通用中文 | 氧化镁和柠檬酸 | 通用外文 | Picosulfate |
品牌中文 | 品牌外文 | Prepopik | |
其他名称 | |||
公司 | 产地 | 美国(USA) | |
含量 | 10mg/3.5g/12g | 包装 | 28片/盒 |
剂型给药 | 口服液 | 储存 | 室温 |
适用范围 | 适用于在成年中为结肠镜准备的结肠清洁( |
通用中文 | 氧化镁和柠檬酸 |
通用外文 | Picosulfate |
品牌中文 | |
品牌外文 | Prepopik |
其他名称 | |
公司 | |
产地 | 美国(USA) |
含量 | 10mg/3.5g/12g |
包装 | 28片/盒 |
剂型给药 | 口服液 |
储存 | 室温 |
适用范围 | 适用于在成年中为结肠镜准备的结肠清洁( |
Prepopik(picosulfate钠, 氧化镁和柠檬酸)用说明书2012年第一版
FDA药物评价和研究中心药物评价III室副主任Victoria Kusiak, M.D.说“为结肠镜选择肠道清洁方案应基于患者的健康和个体喜好。”“今天的批准提供为患者和医生提供考虑新的治疗选择。”
PREPOPIK (picosulfate钠, 氧化镁,和无水柠檬酸)为口服液
(3)“分次-给药[Split Dose]]”法是优选方法 (2.3)
(5)两种给药方案每次给药后必须消耗另外清洁液体(无固体食物或牛奶) (2.3, 2.4)。
为口服溶液:每次2包含16.1 g粉:10 mg picosulfate钠,3.5 g氧化镁,和12 g无水柠檬酸。(3)
(1)肾功能严重减低患者(肌酐清除率l小于30 mL/minute (4)
(2)胃肠道(GI)闭塞或肠梗阻 (4)
(1)液体和电解质异常,心律失常,癫痫发作,和肾受损的风险:鼓励充分水化,评估同时药物,和使用前和后考虑实验室评估 (5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4)
(4)怀疑GI梗阻或穿孔:给药前诊断排除 (4, 5.6)
(5)吸入性风险患者:用药期间观察 (5.7)
(6)不直接摄入:溶解和服用另外水 (5.8)
最常见不良反应(>1%)是恶心,头痛和呕吐(腹胀,扩张,疼痛/痉挛,和水样腹泻不需要的干预并没有搜集) (6.1)
报告怀疑不良反应,联系Ferring电话(1-888-FERRING (1-888-337-7464)或FDA电话1-800-FDA-1088或www.fda.gov/medwatch.
(1)由于液体和电解质变化增加风险药物 (7.1)
(2)每次给药开始1小时内用的口服药物:可能不适当吸收 (7.2)
(3)抗生素:前或同时使用抗生素可能减低PREPOPIK疗效 (7.3)
妊娠:妊娠期间不应使用PREPOPIK只有如果明确需要 (8.1)
1 适应证和用途
PREPOPIK™ (picosulfate钠,氧化镁和无水柠檬酸)为口服液适用于在成年中为结肠镜准备的结肠清洁。
2 剂量和给药方法
2.1 给药纵观
2.2 PREPOPIK粉的配制
(a) 正好每次给药前配制PREPOPIK粉。不要提前配制溶液。
(b) 用冷水充满提供的给药杯直至杯上的下面线(5-盎司)和倾出一包PREPOPIK粉内容。
(c) 搅拌2至3分钟。当粉溶解时配制好的PREPOPIK溶液可能成为略微温热。
2.3 分次给药 给药方案(优先法)
(1)结肠镜前傍晚时服用首次剂量(如,5:00至9:00 PM)接着睡前5杯8-盎司清液饮料(给药杯上上线)。在5小时内消耗清液。
2.4 前一天给药方案(另外方法)
(1)在结肠镜前下午或早傍晚服用首次剂量(如,4:00至6:00 PM)接着在下一次剂量前五杯8-盎司清液饮料(给药杯上线)。在5小时内消耗清液。
(2)约6小时后在晚傍晚服用第二次剂量(如,10:00 PM至12:00 AM),结肠镜前夜晚接着睡前三杯8-盎司清液饮料。5小时内消耗清液。
3 剂型和规格
为口服溶液:两包含10 mg的picosulfate钠,3.5 g氧化镁,和12.0 g无水柠檬酸各在16.1 g粉。
4 禁忌证
(1)有严重减低肾功能患者(肌酐清除率小于30 mL/分)可能导致镁积蓄[见警告和注意事项(5.3)]
5 警告和注意事项
5.1 严重液体和血清化学异常
忠告患者在使用PREPOPIK前,期间和后充分水化。充血性心衰患者中当置换液体小心使用。如患者服用PREPOPIK后发生显著呕吐或脱水体征包括体位性低血压体征,考虑进行结肠镜后实验室检验(电解质,肌酐,和BUN)和相应治疗。PREPOPIK临床试验的两组约20%患者(PREPOPIK,2L的PEG + E加2 × 5-mg比沙可啶片)在结肠镜天有体位变化(血压和/或心率变化)。在临床试验中结肠镜后7天有记录的体位变化。[见不良反应(6.1,6.2)]
5.2 癫痫发作
5.3 在有肾受损患者中使用
如同其它含镁肠道制剂,当处方PREPOPIK时对肾功能受损患者或患者同时服用可能影响肾功能药物谨慎使用(例如利尿剂,血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂,血管紧张素受体阻断剂,或非甾体抗炎药物)。这些患者可能处在肾受损增加风险。忠告这些患者使用PREPOPIK前,期间和后充分水化的重要性。在这些患者中考虑进行结肠镜基线和后实验室检验(电解质,肌酐,和BUN)。严重减低肾功能(肌酐清除率< 30 mL/min)患者,可能发生血浆镁积蓄。
5.4 心脏心律不齐
为肠准备伴随使用离子渗透压泻药产品曾罕见报道严重心律不齐。对处在心律不齐风险增加患者(如, QT延长史,未控制心律失常,最近心肌梗死,不稳定性绞痛,充血性心衰,或心肌病患者)谨慎使用PREPOPIK。严重心脏心律失常风险增加患者在给药前和结肠镜后应高率ECGs。
5.5 结肠粘膜溃疡,缺血性结肠炎和溃疡性结肠炎
5.6 在有显著胃肠道疾病患者中使用
5.7 吸入
5.8 不直接摄入
6 不良反应
6.1 临床试验经验
PREPOPIK对结肠清洁的有效性与制剂含2立升(2L)聚乙二醇加电解质溶液(PEG + E)和5-mg比沙可啶两片比较,所有前一天给药方法步骤。表1分别显示在研究1中和研究2对PREPOPIK分次-给药方案和前一天给药方案最的常见不良反应,各自与对比药制剂比较。
一般说来,与制剂含2L的PEG + E 加2 × 5-mg比沙可啶片比较,PREPOPIK伴随在结肠镜天数字上较高异常电解质漂移率(表2)。这些漂移性质上是短暂和在第30天随访时数字上治疗组间相似。
6.2 上市后经验
7 药物相互作用
7.1 可能增加液体和电解质异常风险药物
7.2 改变药物吸收的潜能
7.3 抗生素
8 特殊人群中使用
