通用中文 | 氨磺必利片 | 通用外文 | Amisulpride Tablets |
品牌中文 | 品牌外文 | Solian | |
其他名称 | |||
公司 | 赛诺菲/再生元(SANOFI) | 产地 | 法国(France) |
含量 | 400mg | 包装 | 30片/盒 |
剂型给药 | 片 口服 | 储存 | 室温 |
适用范围 | 精神病患 |
通用中文 | 氨磺必利片 |
通用外文 | Amisulpride Tablets |
品牌中文 | |
品牌外文 | Solian |
其他名称 | |
公司 | 赛诺菲/再生元(SANOFI) |
产地 | 法国(France) |
含量 | 400mg |
包装 | 30片/盒 |
剂型给药 | 片 口服 |
储存 | 室温 |
适用范围 | 精神病患 |
英文名称:Amisulpride Tablets
【主要成份】 本品主要成份为氨磺必利。
【成 份】
【性 状】 本品为白色或类白色片。
【适应症/功能主治】 治疗精神疾患,尤其是伴有阳性症状(例如:谵妄,幻觉,认知障碍)和/或阴性症状(例如:反应迟缓,情感淡漠及社会能力退缩)的急性或慢性精神分裂症,也包括以阴性症状为主的精神病患。
【用法用量】 通常情况下,若每天剂量小于或等于400mg,应一次服完,若每天剂量超过400mg,应分为两次服用。 阴性症状占优势阶段: 推荐剂量为50至300mg/天。剂量应根据个人情况进行调整。最佳剂量约为100mg/天。 阳性及阴性症状混合阶段: 治疗初期,应主要控制阳性症状,剂量可为:400-800mg/天。然后根据病人的反应调整剂量至最小有效剂量。 急性期: 治疗开始时,可以先以最大剂量400mg/天进行几天肌肉注射,然后改为口服药物治疗。口服推荐剂量为400-800mg/天,最大剂量不应超过1200mg。然后可根据病人的反应情况维持或调整剂量。 任何情况下,均应根据病人的情况将维持剂量调整到最小有效剂量。 肾功能不全:由于氨磺必利通过肾脏排泄,故对于肾功能不全,肌酐清除率为30-60ml/min的患者,应将剂量减半,对于肌酐清除率为10-30ml/min的患者,应将剂量减至三分之一。 由于缺乏充足的资料,故氨磺必利不推荐用于患有严重肾功能不全的病人(肌酐清除率<10ml/min)(见禁忌)。 肝功能不全:由于氨磺必利代谢较少,对于患有肝功能不全的患者不需调整剂量。
【不良反应】 经常发生的不良反应: 1.血中催乳素水平升高,可引起以下临床症状:乳溢,闭经,男子乳腺发育,乳房肿胀,阳痿,女性的性冷淡。停止治疗,可恢复。 2.体重增加; 3.可产生锥体外系综合症(震颤,肌张力亢进,流涎,静坐不能,运动功能减退)。使用维持剂量时,这些症状通常处于中等程度,无需停药,使用抗胆碱能类抗震颤麻痹药物治疗,症状即可部分缓解。 以50-300mg/天的剂量治疗优势缺失综合症,锥体外系症状的发生率很低(剂量依赖型)。临床研究显示,接受氨磺必利治疗的病人比接受氟哌啶醇治疗的病人出现锥体外系症状的几率小。 很少发生的不良反应: 1.嗜睡; 2.胃肠道功能紊乱,例如便秘,恶心,呕吐,口干。 极少发生的不良反应:可出现急性肌张力障碍(痉挛性斜颈,眼球转动危象,牙关紧闭等症状)。无需停药,只需服用抗胆碱能类抗震颤麻痹药物即可恢复。 3.曾有报道,服用氨磺必利可引起迟发性运动障碍,尤其是延长服药后,主要症状为不自主的舌或脸部运动。抗胆碱能类抗震颤麻痹药物对此种症状无治疗作用,还有可能加重症状。 4.曾有报道,服用氨磺必利可引起低血压和心动过缓。 5.曾有报道,服用氨磺必利可引起QT间期延长,极少情况下可引起尖端扭转型室性心动过速。 过敏反应: 1.曾有报道,出现惊厥。 2.曾有报道,出现恶性综合证。
