Beleodaq may cause serious side effects, including:
· Low blood cell counts. Your doctor will do blood tests to check your blood counts during your treatment with Beleodaq.
o Low platelet counts can cause unusual bleeding or bruising under your skin.
o Low red blood cell counts may make you feel weak, tired, or you get tired easily, you look pale, or you feel short of breath.
o Low white blood cell counts can cause you to get infections, which may be serious.
· Serious infections. People receiving Beleodaq may develop serious infections that can sometimes lead to death. You may have a greater risk of life-threatening infections if you have had chemotherapy in the past. Tell your doctor right away if you have any of the following signs or symptoms of an infection: fever, flu-like symptoms, cough, shortness of breath, burning with urination muscle aches, or worsening skin problems.
· Liver problems. Beleodaq may cause liver problems which can lead to death. Your doctor will do blood tests during your treatment with Beleodaq to check for liver problems. Tell your doctor right away if you have any of the following signs or symptoms of liver problems: yellowing of the skin or the white part of your eyes (jaundice), dark urine, itching, or pain in the right upper stomach area.
· Tumor Lysis Syndrome (TLS). TLS is caused by a fast breakdown of cancer cells. Your doctor will check you for TLS during treatment with Beleodaq.
· Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are common with Beleodaq and can sometimes be serious. Tell your doctor if you develop nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. Your doctor may prescribe medicines to help prevent or treat these side effects.
Common side effects of Beleodaq include fatigue, fever, and low red blood cell count.
Tell your doctor if you have any side effect that bothers you or that does not go away. These are not all the possible side effects of Beleodaq. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You can report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.
General information about Beleodaq
Medicines are sometimes prescribed for purposes other than those listed in a Patient Information leaflet. You can ask your pharmacist or doctor for information about Beleodaq that is written for health professionals.
What are the ingredients in Beleodaq?
Active ingredient: belinostat
Inactive ingredients: L-Arginine