通用中文 | 奥马珠单抗针剂 | 通用外文 | Omalizumab |
品牌中文 | 茁乐 | 品牌外文 | Xolair |
其他名称 | 索雷尔 靶点IgE | ||
公司 | 诺华(Novartis) | 产地 | 德国(Germany) |
含量 | 150mg | 包装 | 1瓶/盒 |
剂型给药 | 储存 | 2度-8度(冰箱冷藏,禁止冷冻) | |
适用范围 | 严重哮喘 慢性特发性荨麻疹 |
通用中文 | 奥马珠单抗针剂 |
通用外文 | Omalizumab |
品牌中文 | 茁乐 |
品牌外文 | Xolair |
其他名称 | 索雷尔 靶点IgE |
公司 | 诺华(Novartis) |
产地 | 德国(Germany) |
含量 | 150mg |
包装 | 1瓶/盒 |
剂型给药 | |
储存 | 2度-8度(冰箱冷藏,禁止冷冻) |
适用范围 | 严重哮喘 慢性特发性荨麻疹 |
批准新适应证: 2014年3月21日:公司:Genentech
美国初次批准: 2003
适应证和用途(1.2,1.3) 3/2014
剂量和给药方法(2.3) 3/2014
⑴ 用皮试阳性或体外对常年吸入性过敏原反应性和症状用吸入性皮质激素控制不佳中度至严重持续性哮喘的患者。(1.1)
⑵ 尽管H1抗组织胺治疗仍保留症状性的慢性特发性荨麻疹成年和青少年(12岁和以上)。(1.2)
⑴ 不适用为其他过敏性疾病或其他型式的荨麻疹。(1.1,1.2,1.3)
⑵ 不适用为急性支气管痉挛或哮喘持续状态。(1.1,1.3,5.3)
⑶ 不适用为小于12岁儿童患者。(1.1,1.2,1.3,8.4)
超过150 mg时分剂量多于一个注射部位以限制每个部位不超过150 mg。(2.4)
⑴ 过敏性哮喘:Xolair 150至375 mg SC每2或4周。通过治疗开始前测量血清总IgE水平(IU/mL) 和体重(kg)确定剂量(mg)和给药频数。见剂量测定图表。(2.1)
⑵ 慢性特发性荨麻疹(Chronic idiopathic urticaria):Xolair 150或300 mg SC每4周。在CIU中给药不依赖于血清IgE水平或体重。(2.3)
在单次使用5 mL小瓶中150 mg冻干无菌粉。(3)
⑴ 过敏性反应—只在卫生保健情况给予准备处理可能是危及生命过敏性反应和给药后观察患者适当时间。(5.1)
⑵ 恶性病—在临床研究中曾观察到恶性病。(5.2)
⑶ 急性哮喘症状—急性支气管痉挛或哮喘持续状态不要使用治疗。(5.3)
⑷ 皮质激素类减量—Xolair治疗开始不要突然终止皮质激素。(5.4)
⑸ 发热,关节痛,和皮疹—如患者发生相似于血清病体征和症状停止Xolair。(5.6)
⑹ 嗜酸性情况—警戒嗜酸粒细胞增多,血管炎性皮疹,肺部症状恶化,心脏并发症,和/或神经病变,特别是口服皮质激素减少时。(5.5)
⑴ 过敏性哮喘: 最常见不良反应(在Xolair-治疗患者中较频≥1%)在临床研究是关节痛,疼痛(一般性),腿痛,疲劳,眩晕,骨折,手臂疼痛,瘙痒,皮炎,和耳痛。(6.1)
⑵ 慢性特发性荨麻疹:最常见不良事件(≥2% Xolair-治疗患者和比安慰剂更频)包括以下: 恶心,鼻咽炎,窦炎,上呼吸道感染,病毒性上呼吸道感染,关节痛,头痛,和咳嗽。(6.2)
1 适应证和用途
1.1 过敏性哮喘
1.2 慢性特发性荨麻疹 (CIU)
1.3 使用的重要限制:
• Xolair是不适用为其他过敏情况或其他形式荨麻疹的治疗。
• Xolair是不适用为急性支气管痉挛或哮喘持续状态的缓解。
• Xolair是不适用为在小于12岁儿童患者使用。
2 剂量和给药方法
2.1 为过敏性哮喘剂量
通过每2或4周皮下(SC)注射给予Xolair 150至375 mg。通过治疗开始前测定血清总IgE水平(IU/mL)和体重(kg)确定剂量(mg)和给药频度。为适当赋予剂量见以下剂量确定流程(表1和表2)。
2.2 为过敏性哮喘剂量调整
● 中断持续时间不超过一年:在决定初始剂量时剂量根据得到的血清IgE水平。
中断持续一年以上:为确定剂量再-测试总血清IgE水平。 ●
2.3 对慢性特发性荨麻疹剂量
每4周通过皮下注射给予Xolair 150或300 mg。
2.4 准备和给药
冻干产品序15−20分钟溶解。完全重建的产品将表现明显的或轻微乳光和如有少数小泡或小瓶边缘有泡沫是可接受的。重建的产品有些粘稠;为了得到完全的1.2 mL剂量,从注射器排出任何空气或过量溶液前必须从小瓶吸出所有产品。
当贮存在2−8ºC (36−46ºF)时重建后8小时内使用溶液,或当贮存在室温时重建4小时内。重建的Xolair小瓶应保护避阳光。
步骤1:抽吸1.4 mL SWFI,USP至一个3 mL注射器装配有1英寸,18-号针头。
步骤2: 治理放置小瓶在平表面上和用标准无菌术,插入针头和注射SWFI,USP直接至产品。
步骤3: 保持小瓶直立约1分钟均匀地湿润粉。不要摇晃。
步骤4: 完成步骤3后,约每5分钟轻轻旋转小瓶5-10秒为了溶解任何剩余固体。溶液中应无可见胶样颗粒。如存在外来颗粒不要使用。
注释: 如花费较长于20分钟完全溶解,重复步骤4直至溶液中无可见胶样颗粒。如小瓶内容物在40分钟内不溶解不要使用。
步骤5: 倒置小瓶15秒为了允许溶液排向塞子。用一个新3 mL注射器装配有1-英寸,18-号针头,插入针头至倒置小瓶。抽吸溶液至注射器时让针尖位于在小瓶塞子最底部。为了从小瓶取出所有溶液,在从小瓶取出针头前,拉活塞至注射器的筒底。
步骤6: 为用皮下注射一个25-号针头置换18-号针头。
步骤7: 排出空气,大泡,和任何过量溶液为了得到需要的1.2 mL剂量。在注射器中溶液顶部可能仍有一薄层小泡。
通过皮下注射给予Xolair。注射可能历时5-10秒给予因为溶液略微粘稠。每小瓶输送1.2 mL (150 mg)的Xolair。每个注射部位不要给予超过150 mg。超过150 mg分剂量2个或更多注射部位(表3)。
3 剂型和规格