【禁 忌】 本品不能用于下列情况: 1.已知对药品中某成分过敏者; 2.有报道:接受抗多巴胺能药物(包括苯丙酰胺类药物)治疗的嗜铬细胞瘤患者,曾出现过严重的高血压;因此对于已知患有或怀疑患有嗜铬细胞瘤的患者,不应开具含有此药的处方。 3.由于没有相关的临床数据,15岁以下的儿童不建议服用本药。 4.哺乳期妇女; 5.已知患有或怀疑患有催乳素依赖性癌症的病人,例如:催乳素分泌性垂体腺瘤和乳腺癌; 6.严重肾功能不全(肌酐清除率<10ml/min)。 7.联合用于-舒托必利,-多巴胺能激动剂(金刚烷胺,无水吗啡,溴隐亭,卡麦角林,恩他卡棚,利苏力特,培高利特,吡贝地尔,普拉克索,喹那高利,罗匹尼罗),除了用于治疗帕金森氏病患者。 8.本品通常不建议用于下列情况:-联合用于:-酒精 -左旋多巴 -可能引起尖端扭转性室性心动过速的药物:Ia类(奎尼丁,氢化奎尼丁,丙吡胺)及III类(胺碘酮,索他洛尔,多非利特,伊布利特)抗心律失常药物,某些精神抑制药物(硫利达嗪,氯丙嗪,左美丙嗪,三氟拉嗪,氰美马嗪,舒必利,硫必利,匹莫齐特,氟哌啶醇,氟哌利多),其它药物诸如:苄普地尔,西沙必利,二苯马尼,静脉用红霉素,咪唑斯汀,静脉用长春胺,卤泛群,喷他咪丁,司氟沙星,莫西沙星等。 -多巴胺能激动剂(金刚烷胺,无水吗啡,溴隐亭,卡麦角林,恩他卡棚,利苏力特,培高利特,吡贝地尔,普拉克索,喹那高利,罗匹尼罗)用于治疗帕金森氏病患者时。
【注意事项】 1.由于药物主要通过肾脏排泄,所以对于患有肾功能不全的病人,应减少服药剂量。 2.对于患有严重肾功能不全的病人,没有相关的临床数据。 3.精神抑制类药物可降低癫痫发作的阈值。所以对于有惊厥史的病人,服用氨磺必利时应仔细监控。 4.由于老年人对药物的高敏感性(可产生镇静或低血压症状),所以老年人服药时应注意。 5.对于患有帕金森氏病的病人,服药时应注意:除非必需使用精神抑制类药物治疗,否则应避免服用此药。 6.对于司机和机器操作者,应特别注意,服用此药可出现瞌睡症状。 7.由于本品含有乳糖,本品禁用于先天性半乳糖血症、葡萄糖或半乳糖吸收不良综合征或乳糖酶缺乏的患者。
【老年患者用药】由于老年人对药物的高敏感性(可产生镇静或低血压症状),所以老年人服药时应注意。药代动力学研究数据显示,对于年龄高于65岁的老年人,单次给药50mg,其Cmax, T1/2和AUC的值可升高10-30%。
【孕妇及哺乳期妇女用药】 孕妇:动物实验未见任何致畸性。由于动物中未见致畸性,所以推断本药对人也没有致畸性。事实上,迄今为止,对人体产生致畸性的物质,通过设计良好的两种动物致畸试验检测均可显示出致畸性。在临床运用方面,目前尚无足够的相关资料来评价本品用于妊娠妇女时的任何致畸或胎儿毒性作用。因此,在妊娠期间最好不使用本品。 哺乳者:由于没有该药可否通过乳汁的资料,所以,对于哺乳者应禁止服用本药。
【贮 藏】避光,密封保存。
Consumer Medicine Information
What is in this leaflet
This leaflet is designed to provide answers to some common questions about this medicine. It does not contain all the available information.
All medicines have risks and benefits. Your doctor has weighed the risks of you taking Solian against the benefits this medicine is expected to have for you.
If you have any concerns about taking this medicine, ask your doctor or pharmacist.