8.1 妊娠
在妊娠大鼠中曾用PREPOPIK进行生殖研究,在口服剂量达2000 mg/kg/day(根据体表面积约为推荐人用剂量1.2倍),和未揭示由于PREPOPIK任何生育能力受损或危害至胎畜的证据。在兔中生殖研究不适当,因为在所有剂量观察到治疗相关死亡率。在大鼠中围产期发育研究显示在口服剂量达2000 mg/kg每天2次(根据体表面积约推荐人用剂量1.2倍)显示对围产期新生畜发育任何不良效应的证据。但是,在妊娠妇女中无适当和对照良好研究。因为动物生殖研究不是总能预测人反应,妊娠期间只有如果明确需要不应使用PREPOPIK。
8.3 哺乳母亲
8.4 儿童使用
8.5 老年人使用
在PREPOPIK的对照临床试验,215/1201例(18%)患者是65岁或以上。患者≥65岁(73%)和患者<65岁(71%)间治疗出现不良事件总发生率相似。所有患者≥65岁中,成功的结肠清洁患者比例PREPOPIK组(81.1%)大于对比药组 (70.9%)。
8.7 肾功能不全
有肾功能受损患者或患者同时服用可能影响肾功能(例如利尿剂,血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂,血管紧张素受体阻断剂,或非甾体抗炎药物)药物可能进一步增加肾损伤风险。忠告这些患者PREPOPIK使用前,期间和后充分水化的重要性。考虑在这些患者中进行基线和结肠镜后实验室检验(电解质,肌酐,和BUN)。在有严重减低肾功能患者(肌酐清除率< 30 mL/min),可能发生血浆镁积蓄。高镁血症的征象和症状可能包括,但不限于,深部腱反射消失或缺乏,嗜睡,低钙血症,低血压,心动过缓,呼吸肌麻痹,心脏完全阻断,和心搏停止。
10 药物过量
11 一般描述
PREPOPIK (picosulfate钠,氧化镁和无水柠檬酸)为口服液在两包内提供,各内容被溶解在5盎司冷水和消耗。
每包含10 mg picosulfate钠,3.5 g氧化镁和12 g 无水柠檬酸。产品还含以下无活性成分,碳酸氢钾,糖精钠,和喷雾干燥橙味其中含阿拉伯胶,乳糖,抗坏血酸和丁基羟基苯甲醚。下面描述三种活性成分:
(1)化学名:4,4´-(2-pyridylmethylene) diphenyl bis(hydrogen sulfate)二钠盐,一水合物。
(2)化学式:Mg O
(4)结构式:Mg O
(1)化学名:2-hydroxypropane-1,2,3-tricarboxylic acid
12 临床药理学
12.1 作用机制
12.2 药效动力学
12.3 药代动力学
Picosulfate钠,是一种前药,通过肠道细菌被转换为活性代谢物,BHPM。在16例健康志愿者中分隔6小时给予2包PREPOPIK后,在约7小时(Tmax)picosulfate钠达到均数Cmax 3.2 ng/mL。在第一包后相应值为2.3 ng/mL在2小时。Picosulfate钠的末端半衰期是7.4小时。在尿中排泄的未变化为吸收的picosulfate钠剂量分量的0.19%。
游离BHPM的血浆水平低,有13/16例被研究的受试者有血浆BHPM浓度低于定量低限(0.1 ng/mL)。尿样品显示大多数被排泄的BHPM是葡萄糖醛酸-结合型。氧化镁和柠檬酸在水中反应形成柠檬酸镁。基线未校正镁浓度达到最大(Cmax)约1.9 mEq/L,发生在初始包给予后10小时(Tmax)。这代表从基线增加约20%。
在一项体外研究中用人肝微粒体,picosulfate钠不抑制主要被评价的CYP酶(CYP 1A2,2B6,2C8,2C9,2C19,2D6和3A4/5)。根据一项外研究用新鲜分离的干细胞培养,picosulfate钠不是CYP1A2,CYP2B6或CYP3A4/5的诱导剂。
13 非临床毒理学
13.1 癌发生,突变发生,生育能力受损
在大鼠口服生育能力研究中,PREPOPIK对雄性或雌性生育力参数不引起任何明显不良效应直至最大剂量2000 mg/kg每天2次(根据体表面积约推荐人剂量的1.2 倍)。
14 临床研究
(1)在研究1中,PREPOPIK被给予通过“分次-给药”(前傍晚和当天)给药,其中第一包是在结肠镜前傍晚服用(5:00和9:00 PM间),接着用5杯8-盎司清液,和第二包在结肠镜的早晨服用(至少 5小时前至但不超过9小时。
(2)在研究2中,PREPOPIK被给予按“前一天”方案给药(前仅下午/傍晚),其中两包都是在结肠镜前一天分开服用,第一包在下午服(4:00和6:00 PM间),接着5杯8-盎司清液,而第二包在后傍晚服用(约6小时后,10:00 PM和12:00 AM间),接着三杯8-盎司清液。
对比药是一种含2立升聚乙二醇加电解质溶液(PEG + E)和两5-mg比沙可啶片(bisacodyl tablets) 制剂,在操作前一天给予。操作前一天(24小时前)Prepopik和对比药组的所有患者两者均被限于清液膳食。
主要疗效终点是有成功的结肠清洁患者的比例,通过盲态结肠镜检查者用Aronchick尺度评估。Aronchick 尺度是一种工具用于评估总体结肠清洁。结肠镜检查者的成功的结肠清洁总体结肠清洁肠道准备见到有>90%的粘膜和大多数液体粪便被分级为极佳(为充分可视化需要最小抽吸)或好(为充分可视化需要明显抽吸)。
16 如何供应/贮存和处置
PREPOPIK在一个含2包纸盒供应,各保持16.1克粉为口服液,在一起有一预先标志给药杯。每包含10 mg picosulfate钠,3.5 g氧化镁和12 g无水柠檬酸。赋形剂包括碳酸氢钾,糖精[saccharin]钠,喷雾干燥橙味其中含阿拉伯胶,乳糖,抗坏血酸,和丁基羟基苯甲醚[butylated hydroxyanisole]。
贮存在25°C (77°F),外出允许在15°C至30°C (59°F至86°F) [见USP控制室温]。
NDC# 55566-9300-2 药盒,2包和杯
17 患者咨询信息
Generic Name: sodium picosulfate, magnesium oxide, and anhydrous citric acid
Dosage Form: powder for oral solution
Medically reviewed on January 1, 2018
Indications and Usage for Prepopik
Prepopik ® (sodium picosulfate, magnesium oxide and anhydrous citric acid) for oral solution is indicated for cleansing of the colon as a preparation for colonoscopy in adults.
