通用中文 | 卢斯帕塞 | 通用外文 | Luspatercept -aamt |
品牌中文 | 品牌外文 | Reblozyl | |
其他名称 | 罗特西普 | ||
公司 | Celgene /Acceleron(Celgene /Acceleron) | 产地 | 美国(USA) |
含量 | 75mg | 包装 | 1瓶/盒 |
剂型给药 | 储存 | 2度-8度(冰箱冷藏,禁止冷冻) | |
适用范围 | 治疗输血依赖性β地中海贫血和骨髓增生异常综合症 |
通用中文 | 卢斯帕塞 |
通用外文 | Luspatercept -aamt |
品牌中文 | |
品牌外文 | Reblozyl |
其他名称 | 罗特西普 |
公司 | Celgene /Acceleron(Celgene /Acceleron) |
产地 | 美国(USA) |
含量 | 75mg |
包装 | 1瓶/盒 |
剂型给药 | |
储存 | 2度-8度(冰箱冷藏,禁止冷冻) |
适用范围 | 治疗输血依赖性β地中海贫血和骨髓增生异常综合症 |
【生产企业】: 百时美施贵宝(BMS)与Acceleron制药公司
【英文商品名】: Reblozyl
【英文通用名】: Luspatercept-aamt
【贮藏】: 将装有药物的西林瓶储存在2℃至8℃的环境下,不要使其冻结。储存在原装的纸箱中,以避光。如果不立即使用,用于复溶的溶液可在20℃至25℃下储存(在原装小瓶中)长达8小时,或在2℃至8℃下储存长达24小时;如果在这些时间范围内没有使用,则丢弃。请勿冷冻用于复溶的溶液。
初始剂量:每3周皮下注射1mg/kg,如果2次剂量(6周)后红细胞输注量没有减少,则增加至1.25 mg/kg。最大剂量:1.25 mg/kg。注意:在贫血的即时纠正中,该药物不能替代红细胞输注;在每次给药前评估和审查血红蛋白(Hgb);如果在给药前进行了红细胞输注,使用预转铁蛋白Hgb进行给药;如果预先给药的Hgb为11.5g/dL或更高(与最近的输血无关),延迟给药,直到Hgb为11g/dL或更低;如果治疗反应丧失,寻找致病因素(如出血事件);如果排除典型原因,将剂量增加到1.25 mg/kg;如果在最大剂量的9周(3次剂量)后输血量没有减少,或者出现不可接受的毒性反应(在任何时候),则停止治疗。
Reblozyl治疗β地中海贫血的推荐剂量 |
如果患者出现不良反应,请勿增加剂量。 |
初始剂量 |
每3周皮下注射1 mg/kg |
最大剂量 |
每3周皮下注射1.25 mg/kg |
因治疗开始时反应不足而增加剂量 |
以1 mg/kg 起始剂量至少连续服用2次(6周)后,红细胞输血量没有减少 |
每3周增加一次剂量至1.25 mg/kg (最大剂量) |
以1.25 mg/kg 的剂量连续服用3次(9周)后,红细胞输血量没有减少 |
停用Reblozyl |
给药前血红蛋白水平或血红蛋白快速上升的剂量调整 |
预给予血红蛋白≥11.5g/dL(在没有输血的情况下);暂时停止给予Reblozyl直到血红蛋白≤11 g/dL时恢复给药。 |
3周内血红蛋白增加> 2 g/dL (在没有输血的情况下) |
由于副作用调整剂量 |
三或四级超敏反应 |
停止用药 |
其他三或四级的不良反应 |
中断治疗直到不良反应降至≤1级。 |
推荐剂量 |
如果患者出现不良反应,请勿增加剂量。 |
初始剂量 |
每3周皮下注射1 mg/kg |
最大剂量 |
每3周皮下注射1.75 mg/kg |
因治疗开始时反应不足而增加剂量 |
以1 mg/kg的起始剂量连续给药至少2次(6周)后,仍需输入红细胞 |
每3周增加一次剂量至1.33 mg/kg |
以1.33 mg/kg的剂量连续服用至少2次(6周)后,仍需输入红细胞 |
每3周增加一次剂量至1.75 mg/kg (最大剂量) |
以1.75 mg/kg的剂量连续服用3次(9周)后,红细胞输血量没有减少 |