Keep this leaflet with this medicine. You may need to read it again.
What Solian is used for
The name of your medicine is Solian. It contains the active ingredient called amisulpride.
Solian belongs to a group of medicines called antipsychotics. Solian is used to treat symptoms of schizophrenia.
Schizophrenia is a condition which affects the way you think, feel and/or act. Schizophrenia may cause symptoms such as hallucinations (eg hearing, seeing or sensing things which are not there), delusions, unusual suspiciousness, emotional and social withdrawal. People with schizophrenia may also feel depressed, anxious or tense.
Your doctor may have prescribed Solian for another reason.
Ask your doctor if you have any questions about why Solian has been prescribed for you.
Before taking it
When you must not take it
Do not take Solian if:
you have an ALLERGIC REACTION to Solian or any of the ingredients listed at the end of this leaflet.Do not take Solian if you have or have had any of the following medical conditions:
phaeochromocytoma, a rare tumour of the adrenal glands which sit near the kidneystumour of the pituitary gland, a small gland at the base of the brainbreast cancerliver diseaseSolian must not be taken by children up to the age of puberty. There is limited information on the use of Solian in adolescents and its use is not recommended from puberty to the age of 18 years. If you are not yet 18 years of age, ask your doctor if Solian is right for you.
Before you start to take it
Your doctor must know about all the following before you start to take Solian.
Tell your doctor if:
you have had an allergic reaction to any medicine which you have taken previously to treat your current condition.you are pregnant or intend to become pregnant. Solian is not recommended for use in pregnancy. If you need to take Solian during pregnancy you should discuss the benefits and risks of taking it with your doctor. Newborns of mothers who have taken Solian during pregnancy need to be carefully monitored.you suffer from lactose intolerance because Solian tablets contain lactose.you have kidney or liver disease, Parkinson's disease or fits (seizures).you have problems with the heart and blood vessels.you have, or have a history of blood clots.you have hyperglycaemia (high sugar levels in the blood) or a family history of diabetes. Your doctor may recommend monitoring your blood sugar levels while you are taking Solian.you suffer from dementia.you have mental/mood changes or suicidal thoughts. Patients (and caregivers of patients) need to monitor for any worsening of their condition and/or the development of thoughts of suicide, suicidal behaviour or thoughts of harming themselves. Seek medical advice immediately if these symptoms present.you have risk factors for stroke.you have a history, or family history, of breast cancer.Taking other medicines
Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking any other medicines, including any that you buy without a prescription from your pharmacy, supermarket or health food store.
Some medicines and Solian may interfere with each other. These include:
medicines used to treat irregular heart rhythm such as quinidine, disopyramide, amiodarone and sotalolother medicines used to treat heart problems such as diltiazem, verapamil, clonidine, digoxin and drugs known as beta blockers (e.g. propranolol)intravenous amphotericin B, an anti-fungal given by injection into the veinsother antipsychotics such as thioridazine, clozapine, chlorpromazine, trifluperazine, pimozide, haloperidol, imipramine and lithiumdiureticsstimulant laxativesglucocorticosteroidsdiagnostics drugs such as tetracosactidesmedicines taken for anxiety or to help you sleepanaesthetics (a medicine used during surgery)medicines taken for depressionsome strong pain killersantihistamines, medicines to treat allergies, which cause drowsinesssome medicines taken to control blood pressureIf you are unsure about any medicine you are taking, you should check with your doctor or pharmacist. They will have more information on medicines to be careful of while you are taking Solian.
How to take it
How much to take
Your doctor will tell you how many Solian tablets you should take, or the amount of Solian Solution you should take. The dosage is adjusted for each individual and can range from 50mg a day up to 800mg a day. In some cases your doctor may increase the dose to 1200mg a day.
When taking Solian Solution, the dosage syringe supplied should be used to measure the correct dose. Each 1mL marking is equal to 100mg.
After introducing the measuring syringe into the bottle, draw the plunger of the measuring syringe up to the graduation mark corresponding to the number of milligrams to be administered.
Solian tablets and Solian Solution should be taken once or twice a day as advised by your doctor. Your doctor may increase or decrease your dose depending on your condition.
Do not take more than the dose your doctor has recommended.