Prepopik Dosage and AdministrationDosing Overview
Prepopik ®, supplied as a powder, must be reconstituted with cold water right before its use [see Dosage and Administration (2.2)] . There are two dosing regimens, each requires two separate dosing times:
· The preferred method is the "Split-Dose" method and consists of two separate doses: the first dose during the evening before the colonoscopy and the second dose the next day, during the morning prior to the colonoscopy [see Dosage and Administration (2.3)]
· The alternative method is the "DayBefore" method and consists of two separate doses: the first dose during the afternoon or early evening before the colonoscopy and the second dose 6 hours later during the evening before the colonoscopy [see Dosage and Administration (2.4)].
Additional fluids must be consumed after every dose in both dosing regimens [see Dosage and Administration (2.3, 2.4)] . Instruct patients to consume only clear liquids (no solid food or milk) on the day before the colonoscopy up until 2 hours before the time of the colonoscopy. Instruct patients that if they experience severe bloating, distention, or abdominal pain following the first dose, delay the second dose until their symptoms resolve.
Reconstitution of the Prepopik ® Powder
· Reconstitute the Prepopik ® powder right before each administration. Do not prepare the solution in advance.
· Fill the supplied dosing cup with cold water up to the lower (5-ounce) line on the cup and pour in the contents of one packet of Prepopik ® powder.
· Stir for 2 to 3 minutes. The reconstituted Prepopik ® solution may become slightly warm as the powder dissolves.
Split-Dose Dosing Regimen (Preferred Method)The Split-Dose regimen is the preferred dosing method. Instruct patients to take two separate doses in conjunction with fluids, as follows:
· Take the first dose during the evening before the colonoscopy (e.g., 5:00 to 9:00 PM) followed by five 8-ounce drinks (upper line on the dosing cup) of clear liquids before bed. Consume clear liquids within 5 hours.
· Take second dose the next day approximately 5 hours before the colonoscopy followed by at least three 8-ounce drinks of clear liquids before the colonoscopy. Consume clear liquids within 5 hours up until 2 hours before the time of the colonoscopy.
Day-Before Dosing Regimen (Alternative Method)The Day-Before regimen is the alternative dosing method for patients for whom the Split-Dosing is inappropriate. Instruct patients to take two separate doses in conjunction with fluids, as follows:
· Take the first dose in the afternoon or early evening (e.g., 4:00 to 6:00 PM) before the colonoscopy followed by five 8-ounce drinks (upper line on the dosing cup) of clear liquids before the next dose. Consume clear liquids within 5 hours.
· Take the second dose approximately 6 hours later in the late evening (e.g., 10:00 PM to 12:00 AM), the night before the colonoscopy followed by three 8-ounce drinks of clear liquids before bed. Consume clear liquids within 5 hours.
Dosage Forms and StrengthsFor oral solution: Each of the two packets contains 10 mg of sodium picosulfate, 3.5 grams of magnesium oxide, and 12.0 grams of anhydrous citric acid in 16.1grams of powder for orange flavor or 16.2 grams of powder for cranberry flavor.
ContraindicationsPrepopik ® is contraindicated in the following conditions:
· Patients with severely reduced renal function (creatinine clearance less than 30 mL/minute ) which may result in accumulation of magnesium [see Warnings and Precautions (5.3)]
· Gastrointestinal obstruction or ileus [see Warnings and Precautions (5.6)]
· Bowel perforation
· Toxic colitis or toxic megacolon
· Gastric retention
· An allergy to any of the ingredients in Prepopik ®
Warnings and PrecautionsSerious Fluid and Serum Chemistry AbnormalitiesAdvise patients to hydrate adequately before, during, and after the use of Prepopik ®. Use caution in patients with congestive heart failure when replacing fluids. If a patient develops significant vomiting or signs of dehydration including signs of orthostatic hypotension after taking Prepopik ®, consider performing post-colonoscopy lab tests (electrolytes, creatinine, and BUN) and treat accordingly. Approximately 20% of patients in both arms (Prepopik ®, 2L of PEG + E plus two × 5-mg bisacodyl tablets) of clinical trials of Prepopik ® had orthostatic changes (changes in blood pressure and/or heart rate) on the day of colonoscopy. In clinical trials orthostatic changes were documented out to seven days post colonoscopy. [see Adverse Reactions (6.1, 6.2)]
Fluid and electrolyte disturbances can lead to serious adverse events including cardiac arrhythmias or seizures and renal impairment. Fluid and electrolyte abnormalities should be corrected before treatment with Prepopik ®. In addition, use caution when prescribing Prepopik ® for patients who have conditions or who are using medications that increase the risk for fluid and electrolyte disturbances or that may increase the risk of adverse events of seizure, arrhythmia, and renal impairment.
SeizuresThere have been reports of generalized tonic-clonic seizures with the use of bowel preparation products in patients with no prior history of seizures. The seizure cases were associated with electrolyte abnormalities (e.g., hyponatremia, hypokalemia, hypocalcemia, and hypomagnesemia) and low serum osmolality. The neurologic abnormalities resolved with correction of fluid and electrolyte abnormalities.
Use caution when prescribing Prepopik ® for patients with a history of seizures and in patients at risk of seizure, such as patients taking medications that lower the seizure threshold (e.g., tricyclic antidepressants), patients withdrawing from alcohol or benzodiazepines, patients with known or suspected hyponatremia. [see Adverse Reactions (6.2)]
Use in Patients with Renal ImpairmentAs in other magnesium containing bowel preparations, use caution when prescribing Prepopik ® for patients with impaired renal function or patients taking concomitant medications that may affect renal function (such as diuretics, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). These patients may be at increased risk for renal injury. Advise these patients of the importance of adequate hydration before, during and after the use of Prepopik ®. Consider performing baseline and post-colonoscopy laboratory tests (electrolytes, creatinine, and BUN) in these patients. In patients with severely reduced renal function (creatinine clearance < 30 mL/min), accumulation of magnesium in plasma may occur.