在单次使用5 mL小瓶中150 mg奥马珠单抗冻干无菌粉。
4 禁忌证
5 警告和注意事项
5.1 过敏性反应
5.2 恶性病
5.3 急性哮喘症状
5.4 皮质激素类减量
5.5 嗜酸性情况
5.6 发热,关节痛,和皮疹
5.7 寄生虫(蠕虫)感染
当用Xolair治疗时监视患者处于土源性蠕虫[geohelminth]感染高风险。可得到的数据不充分 不能确定停止Xolair治疗后对土源性蠕虫感染需要监视的长度。
在巴西在对土源性蠕虫感染(蛔虫,钩虫,鞭虫,蛲虫)高风险患者进行的一项一年临床试验,53%(36/68)的Xolair-治疗患者经受一种感染,当用标准粪便检查诊断,与之比较安慰剂对照为42%(29/69)。对感染的比值比[odds ratio]点估算值为1.96,95%可信区间(0.88,4.36)表明在本研究任何地方接受Xolair患者比没有接受药物患者感染可能性较高从0.88至4.36倍。通过测量粪卵计数对适当抗-土源性蠕虫感染的治疗反应治疗组间没有差别。
5.8 实验室检验
6 不良反应
● 过敏性反应[见黑框警告和警告和注意事项(5.1)]
恶性病[见警告和注意事项(5.2)] ●
6.1 在过敏性哮喘中临床试验经验
下面描述数据反映在或安慰剂-对照或其他对照哮喘研究对2076例成年和青少年患者年龄12和以上,包括1687例患者被暴露共6个月和555例被暴露共一年或以上Xolair的暴露。接受Xolair患者平均年龄为42岁,有134例患者65岁或以上;60%为妇女,和85%高加索人。患者接受Xolair 150至375 mg每2或4周或,对赋予对照组患者,有或无一种安慰剂标准治疗。
表4显示来自四项安慰剂-对照哮喘研究发生≥ 1%和在接受Xolair患者比接受安慰剂患者更频不良反应。用来自国际医学术语(IMN)字典愿用名词对不良事件分类。注射部位反应被与其他不良事件报告分开记录和在下面表4中被描述。
在Xolair-治疗患者中任何严重程度注射部位反应发生率45%与之比较安慰剂-治疗患者为43%。注射部位反应的类型包括: 瘀伤,发红,温暖,灼热,刺痛,瘙痒,荨麻疹[hive]形成,疼痛,硬结,块,和炎症。
6.2 在慢性特发性荨麻疹中临床试验经验
在三项12周安慰剂-对照,多-剂量临床研究(CIU研究2)和24周时间(CIU研究1和3)评估Xolair为CIU治疗的安全性。在CIU研究1和2中,患者接受Xolair 75,150,或300 mg或安慰剂每4周添加至他们的H1抗组织胺治疗的基线水平治疗期自始至终。在CIU研究3患者被随机至Xolair 300 mg或安慰剂每4周添加至他们的H1抗组织胺治疗基线水平。下面描述数据反映对纳入733例患者Xolair暴露和在三项临床试验中接受至少1剂Xolair,包括684例患者暴露共12 周和427例被暴露共24周。接受Xolair 300 mg患者平均年龄为43岁,75%为妇女,和89%为白种人。对接受Xolair 150 mg和75 mg患者人口统计指标图形相似。
表5显示发生≥ 2%接受Xolair(150或300mg)患者和比接受安慰剂患者更频不良事件。来自研究2和研究1和3头12周不良事件被合并。
在研究1和3的24周治疗期时报道的附加事件[接受Xolair(150或300 mg)≥2%患者和以上比接受安慰剂患者频繁地]包括:牙痛,真菌感染,泌尿道感染,肌肉痛,四肢痛,肌肉骨骼痛,周边水肿,发热,偏头痛,窦性头痛,焦虑,口咽痛,哮喘,荨麻疹,和脱发。
研究期间发生任何严重程度的注射部位反应与2中安慰剂-治疗患者(0.8%)比较,Xolair-治疗患者较多[在300 mg 11例患者(2.7%),在150 mg 1例患者(0.6%)]。注射部位反应类型包括: 肿胀,红斑,疼痛,瘀伤,瘙痒,出血和荨麻疹。这些事件没有导致研究终止或治疗中断。
6.3 免疫原性
在为批准哮喘临床研究中在用约1/1723例(< 0.1%)Xolair治疗患者检测对Xolair抗体。在3期慢性特发性荨麻疹CIU临床试验中被治疗患者没有可检测到的抗体,但由于抗-治疗抗体采样时间Xolair的水平和对有些患者丢失样品,在这些临床研究中只有733例被治疗患者的88%被测定曾被测定对Xolair的抗体。数据反映ELISA分析测试结果被考虑对Xolair抗体阳性患者百分率和是高度依赖于分析的灵敏度和特异性。此外,在分析中观察到抗体阳性发生率可能受几种因素影响包括样品处理,采样时间,同时药物,和所患疾病。因此,对Xolair抗体的发生率与对其他产品抗体的发生率的比较可能是误导。
6.4 上市后经验
批准使用Xolair后期间在12岁和以上成年和青少年患者中曾鉴定以下不良反应。因为这些 反映是从人群大小不确定自愿报告的,总是不可能可靠估算其频数或确定与药物暴露因果相互关系。
过敏性反应: 根据自发性报告和从2003年6月至2006年12月约57,300患者估计暴露,归咎于Xolair使用过敏性反应频数被估计是至少0.2%患者。过敏性反应的诊断标准是涉及皮肤或粘膜组织,和,或气道受损,和/或血压减低有或无伴症状,和与Xolair给予时间相互关系与无其他可鉴定的原因。在这些被报告病例体征和症状包括支气管痉挛,低血压,昏厥,荨麻疹,喉或舌的血管水肿,呼吸困难,咳嗽,胸闷,和/或皮肤血管水肿。89%病例中报告涉及肺。低血压或14%病例报告昏厥。15%报告病例导致住院。在24%病例报告中与Xolair无关的既往过敏性反应史。
归咎于Xolair过敏性反应报告病例中,39%发生与首次剂量,19%发生与第二次剂量,10% 发生与第三剂量,而其余随后给药后。一例发生在39剂后(继续治疗19个月后,过敏性反应 发生当在间隔3个月后治疗重新开始)。在这些病例中过敏性反应发病时间35%是至30分钟,16%大于30和至60分钟,2%中大于60和至90分钟,6%大于90和至120分钟,5%大于2小时和至6 小时,14%大于6小时和至12小时,8%中大于12小时和至24小时,而5%中大于24小时和直至4天。在9%病例发病时间不知道。
皮肤: 曾报道脱发。