停用Reblozyl |
给药前血红蛋白水平或血红蛋白快速上升的剂量调整 |
预给予血红蛋白≥11.5g/dL(在没有输血的情况下);暂时停止给予Reblozyl直到血红蛋白≤11 g/dL时恢复给药。 |
3周内血红蛋白增加> 2 g/dL (在没有输血的情况下) |
由于副作用调整剂量 |
三或四级超敏反应 |
停止用药 |
其他三或四级的不良反应 |
中断治疗直到不良反应降至≤1级。如果剂量延迟超过连续12周,停用Reblozyl。 |
2.复溶:用0.68mL(25mg规格)或1.6 mL (75 mg规格)注射用无菌水重新配制,最终浓度分别为25mg/0.5mL或75 mg /1.5mL。将水直接加到冻干粉上,静置1分钟;丢弃用于复溶的针头和注射器。轻轻旋转药瓶(圆周运动)30秒,然后让药瓶再直立30秒。如果仍有未溶解的粉末,重复上述步骤,直到粉末完全溶解。倒置药瓶并轻轻旋转(倒置)30秒,然后让药瓶直立30秒。重复反旋步骤7次以上,以便完全复溶。复溶后的溶液无色至微黄色,澄清至微乳白色。如果复溶的溶液是冷藏的,注射前在室温下静置15至30分钟。不要从药瓶中收集未使用的药物;不要与其他药物混合。
3.给药:注射到上臂、大腿和/或腹部。需要较大给药体积(> 1.2mL)的剂量,应分成体积相似的独立注射器,注射到不同的部位。每次单独注射时使用新的注射器和针头。如果冷藏,注射前时复溶的溶液在室温下静置15至30分钟。
1.高血压:已报告高血压,包括3级和4级不良反应。一些基线血压正常的患者出现收缩压升高(≥130mmHg)和/或舒张压升高(≥80 mmHg)。在每次给药前和临床需要时监测血压。通过适当的抗高血压治疗控制新发或恶化的原有高血压。
· 过敏反应的迹象,如皮疹;荨麻疹;发痒;发热或不发热的皮肤发红、肿胀、起水泡或脱皮;喘息;胸闷或喉咙发紧;呼吸、吞咽或说话困难;异常的声音嘶哑;或嘴、脸、嘴唇、舌头或喉咙肿胀。
· 高血压的迹象,如非常严重的头痛或头晕、昏厥或视力改变。
· 身体一侧无力、说话或思考困难、平衡改变、一侧脸下垂或视力模糊。
· 如果您有胸痛等血块迹象,请立即联系您的医生;咳血;呼吸急促;腿部或手臂肿胀、发热、麻木、变色或疼痛;或者说话或吞咽困难
· 该药物可能出现高尿酸水平。如果您有关节痛、肿胀或僵硬,请立即联系您的医生。
Luspatercept-aamt是一种红细胞成熟剂,属于受体融合蛋白,由经修饰的人激活素受体IIB型胞外结构域组成,该结构域与人IgG1 Fc结构域相连,计算分子量约为76 kD。Luspatercept是通过重组DNA技术在中国仓鼠卵巢细胞中产生的。
注射用REBLOZYL (luspatercept-aamt)是一种无菌、不含防腐剂的白色至灰白色冻干粉,装在单剂量小瓶中,复溶以后皮下注射使用。
每个25mg单剂量小瓶在pH 6.5下含有25mg
Luspatercept-aamt和柠檬酸一水合物(0.085mg)、聚山梨酯80 (0.10mg)、蔗糖(45.0mg)和柠檬酸三钠二水合物(1.35mg)。用0.68mL注射用无菌水重新配制后,所得浓度为25mg/0.5mL药物,注射体积为0.5毫升。
每个75mg单剂量小瓶在pH 6.5下含有75mg
Luspatercept-aamt和柠檬酸一水合物(0.254mg)、聚山梨醇酯80 (0.30mg)、蔗糖(135mg)和柠檬酸三钠二水合物(4.06mg)。用1.6mL注射用无菌水重新配制后,得到的浓度为75mg/1.5mL(50 mg/mL)的Luspatercept-aamt,注射体积为1.5毫升。
【生产企业】: 百时美施贵宝(BMS)与Acceleron制药公司
【英文商品名】: Reblozyl
【英文通用名】: Luspatercept-aamt