Cardiac ArrhythmiasThere have been rare reports of serious arrhythmias associated with the use of ionic osmotic laxative products for bowel preparation. Use caution when prescribing Prepopik ® for patients at increased risk of arrhythmias (e.g., patients with a history of prolonged QT, uncontrolled arrhythmias, recent myocardial infarction, unstable angina, congestive heart failure, or cardiomyopathy). Pre-dose and post-colonoscopy ECGs should be considered in patients at increased risk of serious cardiac arrhythmias.
Colonic Mucosal Ulceration, Ischemic Colitis and Ulcerative ColitisOsmotic laxatives may produce colonic mucosal aphthous ulcerations and there have been reports of more serious cases of ischemic colitis requiring hospitalization. Concurrent use of additional stimulant laxatives with Prepopik ® may increase this risk. The potential for mucosal ulcerations should be considered when interpreting colonoscopy findings in patients with known or suspected inflammatory bowel disease. [see Adverse Reactions (6.2)]
Use in Patients with Significant Gastrointestinal DiseaseIf gastrointestinal obstruction or perforation is suspected, perform appropriate diagnostic studies to rule out these conditions before administering Prepopik ®. Use with caution in patients with severe active ulcerative colitis.
AspirationPatients with impaired gag reflex and patients prone to regurgitation or aspiration should be observed during the administration of Prepopik ®. Use with caution in these patients.
Not for Direct IngestionEach packet must be dissolved in 5 ounces of cold water and administered at separate times according to the dosing regimen. Ingestion of additional water is important to patient tolerance. Direct ingestion of the undissolved powder may increase the risk of nausea, vomiting, dehydration, and electrolyte disturbances.
Adverse ReactionsClinical Trials ExperienceBecause clinical trials are conducted under widely varying conditions, adverse reaction rates observed in the clinical trials of a drug cannot be directly compared to rates in clinical trials of another drug and may not reflect the rates observed in practice.
In randomized, multicenter, controlled clinical trials, nausea, headache, and vomiting were the most common adverse reactions (>1%) following Prepopik ® administration. The patients were not blinded to the study drug. Since abdominal bloating, distension, pain/cramping, and watery diarrhea are known to occur in response to colon cleansing preparations, these effects were documented as adverse events in the clinical trials only if they required medical intervention (such as a change in study drug or led to study discontinuation, therapeutic or diagnostic procedures, met the criteria for a serious adverse event), or showed clinically significant worsening during the study that was not in the frame of the usual clinical course, as determined by the investigator.
Prepopik ® was compared for colon cleansing effectiveness with a preparation containing two liters (2L) of polyethylene glycol plus electrolytes solution (PEG + E) and two 5-mg bisacodyl tablets, all administered the day before the procedure. Table 1 displays the most common adverse reactions in Study 1 and Study 2 for the Prepopik ® Split-Dose and Day-Before dosing regimens, respectively, each as compared to the comparator preparation.
Table 1: Treatment-Emergent Adverse Reactions observed in at Least (>1%) of Patients using the Split-Dose Regimen and Day-Before Regimen * |
Adverse Reaction |
Study 1: Split-Dose Regimen |
Study 2: Day-Before Regimen |
Prepopik ® |
2L PEG+E † with 2 × 5-mg bisacodyl tablets |
Prepopik ® |
2L PEG+E † with 2 × 5-mg bisacodyl tablets |
* abdominal bloating, distension, pain/cramping, and watery diarrhea not requiring an intervention were not collected † 2L PEG + E = two liters polyethylene glycol plus electrolytes solution. |
Nausea |
8 (2.6) |
11 (3.7) |
9 (3.0) |
13 (4.3) |
Headache |
5 (1.6) |
5 (1.7) |
8 (2.7) |
5 (1.7) |
Vomiting |
3 (1.0) |
10 (3.4) |
4 (1.4) |
6 (2.0) |
Electrolyte Abnormalities
In general, Prepopik ® was associated with numerically higher rates of abnormal electrolyte shifts on the day of colonoscopy compared to the preparation containing 2L of PEG + E plus two × 5-mg bisacodyl tablets (Table 2). These shifts were transient in nature and numerically similar between treatment arms at the Day 30 visit.
Table 2: Shifts from Normal Baseline to Outside the Normal Range at Day 7 and Day 30 |
Laboratory Parameter (direction of change) |
Visit |
Study 1: Split-Dose Regimen |
Study 2: Day-Before Regimen |
Prepopik ® |
2L PEG+E with 2× 5 mg bisacodyl tablets |
Prepopik ® |
2L PEG+E with 2× 5 mg bisacodyl tablets |
n/N (%) |
n/N (%) |
Potassium (low) |
Day of Colonoscopy |
19/260 (7.3) |
11/268 ( 4.1 ) |
13/274 (4.7) |
13/271 (4.8) |
24-48 hours |
3/302 (1.0) |
2/294 (0.7) |
3/287 (1.0) |
5/292 (1.7) |
Day 7 |
11/285 (3.9) |
8/279 (2.9) |
6/276 (2.2) |
14/278 (5.0) |
Day 30 |
11/284 (3.9) |
8/278 (2.9) |
7/275 (2.5) |
8/284 (2.8) |
Sodium (low) |
Day of Colonoscopy |
11/298 (3.7) |
3/295 (1.0) |
3/286 (1.0) |
3/295 (1.0) |
24-48 hours |
1/303 (0.3) |
1/295 (0.3) |
1/288 (0.3) |
1/293 (0.3) |
Day 7 |
2/300 (0.7) |
1/292 (0.3) |
1/285 (0.4) |
1/291 (0.3) |
Day 30 |
2/299( 0.7) |
3/291 (1.0) |
1/284( 0.4) |
1/296 (0.3) |
Chloride (low) |
Day of Colonoscopy |
11/301 (3.7) |
1/298 (0.3) |
3/287 (1.0) |
0/297 (0.0) |
24-48 hours |
1/303 (0.3) |
0/295 (0.0) |
2/288 (0.7) |
0/293 (0.0) |
Day 7 |
1/303 (0.3) |
3/295 (1.0) |
0/285 (0.0) |
0/293 (0.0) |
Day 30 |
2/302 (0.7) |
3/294 (1.0) |
0/285 (0.0) |
0/298 (0.0) |
Magnesium (high) |
Day of Colonoscopy |
34/294 (11.6) |
0/294 (0.0) |
25/288 (8.7) |
1/289 (0.3) |
24-48 hours |
0/303 (0.0) |
0/295 (0.0) |
0/288 (0.0) |
0/293 (0.0) |
Day 7 |
0/297 (0.0) |
1/291 (0.3) |
1/286 (0.3) |
1/285 (0.4) |
Day 30 |
1/296 (0.3) |
2/290 (0.7) |
0/286 (0.0) |
0/290 (0.0) |
Calcium (low) |
Day of Colonoscopy |
2/292 (0.7) |
1/286 (0.3) |
0/276 (0.0) |
2/282 (0.7) |
24-48 hours |
0/303 (0.0) |
0/295 (0.0) |
0/288 (0.0) |
0/293 (0.0) |
Day 7 |
0/293 (0.0) |
1/283 (0.4) |
0/274 (0.0) |
0/278 (0.0) |
Day 30 |
0/292 (0.0) |
1/282 (0.4) |
0/274 (0.0) |
1/283 (0.4) |
Creatinine (high) |
Day of Colonoscopy |
5/260 (1.9) |
13/268 (4.9) |
12/266 (4.5) |
16/270 (5.9) |
24-48 hours |
1/303 (0.3) |
0/295 (0.0) |
0/288 (0.0) |
0/293 (0.0) |
Day 7 |
10/264 (0.4) |
13/267 (4.8) |
10/264 (3.8) |
10/265 (3.8) |
Day 30 |
11/264 (4.2) |
14/265(5.3) |
18/264 (6.8) |
10/272 (3.7) |
eGFR (low) |
Day of Colonoscopy |
22/221 (10.0) |
17/214 (7.9) |
26/199 (13.1) |
25/224 (11.2) |
24-48 hours |
76/303 (25.1) |
72/295 (24.4) |
82/288 (28.5) |
62/293 (21.2) |
Day 7 |
22/223 (10.0) |
17/213 (8.0) |
11/198 (5.6) |
28/219 (12.8) |
Day 30 |
24/223(10.8) |
21/211 (10.0) |
21/199 (10.6) |
24/224 (10.7) |
The following foreign spontaneous reports have been identified during use of formulations similar to Prepopik ®. Because these events are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequency or establish a causal relationship to drug exposure.