7 药物相互作用
8 特殊人群中使用
8.1 妊娠
妊娠类别 B
有一个妊娠暴露注册监视妊娠期间暴露于Xolair妇女结局。鼓励患者电话1-866-4XOLAIR (1-866-496-5247)或访问www.xolairpregnancyregistry.com为关于妊娠暴露注册和纳入步骤信息。
曾在食蟹猴在奥马珠单抗皮下剂量直至75 mg/kg(在mg/kg基础上约MRHD的10倍)进行生殖研究。当在器官形成期自始自终给予奥马珠单抗未观察到母体毒性,胚胎毒性,或致畸胎性的证据。当妊娠晚期,分娩和哺乳自始至终给予奥马珠单抗对胎儿或新生畜生长不引发不良效应。子宫内暴露和28天哺乳后新生畜血清奥马珠单抗水平为母畜血清水平11%和94%间。乳汁中奥马珠单抗水平为母畜血清浓度是0.15%。
8.3 哺乳母亲
不知道Xolair是否存在于人乳汁中;但是,IgG在人乳汁中存在小量。在食蟹猴中,测量奥马珠单抗乳水平在母体血清浓度的0.15%[见特殊人群中使用(8.1)]。哺乳的发育和健康获益 应与母亲对Xolair的临床需要和对被哺乳儿童来自Xolair任何潜在的不良作用或来自母体条件在一起考虑。当哺乳妇女给予Xolair谨慎对待。
8.4 儿童使用
在2项研究在926例(Xolair 624例;安慰剂302例)6至<12岁哮喘患者中评价Xolair对过敏性哮喘的安全性和有效性。一项研究是一个关键性研究与成年和青少年哮喘研究1和2相似设计和进行[见临床试验(14.1)]。其他研究主要是一个安全性研究和包括疗效评价作为第二位结局。在关键性研究中,Xolair-治疗患者加重率有统计学显著的减低(加重被定义为哮喘的恶化需要用全身性皮质激素治疗或基线吸入性皮质激素治疗ICS剂量加倍),但Xolair-治疗患者与安慰剂比较其他疗效变量例如夜间症状评分,β-激动剂使用,和气流的测量(FEV1)没有显著差别。考虑≥12岁Xolair-治疗患者见到过敏性反应和恶性病的风险和在关键性儿童研究Xolair的不大的[modest]疗效,风险-获益评估不支持在在6至<12岁患者中使用Xolair。尽管在这些两项研究用Xolair治疗患者没有发生过敏性反应或恶性病,研究是不足以解决这些关注因为有过敏性反应或恶性病史的患者被排除,而且暴露的时间和样本大小不足以在6至<12岁患者中排除这些风险。此外,没有理由预计较年轻儿童患者将没有在用Xolair成年和青少年患者见到的过敏性反应和恶性病风险[见警告和注意事项(5.1)(5.2);和不良反应(6)]。
在三项随机,安慰剂-对照CIU研究包括在39例12至17岁患者中(Xolair 29,安慰剂 10)评价Xolair对有CIU青少年患者的安全性和有效性。观察每周瘙痒评分数字减低,而不良反应与18 岁和以上患者中报道相似。
未在小于12岁CIU患者进行用Xolair临床研究。考虑在≥ 12岁Xolair-治疗患者见到过敏性反应和恶性病的风险,Xolair使用的风险-获益评估不支持在患者<12岁使用。因此,建议在这个患者群不使用Xolair。
8.5 老年人使用
10 药物过量
尚未确定Xolair的最大耐受量。曾给予患者单次静脉剂量直至4,000 mg无剂量限制毒性。最高累计剂量给予患者是44,000 mg历时20周期间,不伴有毒性。
11 一般描述
Xolair是一种在单次使用小瓶含无菌,白色,无防腐剂,冻干粉,用无菌注射用水(SWFI),USP重建,和作为皮下(SC)注射给药。每202.5 mg小瓶奥马珠单抗还含L-组氨酸(1.8 mg),L-组氨酸盐酸盐一水化物(2.8 mg),聚山梨醇20(0.5 mg)和蔗糖(145.5 mg)和是被设计用1.4 mL SWFI,USP重建后在1.2 mL输送150 mg的奥马珠单抗。
12 临床药理学
12.1 作用机制
12.2 药效动力学
在CIU患者临床研究中,Xolair 治疗导致剂量-依赖血清游离IgE的减低和血清总IgE水平的增加,与过敏性哮喘患者中观察相似。首次皮下给药后3天观察到游离IgE的最大抑制。每4周重复给药1次后,治疗的12和24周间给药前血清游离IgE水平维持稳定。首次给药后由于奥马珠单抗-IgE复合物的形成血清中总IgE水平增加,与游离IgE比较有较慢消除速率。在75 mg直至300 mg每4周重复给药1次后,在第12周时平均给药前血清总IgE水平与治疗前水平比较是较高2-至3-倍,而在治疗12和24周间维持稳定。Xolair给药终止后,游离IgE水平增加和总IgE水平减低趋向治疗前水平跨越16-周随访期。
12.3 药代动力学
SC给药后,奥马珠单抗被吸收有平均绝对生物利用度62%。在有哮喘成年和青少年患者单次SC给药后,奥马珠单抗缓慢地被吸收,平均7-8天到达血清峰浓度。在有CIU患者中,血清峰浓度与单次SC剂量后时间相似。在剂量大于0.5 mg/kg奥马珠单抗的药代动力学是线性。有哮喘患者中,多次剂量Xolair后,在稳态时从第0至14天血清浓度时间曲线下面积是首次剂量后直至6-倍。在有CIU患者中,奥马珠单抗跨越剂量范围75 mg至600 mg给予作为单次皮下剂量为线性药代动力学。重复给药从75至300 mg每4周后,奥马珠单抗的血清谷浓度随剂量水平成正比例地增加。
体外,奥马珠单抗与IgE形成有限大小复合物。在体外或体内未观察到沉淀复合物和分子量大于1百万道尔顿复合物。在食蟹猴中组织分布研究显示任何器官或组织无特异性摄入125I-奥马珠单抗。在有哮喘患者SC给予后奥马珠单抗的表观分布容积为78 ± 32 mL/kg。在有CIU患者中,根据群体药代动力学,奥马珠单抗的分布与哮喘患者相似。
奥马珠单抗的清除涉及IgG清除过程以及通过特异性结合和与其目标配体,IgE形成复合物清除。IgG的肝脏消除不包括肝网址内皮系统(RES)和内皮细胞内降解。完整IgG也在胆汁中被排泄。在用小鼠和猴研究中,奥马珠单抗:IgE复合物是被与RES内Fcγ受体相互作用消除以速率一般较快于IgG清除率。在哮喘患者奥马珠单抗血清消除半衰期平均26天,与表观清除率平均2.4 ± 1.1 mL/kg/day。体重加倍约加倍表观清除率。在CIU患者中,在稳态时,根据群体药代动力学,奥马珠单抗血清消除半衰期平均24天和表观清除率平均240 mL/day(对80 kg患者相当于3.0 mL/kg/day)。