【贮藏】: 将装有药物的西林瓶储存在2℃至8℃的环境下,不要使其冻结。储存在原装的纸箱中,以避光。如果不立即使用,用于复溶的溶液可在20℃至25℃下储存(在原装小瓶中)长达8小时,或在2℃至8℃下储存长达24小时;如果在这些时间范围内没有使用,则丢弃。请勿冷冻用于复溶的溶液。
初始剂量:每3周皮下注射1mg/kg,如果2次剂量(6周)后红细胞输注量没有减少,则增加至1.25 mg/kg。最大剂量:1.25 mg/kg。注意:在贫血的即时纠正中,该药物不能替代红细胞输注;在每次给药前评估和审查血红蛋白(Hgb);如果在给药前进行了红细胞输注,使用预转铁蛋白Hgb进行给药;如果预先给药的Hgb为11.5g/dL或更高(与最近的输血无关),延迟给药,直到Hgb为11g/dL或更低;如果治疗反应丧失,寻找致病因素(如出血事件);如果排除典型原因,将剂量增加到1.25 mg/kg;如果在最大剂量的9周(3次剂量)后输血量没有减少,或者出现不可接受的毒性反应(在任何时候),则停止治疗。
Reblozyl治疗β地中海贫血的推荐剂量 |
如果患者出现不良反应,请勿增加剂量。 |
初始剂量 |
每3周皮下注射1 mg/kg |
最大剂量 |
每3周皮下注射1.25 mg/kg |
因治疗开始时反应不足而增加剂量 |
以1 mg/kg 起始剂量至少连续服用2次(6周)后,红细胞输血量没有减少 |
每3周增加一次剂量至1.25 mg/kg (最大剂量) |
以1.25 mg/kg 的剂量连续服用3次(9周)后,红细胞输血量没有减少 |
停用Reblozyl |
给药前血红蛋白水平或血红蛋白快速上升的剂量调整 |
预给予血红蛋白≥11.5g/dL(在没有输血的情况下);暂时停止给予Reblozyl直到血红蛋白≤11 g/dL时恢复给药。 |
3周内血红蛋白增加> 2 g/dL (在没有输血的情况下) |
由于副作用调整剂量 |
三或四级超敏反应 |
停止用药 |
其他三或四级的不良反应 |
中断治疗直到不良反应降至≤1级。 |
推荐剂量 |
如果患者出现不良反应,请勿增加剂量。 |
初始剂量 |
每3周皮下注射1 mg/kg |
最大剂量 |
每3周皮下注射1.75 mg/kg |
因治疗开始时反应不足而增加剂量 |
以1 mg/kg的起始剂量连续给药至少2次(6周)后,仍需输入红细胞 |
每3周增加一次剂量至1.33 mg/kg |
以1.33 mg/kg的剂量连续服用至少2次(6周)后,仍需输入红细胞 |
每3周增加一次剂量至1.75 mg/kg (最大剂量) |
以1.75 mg/kg的剂量连续服用3次(9周)后,红细胞输血量没有减少 |
停用Reblozyl |
给药前血红蛋白水平或血红蛋白快速上升的剂量调整 |
预给予血红蛋白≥11.5g/dL(在没有输血的情况下);暂时停止给予Reblozyl直到血红蛋白≤11 g/dL时恢复给药。 |
3周内血红蛋白增加> 2 g/dL (在没有输血的情况下) |
由于副作用调整剂量 |
三或四级超敏反应 |
停止用药 |
其他三或四级的不良反应 |
中断治疗直到不良反应降至≤1级。如果剂量延迟超过连续12周,停用Reblozyl。 |
2.复溶:用0.68mL(25mg规格)或1.6 mL (75 mg规格)注射用无菌水重新配制,最终浓度分别为25mg/0.5mL或75 mg /1.5mL。将水直接加到冻干粉上,静置1分钟;丢弃用于复溶的针头和注射器。轻轻旋转药瓶(圆周运动)30秒,然后让药瓶再直立30秒。如果仍有未溶解的粉末,重复上述步骤,直到粉末完全溶解。倒置药瓶并轻轻旋转(倒置)30秒,然后让药瓶直立30秒。重复反旋步骤7次以上,以便完全复溶。复溶后的溶液无色至微黄色,澄清至微乳白色。如果复溶的溶液是冷藏的,注射前在室温下静置15至30分钟。不要从药瓶中收集未使用的药物;不要与其他药物混合。
3.给药:注射到上臂、大腿和/或腹部。需要较大给药体积(> 1.2mL)的剂量,应分成体积相似的独立注射器,注射到不同的部位。每次单独注射时使用新的注射器和针头。如果冷藏,注射前时复溶的溶液在室温下静置15至30分钟。