Allergic reactions
Cases of hypersensitivity reactions including rash, urticaria, and purpura have been reported.
Electrolyte abnormalities
There have been reports of hypokalemia, hyponatremia and hypermagnesemia with the use of Prepopik ® for colon preparation prior to colonoscopy.
Abdominal pain, diarrhea, fecal incontinence, and proctalgia have been reported with the use of Prepopik ® for colon preparation prior to colonoscopy. There have been isolated reports of reversible aphthoid ileal ulcers. Ischemic colitis has been reported with the use of Prepopik ® for colon preparation prior to colonoscopy. However, a causal relationship between these ischemic colitis cases and the use of Prepopik ® has not been established.
There have been reports of generalized tonic-clonic seizures associated with and without hyponatremia in epileptic patients.
Drug InteractionsDrugs That May Increase Risks of Fluid and Electrolyte AbnormalitiesUse caution when prescribing Prepopik ® for patients with conditions or who are using medications that increase the risk for fluid and electrolyte disturbances or may increase the risk of seizure, arrhythmias, and prolonged QT in the setting of fluid and electrolyte abnormalities. This includes patients receiving drugs which may be associated with hypokalemia (such as diuretics or corticosteroids, or drugs where hypokalemia is a particular risk, such as cardiac glycosides) or hyponatremia. Use caution when Prepopik ® is used in patients on nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) or drugs known to induce Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion (SIADH), such as tricyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors, antipsychotic drugs and carbamazepine, as these drugs may increase the risk of water retention and/or electrolyte imbalance. Consider additional patient evaluations as appropriate. [see Adverse Reactions (6.1, 6.2)]
Potential for Altered Drug AbsorptionOral medication administered within one hour of the start of administration of Prepopik ® solution may be flushed from the GI tract and the medication may not be absorbed.
Tetracycline and fluoroquinolone antibiotics, iron, digoxin, chlorpromazine and penicillamine, should be taken at least 2 hours before and not less than 6 hours after administration of Prepopik ® to avoid chelation with magnesium.
AntibioticsPrior or concomitant use of antibiotics with Prepopik ® may reduce efficacy of Prepopik ® as conversion of sodium picosulfate to its active metabolite BHPM is mediated by colonic bacteria.
USE IN SPECIFIC POPULATIONSPregnancyPregnancy Category B
Reproduction studies with Prepopik ® have been performed in pregnant rats at oral doses up to 2000 mg/kg/day (about 1.2 times the recommended human dose based on the body surface area), and did not reveal any evidence of impaired fertility or harm to the fetus due to Prepopik ®. The reproduction study in rabbits was not adequate, as treatment-related mortalities were observed at all doses. A pre and postnatal development study in rats showed no evidence of any adverse effect on pre and postnatal development at oral doses up to 2000 mg/kg twice daily (about 1.2 times the recommended human dose based on the body surface area). There are, however, no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. Because animal reproduction studies are not always predictive of human response, Prepopik ® should be used during pregnancy only if clearly needed.
Nursing MothersIt is not known whether this drug is excreted in human milk. Because many drugs are excreted in human milk, caution should be exercised when Prepopik ® is administered to a nursing woman.
Pediatric UseThe safety and effectiveness of Prepopik ® in pediatric patients has not been established.
Geriatric UseIn controlled clinical trials of Prepopik ®, 215 of 1201 (18%) patients were 65 years of age or older. The overall incidence of treatment-emergent adverse events was similar among patients ≥65 years of age (73%) and patients <65 years of age (71%). Among all patients ≥65 years of age, the proportion of patients with successful colon cleansing was greater in the Prepopik ® group (81.1%) than in the comparator group (70.9%).
Renal InsufficiencyPatients with impaired renal function or patients taking concomitant medications that may affect renal function (such as diuretics, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) may be at increased risk for further renal injury. Advise these patients of the importance of adequate hydration before, during and after the use of Prepopik ®. Consider performing baseline and post-colonoscopy laboratory tests (electrolytes, creatinine, and BUN) in these patients. In patients with severely reduced renal function (creatinine clearance < 30 mL/min), accumulation of magnesium in plasma may occur. The signs and symptoms of hypermagnesemia may include, but are not limited to, diminished or absent deep tendon reflexes, somnolence, hypocalcemia, hypotension, bradycardia, muscle, respiratory paralysis, complete heart block, and cardiac arrest.
OverdosageThe patient who has taken an overdose should be monitored carefully, and treated symptomatically for complications.
Prepopik DescriptionPrepopik ® (sodium picosulfate, magnesium oxide and anhydrous citric acid) for oral solution is available in 2 flavors, orange and cranberry flavor, and is provided in two packets. The contents of each is to be dissolved in 5 ounces of cold water and consumed.