在患者有慢性特发性荨麻疹CIU中分析奥马珠单抗的群体药代动力学以评价人口统计指标特征和其他因素对奥马珠单抗暴露的影响。通过分析奥马珠单抗浓度和临床反应间相互关系评价协变量效应。这些分析显示不需要对年龄(12 至75岁),种族/人种,性别,体重,体重指数或基线IgE水平调整剂量。
13 非临床毒理学
13.1 癌发生,突变发生,生育力受损
在雄性和雌性食蟹猴接受Xolair在皮下剂量至75 mg/kg/week(在mg/kg基础上为推荐人用最大剂量约10倍)对生育力和生殖行为无影响。
14 临床研究
14.1 过敏性哮喘
试验纳入12至76岁,有中度至严重持续(NHLBI标准)哮喘至少一年,和对常年吸入性过敏原的一个皮试阳性反应患者。在所有试验中,Xolair给药是根据体重和基线血清总IgE浓度。所有患者被要求有基线IgE 30和700 IU/mL间和体重不超过150 kg。患者被按照一个给药表治疗给予至少0.016 mg/kg/IU(IgE/mL)Xolair或匹配容积安慰剂历时各个4-周期间。每4周最大Xolair 剂量为750 mg。
各研究由一个磨合期实现稳定转换至共同ICS(二丙酸氯地米松[beclomethasone dipropionate]),接着随机化至Xolair或安慰剂组成。患者接受Xolair共16周与一个不变皮质激素剂量除非一个急性加重需要增加。然后患者进入一个吸入性皮质激素ICS减低相12周期间ICS剂量意向逐步方式减低。
在哮喘研究3中,对筛选FEV1没有限制,而且与哮喘研究1和2不一样,允许用长效β2-激动剂。患者被接受至少1000 μg/day丙酸氟替卡松[fluticasone propionate]和一个亚组还接受口服皮质激素。接受其他同时控制药物患者被排除,而且研究时禁止开始另外控制药物。排除当前吸烟的患者。
在所有三项研究中,在随机化时有FEV1 > 80%Xolair-治疗患者没有观察到哮喘加重的减轻。在需要口服皮质激素维持治疗患者未见到加重减轻。
6至< 12岁儿童患者
14.2 慢性特发性荨麻疹(Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria, CIU)
在两项安慰剂-对照,多-剂量临床研究24周时间(CIU研究1; n= 319)和12周时间(CIU研究2; n=322)中评估Xolair对治疗CIU的安全性和疗效。患者通过每4周SC注射接受Xolair 75,150,或300 mg或安慰剂添加至它们的H1抗组织胺治疗共24或12周基线水平,随后是一个16-周冲洗观察期。总共640例患者(165男性,475女性)被包括为疗效分析。大多数患者是白种人(84%)和中位年龄为42岁(范围12–72)。
通过每周荨麻疹活动评分(UAS7,范围0–42)测量疾病严重程度,是每周瘙痒严重程度评分(范围0–21)和每周荨麻疹[hive]计数评分(范围0–21)的组合。所有患者尽管已经使用一种H1抗组织胺共至少2周,被要求在随机化前7天有UAS7 ≥ 16,和每周瘙痒严重程度评分 ≥ 8。
在CIU研究1和2两项中,接受Xolair 150 mg或300 mg患者在第12周时的每周瘙痒严重程度评分和每周荨麻疹[hive]计数评分都比安慰剂从基线更大减低。从CIU研究1 (表9)所显示代表性结果; CIU研究2中观察到相似结果。75-mg剂量未显示恒定疗效证据和未被批准使用。
在CIU研究1中,用Xolair 300 mg治疗在第12周时与Xolair 150 mg (15%),Xolair 75 mg (12%),和安慰剂组(9%)治疗患者比较有较大比例患者(36%)报道无瘙痒和无荨麻疹[hives](UAS7=0)。在CIU研究2中观察到相似结果。
16 如何供应/贮存和处置
Xolair是作为冻干无菌粉在一个单次使用,无防腐剂5 mL小瓶中供应。每个小瓶输送150 mg Xolair,用1.4 mL SWFI,USP重建。每个纸盒含一个单次使用小瓶的Xolair®(奥马珠单抗[omalizumab]) NDC 50242-040-62。
Xolair应在控制环境温度(≤ 30°C[ ≤ 86°F])运送。贮存Xolair在冰箱条件2−8°C (36−46°F)。超出纸盒标记失效日期不要使用。
17 患者咨询资料
17.1 对患者信息
(oh mah lye ZOO mab)
Index Terms
Dosage Forms
Excipient information presented when available (limited, particularly for generics); consult specific product labeling.
Solution Reconstituted, Subcutaneous [preservative free]:
Xolair: 150 mg (1 ea)
Brand Names: U.S.
Pharmacologic Category
Monoclonal Antibody, Anti-Asthmatic
Asthma: Omalizumab is an IgG monoclonal antibody (recombinant DNA derived) which inhibits IgE binding to the high-affinity IgE receptor on mast cells and basophils. By decreasing bound IgE, the activation and release of mediators in the allergic response (early and late phase) is limited. Serum free IgE levels and the number of high-affinity IgE receptors are decreased. Long-term treatment in patients with allergic asthma showed a decrease in asthma exacerbations and corticosteroid usage.