1.高血压:已报告高血压,包括3级和4级不良反应。一些基线血压正常的患者出现收缩压升高(≥130mmHg)和/或舒张压升高(≥80 mmHg)。在每次给药前和临床需要时监测血压。通过适当的抗高血压治疗控制新发或恶化的原有高血压。
· 过敏反应的迹象,如皮疹;荨麻疹;发痒;发热或不发热的皮肤发红、肿胀、起水泡或脱皮;喘息;胸闷或喉咙发紧;呼吸、吞咽或说话困难;异常的声音嘶哑;或嘴、脸、嘴唇、舌头或喉咙肿胀。
· 高血压的迹象,如非常严重的头痛或头晕、昏厥或视力改变。
· 身体一侧无力、说话或思考困难、平衡改变、一侧脸下垂或视力模糊。
· 如果您有胸痛等血块迹象,请立即联系您的医生;咳血;呼吸急促;腿部或手臂肿胀、发热、麻木、变色或疼痛;或者说话或吞咽困难
· 该药物可能出现高尿酸水平。如果您有关节痛、肿胀或僵硬,请立即联系您的医生。
Luspatercept-aamt是一种红细胞成熟剂,属于受体融合蛋白,由经修饰的人激活素受体IIB型胞外结构域组成,该结构域与人IgG1 Fc结构域相连,计算分子量约为76 kD。Luspatercept是通过重组DNA技术在中国仓鼠卵巢细胞中产生的。
注射用REBLOZYL (luspatercept-aamt)是一种无菌、不含防腐剂的白色至灰白色冻干粉,装在单剂量小瓶中,复溶以后皮下注射使用。
每个25mg单剂量小瓶在pH 6.5下含有25mg
Luspatercept-aamt和柠檬酸一水合物(0.085mg)、聚山梨酯80 (0.10mg)、蔗糖(45.0mg)和柠檬酸三钠二水合物(1.35mg)。用0.68mL注射用无菌水重新配制后,所得浓度为25mg/0.5mL药物,注射体积为0.5毫升。
每个75mg单剂量小瓶在pH 6.5下含有75mg
Luspatercept-aamt和柠檬酸一水合物(0.254mg)、聚山梨醇酯80 (0.30mg)、蔗糖(135mg)和柠檬酸三钠二水合物(4.06mg)。用1.6mL注射用无菌水重新配制后,得到的浓度为75mg/1.5mL(50 mg/mL)的Luspatercept-aamt,注射体积为1.5毫升。
These highlights do not include all the information needed to use REBLOZYL safely and effectively. See full prescribing information for REBLOZYL.
REBLOZYL® (luspatercept-aamt) for injection, for subcutaneous use Initial U.S. Approval: 2019
-------------------------- INDICATIONS AND USAGE--------------------------
REBLOZYL is an erythroid maturation agent indicated for the treatment of anemia in:
• Adult patients with beta thalassemia who require regular red blood cell (RBC) transfusions (1.1).
-----------------------DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION-----------------------
• The recommended starting dose is 1 mg/kg once every 3 weeks by subcutaneous injection (2.1).
• Review hemoglobin (Hgb) results prior to each administration (2.1).