Each packet for both flavors contains 10 mg sodium picosulfate, 3.5 g magnesium oxide and 12 g anhydrous citric acid. The product also contains the following inactive ingredients: potassium hydrogen carbonate, saccharine sodium and orange or cranberry flavors. The orange flavor contains acacia gum, lactose, ascorbic acid and butylated hydroxyanisole, and the cranberry flavor contains maltodextrin, glyceryl triacetate (triacetin) and sodium octenyl succinated starch. The following is a description of the three active ingredients:
Sodium picosulfate is a stimulant laxative.
Sodium picosulfate
· Chemical name: 4,4´-(2-pyridylmethylene) diphenyl bis(hydrogen sulfate) disodium salt, monohydrate
· Chemical formula: C 18H 13NNa 2O 8S 2.H 2O
· Molecular weight: 499.4
· Structural formula:
.H 2O
· Sodium picosulfate
Magnesium citrate, which is formed in solution by the combination of magnesium oxide and anhydrous citric acid, is an osmotic laxative.
Magnesium oxide
· Chemical name: Magnesium oxide
· Chemical formula: Mg O
· Molecular weight: 40.3
· Structural formula: Mg O
Anhydrous citric acid
· Chemical name: 2-hydroxypropane-1,2,3-tricarboxylic acid
· Chemical formula: C 6H 8O 7
· Molecular weight: 192.1
· Structural formula:
Anhydrous citric acid
Prepopik - Clinical PharmacologyMechanism of ActionSodium picosulfate is hydrolyzed by colonic bacteria to form an active metabolite: bis-(p-hydroxy-phenyl)-pyridyl-2-methane, BHPM, which acts directly on the colonic mucosa to stimulate colonic peristalsis.
Magnesium oxide and citric acid react to create magnesium citrate in solution, which is an osmotic agent that causes water to be retained within the gastrointestinal tract.
PharmacodynamicsThe stimulant laxative activity of sodium picosulfate together with the osmotic laxative activity of magnesium citrate produces a purgative effect which, when ingested with additional fluids, produces watery diarrhea.
PharmacokineticsSodium picosulfate, which is a prodrug, is converted to its active metabolite, BHPM, by colonic bacteria. After administration of 2 packets of Prepopik ® separated by 6 hours, in 16 healthy volunteers, sodium picosulfate reached a mean C max of 3.2 ng/mL at approximately 7 hours (T max). After the first packet the corresponding values were 2.3 ng/mL at 2 hours. The terminal half-life of sodium picosulfate was 7.4 hours. The fraction of the absorbed sodium picosulfate dose excreted unchanged in urine was 0.19%. Plasma levels of the free BHPM were low, with 13 out of 16 subjects studied having plasma BHPM concentrations below the lower limit of quantification (0.1 ng/mL). Urinary samples show that the majority of excreted BHPM was in the glucuronide-conjugated form. Magnesium oxide and citric acid react in water to create magnesium citrate. Baseline uncorrected magnesium concentration reached a maximum (C max) of approximately 1.9 mEq/L, which occurred at 10 hours post initial packet administration (T max). This represents an approximately 20% increase from the baseline.
Drug Interaction Studies
In an in vitro study using human liver microsomes, sodium picosulfate did not inhibit the major CYP enzymes (CYP 1A2, 2B6, 2C8, 2C9, 2C19, 2D6 and 3A4/5) evaluated. Based on an in vitro study using freshly isolated hepatocyte culture, sodium picosulfate is not an inducer of CYP1A2, CYP2B6 or CYP3A4/5.
Nonclinical ToxicologyCarcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of FertilityLong-term studies in animals to evaluate carcinogenic potential or studies to evaluate mutagenic potential have not been performed with Prepopik ®. However, sodium picosulfate was not mutagenic in the Ames test, the mouse lymphoma assay and the mouse bone marrow micronucleus test.
In an oral fertility study in rats, Prepopik ® did not cause any significant adverse effect on male or female fertility parameters up to a maximum dose of 2000 mg/kg twice daily (about 1.2 times the recommended human dose based on the body surface area).
Clinical StudiesThe colon cleansing efficacy of Prepopik ® was evaluated for non-inferiority against a comparator in two randomized, investigator-blinded, active-controlled, multicenter US trials in patients scheduled to have an elective colonoscopy. In all, 1195 adult patients were included in the primary efficacy analysis: 601 from Study 1, and 594 from Study 2. Patients ranged in age from 18 to 80 years (mean age 56 years); 61% were female and 39% male. Self-identified race was distributed as follows: 90% White, 10% Black, and less than 1% other. Of these, 3% self-identified their ethnicity as Hispanic or Latino.
Patients randomized to Prepopik ® in the two studies were treated with one of two dosing regimens:
· In Study 1, Prepopik ® was given by "Split-Dose" (evening before and day of) dosing, where the first packet was taken the evening before the colonoscopy (between 5:00 and 9:00 PM), followed by five (5) 8-ounce glasses of clear liquid, and the second packet was taken the morning of the colonoscopy (at least 5 hours prior to but no more than 9 hours prior to colonoscopy), followed by three (3) 8-ounce glasses of clear liquid.
· In Study 2, Prepopik ® was given by "Day-Before" (afternoon/evening before only) dosing, where both packets were taken separately on the day before the colonoscopy, with the first packet taken in the afternoon (between 4:00 and 6:00 PM), followed by five (5) 8-ounce glasses of clear liquid, and the second packet taken in the late evening (approximately 6 hours later, between 10:00 PM and 12:00 AM), followed by three (3) 8-ounce glasses of clear liquid.
The comparator was a preparation containing two liters of polyethylene glycol plus electrolytes solution (PEG + E) and two 5-mg bisacodyl tablets, administered the day before the procedure. All patients in both the Prepopik ® and comparator groups were limited to a clear liquid diet on the day before the procedure (24 hours before).
The primary efficacy endpoint was the proportion of patients with successful colon cleansing, as assessed by blinded colonoscopists using the Aronchick Scale. The Aronchick scale is a tool used to assess overall colon cleansing. Successful colon cleansing was defined as bowel preparations with >90% of the mucosa seen and mostly liquid stool that were graded excellent (minimal suctioning needed for adequate visualization) or good (significant suctioning needed for adequate visualization) by the colonoscopist.
In both studies, Prepopik ® was non-inferior to the comparator. In addition, Prepopik ® provided by Split-Dose dosing met the pre-specified criteria for superiority to the comparator for colon cleansing in Study 1. The comparator in that study was administered entirely on the day prior to colonoscopy. See Tables 3 and 4 below.