Chronic idiopathic urticaria: Omalizumab binds to IgE and lowers free IgE levels. Subsequently, IgE receptors (FcεRI) on cells down-regulate. The mechanism by which these effects of omalizumab result in an improvement of chronic idiopathic urticaria symptoms is unknown.
Slow following SubQ injection
Vd: 78 ± 32 mL/kg
Degradation of IgG and omalizumab:IgE complexes by reticuloendothelial system and endothelial cells in the liver
Primarily via hepatic degradation; intact IgG may be secreted in bile
Onset of Action
Response to therapy: ~12 to 16 weeks (87% of patients had measurable response in 12 weeks)
Time to Peak
7-8 days
Half-Life Elimination
26 days (asthma patients); 24 days (chronic idiopathic urticaria patients)
Use: Labeled Indications
Asthma: Treatment of moderate to severe persistent asthma in adults and patients 6 years and older who have a positive skin test or in vitro reactivity to a perennial aeroallergen and whose symptoms are inadequately controlled with inhaled corticosteroids.
Guideline recommendations:
The 2007 National Asthma Education and Prevention Program asthma guidelines recommend use be considered as adjunctive therapy in patients with severe persistent asthma who have allergies and in patients with severe persistent asthma that is inadequately controlled with a combination of a high-dose inhaled corticosteroid and a long-acting beta2-agonist (NAEPP 2007).
The Global Initiative for Asthma suggests use be considered as adjunctive therapy in patients with moderate or severe allergic asthma that is uncontrolled with a combination of a medium- to high-dose inhaled corticosteroid and a long-acting beta2-agonist (GINA 2016).
Chronic idiopathic urticaria: Treatment of chronic idiopathic urticaria in adults and adolescents 12 years and older who remain symptomatic despite H1 antihistamine treatment.
Severe hypersensitivity reaction to omalizumab or any component of the formulation
Dosing: Adult
Asthma: SubQ: Dose and frequency based on body weight and pretreatment total IgE serum levels. Dosing should be adjusted during therapy for significant changes in body weight. Dosing should not be adjusted based on total IgE levels taken during treatment or <1 year following interruption of therapy. If therapy has been interrupted for ≥1 year, total IgE levels may be re-evaluated for dosage determination.