How to take it
Solian tablets should be swallowed whole with a glass of water.
Solian Solution is swallowed. It may be mixed with water if preferred.
When to take it
Solian tablets and Solian Solution should preferably be taken before meals. Take your prescribed dose at about the same time each day.
How long do I take it
It is important that you do NOT stop taking Solian unless your doctor tells you. Do not stop taking your Solian just because you feel better. It is very important to continue Solian because it will help you stay well.
If you forget to take it
If you forget to take your medicine, take your dose as soon as you remember. Do not take a double dose to make up for the dose that you missed.
If you take too much (overdose)
Immediately telephone your doctor or the Poisons Information Centre (telephoneAustralia13 11 26 orNew Zealand0800 POISON or 0800 764766), or go to Accident and Emergency at your nearest hospital, if you think that you or anyone else may have taken too much Solian. Show the doctor your pack of tablets or bottle. Do this even if there are no signs of discomfort or poisoning.
If you have taken too much Solian, the most common signs are drowsiness and slurred speech.
While you are using it
Things you must do
It is very important to continue taking Solian because it will help you stay well.
Tell all doctors, dentists and pharmacists who are treating you that you are taking Solian.
While you are taking Solian, tell your doctor or pharmacist before you start any new medicine.
Tell your doctor immediately, or go to the nearest hospital, if you have any of the following suicidal thoughts or mental/mood changes:
thoughts or talk of death or suicidethoughts or talk of self-harm or harm to othersany recent attempts of self-harmincrease in aggressive behaviour, irritability or agitationdepressed mood or worsening of depressionOccasionally, the symptoms of depression may include thoughts of suicide or self-harm. These symptoms may continue to get worse during the early stages of treatment until the effect of the medicine becomes apparent. All mentions of suicide or violence must be taken seriously.
Things to be careful of
Solian may cause drowsiness in some people.
Be careful driving or operating machinery until you know how Solian affects you.
Be careful if you are elderly or unwell. Some people may experience side effects such as drowsiness, confusion, dizziness and unsteadiness, which may increase the risk of a fall.
The effects of alcohol could be made worse while taking Solian. It is NOT recommended that you drink alcohol while taking Solian.
Be careful while taking antihistamines, sleeping tablets or tablets to relieve pain while taking this medicine. Solian can increase drowsiness caused by medicines affecting your nervous system.
Things you must NOT do
Do not drive or operate machinery until you know how Solian affects you.
Do not give Solian to anyone else. Your doctor has prescribed it for you and your condition.
Side Effects
Tell your doctor or pharmacist as soon as possible if you do not feel well while you are taking Solian.
Like other medicines, Solian can cause some side effects. If they occur, most are likely to be minor and temporary. However, some may be serious and may need medical attention. Some of the side effects are dose related, so it is important that you never exceed your prescribed dose.
While you are taking Solian
Tell your doctor if you notice any of the following and they worry you:
drowsinessweight gaindizzinessincreased appetitenauseavomitingconstipationdry mouthblurred visioninsomniaanxietyagitationproblems with orgasmThese are the most common side effects of Solian.
Some people may feel dizzy in the early stages of treatment, especially when getting up from a lying or sitting position. This side effect usually passes after taking Solian for a few days.
Sometimes trembling, noticeable muscle stiffness or spasm, slowness of movement, excess saliva, restlessness, an overwhelming urge to move and either distress or movements such as pacing, swinging of the legs while seated, rocking from foot to foot, or both can occur. This will usually be reduced if your dose of Solian is lowered by your doctor or if your doctor prescribes you an additional medicine.
High blood sugar has been reported in patients taking Solian. Symptoms of high sugar levels in the blood include passing more urine than normal, persistent excessive thirst, increased appetite with a loss in weight and weakness.
Tell your doctor immediately or go to Accident and Emergency at your nearest hospital if you notice any of the following:
muscle twitchingabnormal movements mainly of the face or tonguefeverunexplained infectionsfaster breathingsweatingmuscle stiffnessIf this occurs, stop taking Solian immediately and contact your doctor.
After prolonged use in women, medicines of this type can cause:
breast painmilk secretionan absence of their monthly periodchanges in the regularity of their periodsTell your doctor if your monthly periods are absent for six months or more.