Table 3: Proportion of Patients with Successful Colon Cleansing in Study 1 Split-Dose Regimen |
Prepopik ® |
2L PEG+E * |
Difference between treatment groups |
% (n/N) |
% (n/N) |
Difference |
95% CI |
* 2L PEG + E = two liters polyethylene glycol plus electrolytes solution. † Non-inferior and superior 2L PEG+E with 2 × 5-mg bisacodyl tablets |
84.2% (256/304) |
74.4% (221/297) |
9.8% |
(3.4%, 16.2%) † |
Table 4: Proportion of Patients with Successful Colon Cleansing in Study 2 Day-Before Regimen |
Prepopik ® |
2L PEG+E * |
Difference between treatment groups |
% (n/N) |
% (n/N) |
Difference |
95% CI |
* 2L PEG + E = two liters polyethylene glycol plus electrolytes solution. † Non-inferior |
83.0% (244/294) |
79.7% (239/300) |
3.3% |
(-2.9%, 9.6%) † |
How Supplied
Prepopik ® is supplied in a carton containing 2 packets, each holding 16.1 grams of powder in orange flavor or 16.2 grams of powder in cranberry flavor for oral solution, along with a pre-marked dosing cup. Each packet for both flavors contains 10 mg sodium picosulfate, 3.5 g magnesium oxide and 12 g anhydrous citric acid. The excipients for both flavors include potassium hydrogen carbonate, sodium saccharin, orange or cranberry flavor. The orange flavor contains acacia gum, lactose, ascorbic acid, and butylated hydroxyanisole, and the cranberry flavor contains maltodextrin, glyceryl triacetate (triacetin) and sodium octenyl succinated starch.
Store at 25°C (77°F). Excursions permitted at 15°C to 30°C (59°F to 86°F) [See USP Controlled Room Temperature].
Orange flavor:
NDC# 55566-9300-2 Kit, 2 packets and cup
Cranberry flavor:
NDC# 55566-9700-1- Kit, 2 packets and cup
See FDA-approved patient labeling (Medication Guide).
· Ask patients to let you know if they have trouble swallowing or are prone to regurgitation or aspiration.
· Tell patients not to take other laxatives while they are taking Prepopik ®.
· Tell patients that if they experience severe bloating, distention or abdominal pain following the first packet of Prepopik ®, delay the second administration until the symptoms resolve.
· Instruct patients to contact their healthcare provider if they develop signs and symptoms of dehydration.
· Not for Direct Ingestion: Each packet must be dissolved in 5 ounces of cold water and administered at separate times according to the dosing regimen. Ingestion of additional water is important to patient tolerance. Direct ingestion of the undissolved powder may increase the risk of nausea, vomiting, dehydration, and electrolyte disturbances. Inform patients that oral medication administered within one hour of the start of administration of Prepopik ® solution may not be absorbed completely.
Manufactured by:
Ferring Pharmaceuticals (China) Co., Ltd.
No. 6 HuiLing Lu (Ferring Road)
National Health Technology Park
Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, CHINA
Manufactured for:
Ferring Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Parsippany, N.J. 07054
Rev. 04/2015
Prepopik® (prep-ō-pik)
(sodium picosulfate, magnesium oxide and anhydrous citric acid) for oral solution
Read this Medication Guide instructions before you start taking Prepopik ® and each time you get a refill. There may be new information. This information does not take the place of talking with your healthcare provider about your medical condition or your treatment.
What is the most important information I should know about Prepopik®?
Prepopik® and other bowel preparations can cause serious side effects, including:
· Serious loss of body fluid (dehydration) and changes in blood salts (electrolytes) in your blood. These changes can cause:
o abnormal heartbeats that can cause death
o seizures. This can happen even if you have never had a seizure.
o kidney problems
· Your chance of having fluid loss and changes in blood salts with Prepopik® is higher if you:
o have heart problems
o have kidney problems
o take water pills or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS)
Tell your healthcare provider right away if you have any of these symptoms of a loss of too much body fluid (dehydration) while taking Prepopik®:
· vomiting that prevents you from keeping down the additional prescribed amounts of clear liquids that you must drink after taking your Prepopik ®
· dizziness
· urinating less often than normal
· headache
See " What are the possible side effects of Prepopik®?" for more information about side effects.
What is Prepopik®?
Prepopik ® is a prescription medicine used by adults to clean the colon before a colonoscopy. Prepopik ® cleans your colon by causing you to have diarrhea. Cleaning your colon helps your healthcare provider see the inside of your colon more clearly during your colonoscopy.
It is not known if Prepopik ® is safe and effective in children.
Who should not take Prepopik®?
Do not take Prepopik ® if your healthcare provider has told you that you have:
· serious kidney problems
· a blockage in your intestine (bowel obstruction)
· an opening in the wall of your stomach or intestines (bowel perforation)
· a very dilated intestine (toxic megacolon)
· problems with the emptying of food and fluid from your stomach (gastric retention)
· an allergy to any of the ingredients in Prepopik ®. See the end of this leaflet for a complete list of ingredients in Prepopik ®.
What should I tell my healthcare provider before taking Prepopik®?
Before you take Prepopik®, tell your healthcare provider if you:
· have heart problems
· have stomach or bowel problems
· have ulcerative colitis
· have problems with swallowing or gastric reflux
· are withdrawing from drinking alcohol and benzodiazepines
· have kidney problems
· have low blood salt (sodium) level
· any other medical conditions
· are pregnant. It is not known if Prepopik ® will harm your unborn baby. Talk to your provider if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant.
· are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. It is not known if Prepopik ® passes into your breast milk. You and your healthcare provider should decide if you will take Prepopik ® while breastfeeding.
Tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines you take, including prescription and non-prescription medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements.
Prepopik ® may affect how other medicines work. Medicines taken by mouth may not be absorbed properly when taken within 1 hour before the start of Prepopik ®.
Especially tell your healthcare provider if you take:
· medicines for blood pressure or heart problems
· medicines for kidney problems
· medicines for seizures
· water pills (diuretics)
· nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (pain medicines)
· medicines for depression or mental health problems
· laxatives
· the following medicines should be taken at least 2 hours before starting Prepopik ® and not less than 6 hours after taking Prepopik ®:
o tetracycline
o fluoroquinolone antibiotics
o iron
o digoxin (Lanoxin)
o chlorpromazine
o penicillamine (Cuprimine, Depen)
Ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist for a list of these medicines if you are not sure if you are taking the medicines listed above.
Know the medicines you take. Keep a list of them to show your healthcare provider and pharmacist when you get a new medicine.
How should I take Prepopik®?