Pretreatment serum IgE ≥30 to 100 units/mL:
30 to 90 kg: 150 mg every 4 weeks
>90 to 150 kg: 300 mg every 4 weeks
Pretreatment serum IgE >100 to 200 units/mL:
30 to 90 kg: 300 mg every 4 weeks
>90 to 150 kg: 225 mg every 2 weeks
Pretreatment serum IgE >200 to 300 units/mL:
30 to 60 kg: 300 mg every 4 weeks
>60 to 90 kg: 225 mg every 2 weeks
>90 to 150 kg: 300 mg every 2 weeks
Pretreatment serum IgE >300 to 400 units/mL:
30 to 70 kg: 225 mg every 2 weeks
>70 to 90 kg: 300 mg every 2 weeks
>90 kg: Do not administer dose
Pretreatment serum IgE >400 to 500 units/mL:
30 to 70 kg: 300 mg every 2 weeks
>70 to 90 kg: 375 mg every 2 weeks
>90 kg: Do not administer dose
Pretreatment serum IgE >500 to 600 units/mL:
30 to 60 kg: 300 mg every 2 weeks
>60 to 70 kg: 375 mg every 2 weeks
>70 kg: Do not administer dose
Pretreatment serum IgE >600 to 700 units/mL:
30 to 60 kg: 375 mg every 2 weeks
>60 kg: Do not administer dose
Chronic idiopathic urticaria: SubQ: 150 or 300 mg every 4 weeks. Dosing is not dependent on serum IgE (free or total) level or body weight.
Dosing: Geriatric
Refer to adult dosing.
Dosing: Pediatric
Children 6 to <12 years: SubQ:
Pretreatment serum IgE ≥30 to 100 units/mL:
20 to 40 kg: 75 mg every 4 weeks
>40 to 90 kg: 150 mg every 4 weeks
>90 to 150 kg: 300 mg every 4 weeks
Pretreatment serum IgE >100 to 200 units/mL:
20 to 40 kg: 150 mg every 4 weeks
>40 to 90 kg: 300 mg every 4 weeks
>90 to 125 kg: 225 mg every 2 weeks
>125 to 150 kg: 300 mg every 2 weeks
Pretreatment serum IgE >200 to 300 units/mL:
20 to 30 kg: 150 mg every 4 weeks
>30 to 40 kg: 225 mg every 4 weeks
>40 to 60 kg: 300 mg every 4 weeks
>60 to 90 kg: 225 every 2 weeks
>90 to 125 kg: 300 mg every 2 weeks
>125 to 150 kg: 375 mg every 2 weeks
Pretreatment serum IgE >300 to 400 units/mL:
20 to 30 kg: 225 mg every 4 weeks
>30 to 40 kg: 300 mg every 4 weeks
>40 kg to 70 kg: 225 mg every 2 weeks
>70 to 90 kg: 300 mg every 2 weeks
>90 kg: Do not administer
Pretreatment serum IgE >400 to 500 units/mL:
20 to 25 kg: 225 mg every 4 weeks
>25 to 30 kg: 300 mg every 4 weeks
>30 to 50 kg: 225 mg every 2 weeks
>50 to 70 kg: 300 mg every 2 weeks
>70 to 90 kg: 375 mg every 2 weeks
>90 kg: Do not administer
Pretreatment serum IgE >500 to 600 units/mL:
20 to 30 kg: 300 mg every 4 weeks
>30 to 40 kg: 225 mg every 2 weeks
>40 to 60 kg: 300 mg every 2 weeks
>60 to 70 kg: 375 mg every 2 weeks
>70 kg: Do not administer
Pretreatment serum IgE >600 to 700 units/mL:
20 to 25 kg: 300 mg every 4 weeks
>25 to 40 kg: 225 mg every 2 weeks
>40 to 50 kg: 300 mg every 2 weeks
>50 to 60 kg: 375 mg every 2 weeks
>60 kg: Do not administer
Pretreatment serum IgE >700 to 900 units/mL:
20 to 30 kg: 225 mg every 2 weeks
>30 to 40 kg: 300 mg every 2 weeks
>40 to 50 kg: 375 mg every 2 weeks
>50 kg: Do not administer
Pretreatment serum IgE >900 to 1,100 units/mL:
20 to 25 kg: 225 mg every 2 weeks
>25 to 30 kg: 300 mg every 2 weeks
>30 to 40 kg: 375 mg every 2 weeks
>40 kg: Do not administer
Pretreatment serum IgE >1,100 to 1,200 units/mL:
20 to 30 kg: 300 mg every 2 weeks
>30 kg: Do not administer
Pretreatment serum IgE >1,200 to 1,300 units/mL:
20 to 25 kg: 300 mg every 2 weeks
>25 to 30 kg: 375 mg every 2 weeks
>30 kg: Do not administer
Adolescents ≥12 years: SubQ: Refer to adult dosing.
Chronic idiopathic urticaria: Adolescents ≥12 years: SubQ: Refer to adult dosing.
Dosing: Renal Impairment
There are no dosage adjustments provided in the manufacturer’s labeling.
Dosing: Hepatic Impairment
There are no dosage adjustments provided in the manufacturer’s labeling.
Dosing: Adjustment for Toxicity
Severe hypersensitivity reaction or anaphylaxis: Discontinue treatment.
Fever, arthralgia, and rash: Discontinue treatment if this constellation of symptoms occurs.