After prolonged use in men, medicines of this type can cause breast enlargement or impotence.
Incidences of abnormal liver function have been occasionally reported.
Do not be alarmed by this list of possible side effects. You may not experience any of them.
Tell your doctor if you notice any symptoms that worry you, even if you think the problems are not connected with the medicine or are not listed in this leaflet.
After taking it
Keep your tablets in the blister pack until it is time to take them. If you take the tablets out of the blister pack they may not keep well.
Store Solian Solution in the original bottle. Solian Solution has an expiry of two months once opened. Any solution remaining after this should be discarded.
Keep Solian tablets in a cool, dry place where the temperature stays below 30°C.
Solian Solution should be stored in a cool, dry place where the temperature stays below 25°C.
Do not store Solian or any other medicine in the bathroom or near a sink.
Do not leave it in the car or on window sills. Heat and dampness can destroy some medicines.
Keep it where children cannot reach it. A locked cupboard at least one-and-a-half metres above the ground is a good place to store medicines.
There will be an expiry date (month, year) on your Solian container. The medicine should not be taken after this date.
If your doctor tells you to stop taking Solian or the tablets or Solution have passed their expiry date, ask your pharmacist what to do with the amount left over.
Product description
What it looks like
Solian tablets are available in three different strengths:
The 100 mg strength is a white, flat faced, breakable tablet, marked "AMI 100".
The 200 mg strength is a white, flat faced, breakable tablet, marked "AMI 200".
The 400 mg strength is a white, film-coated, breakable, oblong tablet, marked "AMI 400".
The 100 mg strength is available in a pack size of 30 tablets.
The 200 mg strength is available in a pack size of 60 tablets.
The 400 mg strength is available in a pack size of 60 tablets.
Solian Solution is a clear yellow coloured liquid. It is available in 60mL brown glass bottles.
Active Ingredient:
Solian 100 tablets - 100 mg amisulpride per tablet.
Solian 200 tablets - 200 mg amisulpride per tablet.
Solian 400 tablets - 400 mg amisulpride per tablet.
Solian Solution - 100mg amisulpride per mL.
Inactive Ingredients:
The tablets also contain:
sodium starch glycollate type Alactose monohydratemicrocrystalline cellulose (E 460)hypromellose (E 464)magnesium stearate (E 470)The 400 mg tablets also contain:
PEG 40 stearatetitanium dioxide (E 171).The oral liquid also contains:
Gesweet®Hydrochloric acid (E 507)Methyl hydroxybenzoatePropyl hydroxybenzoatePotassium sorbate (E 202)Caramel Flavour®Water - purifiedManufacturer
Solian is distributed inAustraliaby:
sanofi-aventisaustraliapty ltd
12-24 Talavera Road
Macquarie Park NSW 2113
Solian is distributed inNew Zealandby:
56 Cawley Street,
New Zealand
The Australian Registration numbers for Solian are as follows:
Solian 100*: AUST R 96422
Solian 200*: AUST R 96425
Solian 400*: AUST R 74272
Solian Solution 100mg/mL: AUST R 94484
*Not marketed inNew Zealand
This leaflet was prepared in August 2017.
®Registered Trademark.
Published by MIMS November 2017
Consumers should be aware that the information provided by the Consumer Medicines Information (CMI) search (CMI Search) is for information purposes only and consumers should continue to obtain professional advice from a qualified healthcare professional regarding any condition for which they have searched for CMI. CMIs are provided by MIMS Australia. CMI is supplied by the relevant pharmaceutical company for each consumer medical product. All copyright and responsibility for CMI is that of the relevant pharmaceutical company. MIMS Australia uses its best endeavours to ensure that at the time of publishing, as indicated on the publishing date for each resource (e.g. Published by MIMS/myDr January 2007), the CMI provided was complete to the best of MIMS Australia's knowledge. The CMI and the CMI Search are not intended to be used by consumers to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or for any therapeutic purpose. Dr Me Pty Limited, its servants and agents shall not be responsible for the continued currency of the CMI, or for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies in the CMI and/or the CMI Search whether arising from negligence or otherwise or from any other consequence arising there from.