See the Instructions for Use on the outer product carton for dosing. You must read, understand, and follow these instructions to take Prepopik® the right way.
· Take Prepopik® exactly as your healthcare provider tells you to take it. Your healthcare provider will prescribe the Split-Dosing option or the Day-Before Dosing option, depending on colonoscopy scheduling, distance traveled, and other personal circumstances.
· A complete preparation requires 2 packets of Prepopik ® for oral solution taken separately, each followed by additional fluids.
· It is important for you to drink the additional prescribed amount of clear liquids after taking Prepopik to prevent fluid loss (dehydration).
· Examples of clear liquids include water, clear broth, apple juice, white cranberry juice, white grape juice, and ginger ale, plain jello (not red or purple) and frozen juice bars (not purple or red).
· Do not eat solid foods or drink milk while taking Prepopik ®
· Drink clear liquids until your colonoscopy.
· Do not take other laxatives while taking Prepopik ®.
· Stop drinking Prepopik ® temporarily or allow for longer time between each dose if you have bloating, distension, or stomach (abdominal) pain until your symptoms improve.
· Stop taking Prepopik ® and call your healthcare provider right away if you develop hives or rash after you take your first packet of Prepopik ®. These may be signs of an allergic reaction.
See the Instructions for Use on the outer product carton for dosing. You must read, understand, and follow these instructions to take Prepopik ® the right way.
1) Split-Dose (evening-before and day of the procedure) Dosing
Take your first packet of Prepopik ® the night before your colonoscopy, and take your second dose the next day, in the morning before your colonoscopy.
· On the day before your colonoscopy procedure – 1 packet:
o Dissolve 1 packet of powder in 5 ounces of cold water in the evening, followed by five 8-ounce drinks (upper line on the dosing cup) of clear liquids before bed.
· On the day of the colonoscopy procedure – 1 packet:
o Dissolve 1 packet of powder in 5 ounces of cold water in the morning (5 hours before the colonoscopy), followed by at least three 8-ounce drinks of clear liquids before the colonoscopy.
· You may continue to drink clear liquids until 2 hours before the time of the colonoscopy.
2) Day-Before (afternoon and evening-before the procedure) Dosing
Take your first Prepopik ® packet in the afternoon or early evening and take your second packet 6 hours later, the night before the colonoscopy.
· On the day before the colonoscopy procedure – 2 packets:
o Dissolve 1 packet of powder in 5 ounces of cold water in the afternoon or early evening, followed by five 8-ounce drinks (upper line on the dosing cup) of clear liquids before the next dose.
o Dissolve 1 packet of powder in 5 ounces of cold water in the late evening, followed by three 8-ounce drinks (upper line on the dosing cup), of clear liquids before bed.
· You may continue to drink clear liquids until 2 hours before the time of the colonoscopy.
What are the possible side effects of Prepopik®?
Prepopik ® can cause serious side effects, including:
See " What is the most important information I should know about Prepopik®"?
· changes in certain blood tests. Your healthcare provider may do blood tests after you take Prepopik ® to check your blood for changes. Tell your healthcare provider if you have any symptoms of too much fluid loss, including:
o Vomiting
o Nausea
o Bloating
o Dizziness
o Stomach (abdominal) cramping
o Urinate less than usual
o Trouble drinking clear liquids
o Troubles swallowing
o Seizures
o Heart problems (arrhythmia). Prepopik ® may cause irregular heartbeats.
o Ulcers of the bowel or bowel problems (ischemic colitis). Tell your healthcare provider right away if you have severe stomach (abdominal) pain or rectal bleeding. These may be symptoms of decreased blood flow to the intestine.
The most common side effects of Prepopik ® include:
· nausea
· headache
· vomiting
Tell your healthcare provider if you have any side effect that bothers you or that does not go away.
These are not all the possible side effects of Prepopik ®. For more information, ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist.
Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.
How should I store Prepopik®?
· Store Prepopik ® at room temperature, between 68 to 77°F (20 to 25°C).
Keep Prepopik® and all medicines out of the reach of children.
General information about the safe and effective use of Prepopik®.
Medicines are sometimes prescribed for purposes other than those listed in a Medication Guide. Do not use Prepopik® for a condition for which it was not prescribed. Do not give Prepopik® to other people, even if they are going to have the same procedure you are. It may harm them.
This Medication Guide summarizes the most important information about Prepopik ®. If you would like more information, talk with your healthcare provider. You can also ask your pharmacist or healthcare provider for information that is written for healthcare professionals.
For more information, go to www.ferring.com or call 1-888-337-7464.
What are the ingredients in Prepopik®?
Active ingredients: sodium picosulfate, magnesium oxide and anhydrous citric acid
Inactive ingredients:
potassium hydrogen carbonate, saccharin sodium, orange flavor which contains acacia gum, lactose, ascorbic acid and butylated hydroxyanisole or the cranberry flavor which contains maltodextrin, glyceryl triacetate (triacetin) and sodium octenyl succinated starch
This Medication Guide has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Ferring Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Parsippany, NJ 07054, USA
Rev. 04/2015
Rx only
NDC 55566-9300-2
Prepopik ®
(sodium picosulfate, magnesium oxide, and
anhydrous citric acid) for oral solution
10 mg/3.5 g/12 g per packet
ATTENTION PHARMACIST: Dispense the enclosed Medication Guide to each patient.
Contains 2 packets
Store at 25°C (77°F)
Excursions permitted at 15-30°C (59-86°F)
[See USP controlled room temperature]
PRINCIPAL DISPLAY PANEL - 2 Packet Carton - Cranberry
Rx only
NDC 55566-9700-1
Prepopik ®
(sodium picosulfate, magnesium oxide, and
anhydrous citric acid) for oral solution
10 mg/3.5 g/12 g per packet
ATTENTION PHARMACIST: Dispense the enclosed Medication Guide to each patient.
Contains 2 packets
Store at 25°C (77°F)
Excursions permitted at 15-30°C (59-86°F)
[See USP controlled room temperature]
Prepopik sodium picosulfate, magnesium oxide, and anhydrous citric acid powder, metered |
Prepopik sodium picosulfate, magnesium oxide, and anhydrous citric acid powder, metered |
Labeler - Ferring Pharmaceuticals Inc. (103722955) |
Establishment |
Name |
Address |
Operations |
Ferring Production Inc. |
079510999 |
label(55566-9300, 55566-9700), pack(55566-9300, 55566-9700) |
Establishment |
Name |
Address |
Operations |
Ferring Pharmaceuticals (China) Co., Ltd. |
527903976 |
manufacture(55566-9300, 55566-9700), pack(55566-9300, 55566-9700) |
Ferring Pharmaceuticals Inc.