Reconstitute using SWFI only; add SWFI 1.4 mL to upright vial using a 1-inch, 18-gauge needle on a 3 mL syringe and swirl gently for ~1 minute to evenly wet the powder; do not shake. Then gently swirl the upright vial for 5 to 10 seconds approximately every 5 minutes until dissolved; generally takes 15 to 20 minutes to dissolve completely. If it takes >20 minutes to dissolve completely, continue to swirl the upright vial for 5 to 10 seconds every 5 minutes until no gel-like particles are visible in the solution; do not use if contents are not completely dissolved after 40 minutes. After reconstitution, solution is somewhat viscous and will appear clear or slightly opalescent. It is acceptable if there are a few small bubbles or foam around edge of vial. Invert the vial for 15 seconds so the solution drains toward the stopper. Remove all of the solution by inserting a new 3 mL syringe with a 1-inch, 18-gauge needle into the inverted vial. Replace the 18-gauge needle with a 25-gauge needle for subcutaneous injection, and expel any air, bubbles, or excess solution to obtain the resulting dose of 150 mg per 1.2 mL; or discard 0.6 mL from the syringe to obtain the resulting dose of 75 mg per 0.6 mL.
For SubQ injection only; doses >150 mg should be divided over more than one injection site (eg, 225 mg or 300 mg administered as two injections, 375 mg administered as three injections). Injections may take 5 to 10 seconds to administer (solution is slightly viscous). Administer only under direct medical supervision and observe patient for a minimum of 2 hours following administration of any dose given.
Prior to reconstitution, store under refrigeration at 2°C to 8°C (36°F to 46°F); product may be shipped at room temperature. Following reconstitution, protect from direct sunlight. May be stored for up to 8 hours if refrigerated or 4 hours if stored at room temperature ≤30°C (≤86°F).
Drug Interactions
Belimumab: Monoclonal Antibodies may enhance the adverse/toxic effect of Belimumab. Avoid combination
Loxapine: Agents to Treat Airway Disease may enhance the adverse/toxic effect of Loxapine. More specifically, the use of Agents to Treat Airway Disease is likely a marker of patients who are likely at a greater risk for experiencing significant bronchospasm from use of inhaled loxapine. Management: This is specific to the Adasuve brand of loxapine, which is an inhaled formulation. This does not apply to non-inhaled formulations of loxapine. Avoid combination
Test Interactions
Total IgE levels are elevated for up to 1 year following treatment. Total serum IgE may be retested after interruption of therapy for 1 year or more.
Adverse Reactions
>10%: Local: Injection site reaction (45%; severe 12%; includes bruising, redness, warmth, burning, stinging, itching, hive formation, pain, indurations, mass, and inflammation). Most reactions occurred within 1 hour, lasted <8 days, and decreased in frequency with additional dosing.
1% to 10%:
Cardiovascular: Pulmonary embolism (≤3%), venous thrombosis (≤3%), myocardial infarction (2%), unstable angina pectoris (2%)
Central nervous system: Pain (7%), dizziness (3%), fatigue (3%)
Dermatologic: Dermatitis (2%), pruritus (2%)
Neuromuscular & skeletal: Arthralgia (8%), leg pain (4%), arm pain (2%), bone fracture (2%)
Otic: Otalgia (2%)
Chronic idiopathic urticaria:
>10%: Central nervous system: Headache (6% to 12%)
1% to 10%:
Cardiovascular: Peripheral edema (≥2%)
Central nervous system: Anxiety (≥2%), migraine (≥2%)
Dermatologic: Alopecia (≥2%)
Gastrointestinal: Toothache (≥2%)
Genitourinary: Urinary tract infection (≥2%)
Infection: Fungal infection (≥2%)
Local: Injection site reaction (3%)
Neuromuscular & skeletal: Arthralgia (3%), limb pain (≥2%), musculoskeletal pain (≥2%), myalgia (≥2%)
Respiratory: Nasopharyngitis (9%), sinusitis (5%), upper respiratory tract infection (3%), asthma (≥2%), oropharyngeal pain (≥2%), sinus headache (≥2%), cough (2%), viral upper respiratory tract infection (≤2%)
Miscellaneous: Fever (≥2%)
All indications: <1% (Limited to important or life-threatening): Alopecia, anaphylaxis, antibody development, arthritis, chest tightness, eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (formerly known as Churg-Strauss), lymphadenopathy, malignant neoplasm, pulmonary hypertension, syncope, thrombocytopenia, transient ischemic attacks
ALERT: U.S. Boxed Warning
Anaphylaxis, presenting as bronchospasm, hypotension, syncope, urticaria, and/or angioedema of the throat or tongue, has been reported to occur after administration of omalizumab. Anaphylaxis has occurred as early as after the first dose of omalizumab but also has occurred beyond 1 year after beginning regularly administered treatment. Because of the risk of anaphylaxis, observe patients closely for an appropriate period of time after omalizumab administration. Health care providers administering omalizumab should be prepared to manage anaphylaxis that can be life-threatening. Inform patients of the signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis and instruct them to seek immediate medical care if symptoms occur.
Concerns related to adverse effects:
• Cardiovascular effects: Cerebrovascular events, including transient ischemic attack and ischemic stroke, have been reported.
• Eosinophilia and vasculitis: In rare cases, patients may present with systemic eosinophilia, sometimes presenting with clinical features of vasculitis consistent with eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (formerly known as Churg-Strauss), a condition which is often treated with systemic corticosteroid therapy. Health care providers should be alert to eosinophilia, vasculitic rash, worsening pulmonary symptoms, cardiac complications, and/or neuropathy presenting in their patients. A causal association between omalizumab and these underlying conditions has not been established.
• Fever/arthralgia/rash: Reports of a constellation of symptoms including fever, arthritis or arthralgia, rash, and lymphadenopathy have been reported with postmarketing use (symptoms resemble those seen in patients experiencing serum sickness, although circulating immune complexes or a skin biopsy consistent with a Type III hypersensitivity reaction were not seen with these cases). Onset of symptoms generally occurred 1 to 5 days following the first or subsequent doses. Discontinue therapy in any patient reporting this constellation of signs/symptoms.
• Hypersensitivity/anaphylactoid reactions: [US Boxed Warning]: Anaphylaxis, including delayed-onset anaphylaxis, has been reported following administration; anaphylaxis may present as bronchospasm, hypotension, syncope, urticaria, and/or angioedema of the throat or tongue. Anaphylaxis has occurred after the first dose and in some cases >1 year after initiation of regular treatment. Due to the risk, patients should be observed closely for an appropriate time period after administration and should receive treatment only under direct medical supervision. Healthcare providers should be prepared to administer appropriate therapy for managing potentially life-threatening anaphylaxis. Patients should be instructed on identifying signs/symptoms of anaphylaxis and to seek immediate care if they arise. In postmarketing reports, anaphylaxis usually occurred with the first or second dose and with a time to onset of ≤60 minutes; however, reactions have been reported with subsequent doses (after 39 doses) and with a time to onset of up to 4 days after administration. A case-control study showed that patients with a history of anaphylaxis to foods, medications, or other causes were at an increased risk of anaphylaxis. Discontinue therapy following any severe reaction.
• Malignant neoplasms: Have been reported rarely with use in short-term studies; impact of long-term use is not known.
Disease-related concerns:
• Parasitic infections: Use with caution and monitor patients at high risk for parasitic (helminth) infections; risk of infection may be increased; appropriate duration of continued monitoring following therapy discontinuation has not been established.
Concurrent drug therapy issues:
• Corticosteroid therapy: Gradually taper systemic or inhaled corticosteroid therapy; do not discontinue corticosteroids abruptly following initiation of omalizumab therapy. The combined use of omalizumab and corticosteroids in patients with chronic idiopathic urticaria has not been evaluated.
• Drug-drug interactions: Potentially significant interactions may exist, requiring dose or frequency adjustment, additional monitoring, and/or selection of alternative therapy. Consult drug interactions database for more detailed information.
Other warnings/precautions:
• Appropriate use: Therapy has not been shown to alleviate acute asthma exacerbations; do not use to treat acute bronchospasm, status asthmaticus, or other allergic conditions. Do not use to treat forms of urticaria other than chronic idiopathic urticaria.
• Dosing/IgE levels: Dosing for asthma is based on body weight and pretreatment total IgE serum levels. IgE levels remain elevated up to 1 year following treatment; therefore, levels taken during treatment or for up to 1 year following treatment cannot and should not be used as a dosage guide. Dosing in chronic idiopathic urticaria is not dependent on serum IgE (free or total) level or body weight.
Monitoring Parameters
Anaphylactic/hypersensitivity reactions, baseline serum total IgE; FEV1, peak flow, and/or other pulmonary function tests; monitor for signs of infection
Pregnancy Considerations
Adverse events have not been observed in animal reproduction studies. IgG molecules are known to cross the placenta. Information related to the use of omalizumab in pregnancy is available from case reports of women with severe asthma (Kupryś-Lipińska 2014) or chronic idiopathic urticaria (some also with asthma) (Cuervo-Pardo 2016; Ghazanfar 2015). In addition, preliminary data from the Xolair Pregnancy Registry (EXPECT) has been published. Based on data collected from 191 women September 2006 through November 2012, the incidence of the adverse events monitored (major congenital malformations, prematurity, low birth weight, small for gestational age) are within the rates of those reported for women with severe asthma (Namazy 2015). The pregnancy registry has closed; however, new cases of exposure may be reported to the manufacturer (Genentech 888-835-2555).
Uncontrolled asthma is associated with adverse events on pregnancy (increased risk of perinatal mortality, pre-eclampsia, preterm birth, low-birth-weight infants). Optimal control of asthma prior to and during pregnancy is recommended (GINA 2016; NAEPP 2005).
Patient Education
• Discuss specific use of drug and side effects with patient as it relates to treatment. (HCAHPS: During this hospital stay, were you given any medicine that you had not taken before? Before giving you any new medicine, how often did hospital staff tell you what the medicine was for? How often did hospital staff describe possible side effects in a way you could understand?)
• Patient may experience headache, nausea, loss of strength and energy, pharyngitis, rhinitis, common cold symptoms (children), abdominal pain (children), vomiting (children), or nosebleed (children). Have patient report immediately to prescriber signs of infection, signs of severe cerebrovascular disease (change in strength on one side is greater than the other, difficulty speaking or thinking, change in balance, or vision changes), signs of DVT (edema, warmth, numbness, change in color, or pain in the extremities), burning or numbness feeling, bone pain, severe injection site irritation, angina, jaw pain, arm pain, passing out, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, joint pain, muscle rigidity, muscle pain, joint edema, swollen glands, rash, or coughing up blood (HCAHPS).
• Educate patient about signs of a significant reaction (eg, wheezing; chest tightness; fever; itching; bad cough; blue skin color; seizures; or swelling of face, lips, tongue, or throat). Note: This is not a comprehensive list of all side effects. Patient should consult prescriber for additional questions.
Intended Use and Disclaimer: Should not be printed and given to patients. This information is intended to serve as a concise initial reference for health care professionals to use when discussing medications with a patient. You must ultimately rely on your own discretion, experience, and judgment in diagnosing, treating, and advising patients.