• See full prescribing information for preparation and administration instructions (2.4).
--------------------- DOSAGE FORMS AND STRENGTHS --------------------
• For injection: 25 mg lyophilized powder in a single-dose vial for reconstitution (3).
• For injection: 75 mg lyophilized powder in a single-dose vial for reconstitution (3).
-------------------------------CONTRAINDICATIONS --------------------------
None (4).
-----------------------WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS--------------------
• Thrombosis/Thromboembolism: Increased risk in patients with beta thalassemia. Monitor patients for signs and symptoms of thromboembolic events and institute treatment promptly (5.1).
• Hypertension: Monitor blood pressure (BP) during treatment. Initiate anti-hypertensive treatment if necessary (5.2).
• Embryo-Fetal Toxicity: May cause fetal harm. Advise females of reproductive potential of the potential risk to a fetus and use of effective contraception (5.3, 8.1, 8.3).
------------------------------ ADVERSE REACTIONS ------------------------------
The most common adverse reactions (>10%) in patients with beta thalassemia were headache, bone pain, arthralgia, fatigue, cough, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and dizziness (6.1).
To report SUSPECTED ADVERSE REACTIONS, contact Celgene Corporation at 1-888-423-5436 or FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or www.fda.gov/medwatch.
--------------------------USE IN SPECIFIC POPULATIONS---------------------
Lactation: Advise not to breastfeed (8.2).
Revised: 11/2019
1.1 |
Beta Thalassemia |
2.2 |
Dose Increases during Treatment |
Preparation and Administration |
5.1 |
Thrombosis/Thromboembolism |
5.2 |
Hypertension |
5.3 |
Embryo-Fetal Toxicity |
6 |
6.1 |
Clinical Trials Experience |
6.2 |
Immunogenicity |
*Sections or subsections omitted from the full prescribing information |
are not listed. |
1 INDICATIONS AND USAGE 1.1 Beta Thalassemia
REBLOZYL is indicated for the treatment of anemia in adult patients with beta thalassemia who require regular red blood cell (RBC) transfusions.
Limitations of Use
REBLOZYL is not indicated for use as a substitute for RBC transfusions in patients who require immediate correction of anemia.
2.1 Recommended Starting Dosage in Beta Thalassemia
The recommended starting dose of REBLOZYL is 1 mg/kg once every 3 weeks by subcutaneous injection.
If a planned administration of REBLOZYL is delayed or missed, administer REBLOZYL as soon as possible and continue dosing as prescribed, with at least 3 weeks between doses.
Assess and review hemoglobin (Hgb) results prior to each administration. If an RBC transfusion occurred prior to dosing, the pretransfusion Hgb must be considered for dosing purposes.
If the pre-dose Hgb is greater than or equal to 11.5 g/dL and the Hgb level is not influenced by recent transfusion, delay dosing until the Hgb is less than or equal to 11 g/dL.
2.2 Dose Increases during Treatment
Beta Thalassemia
If a patient does not achieve a reduction in RBC transfusion burden after at least 2 consecutive doses (6 weeks) at the 1 mg/kg starting dose, increase the REBLOZYL dose to 1.25 mg/kg.
Do not increase the dose beyond the maximum dose of 1.25 mg/kg.
2.3 Continuation and Discontinuation Recommendations
If a patient experienced a response followed by a lack of or lost response to REBLOZYL, initiate a search for causative factors (e.g., a bleeding event). If typical causes for a lack or loss of hematologic response are excluded, follow dosing recommendations for management of patients with an insufficient response to REBLOZYL therapy[see Dosage and Administration (2.2)].
Discontinue REBLOZYL if a patient does not experience a decrease in transfusion burden after 9 weeks of treatment (administration of 3 doses) at the maximum dose level or if unacceptable toxicity occurs at any time[see Dosage and Administration (2.2)].
2.4 Preparation and Administration
REBLOZYL should be reconstituted and administered by a healthcare professional.
Reconstitute REBLOZYL with Sterile Water for Injection, USP only.
Table 1: Reconstitution Volumes
Vial Size |
Amount of Sterile |
Final |
Deliverable |
Water for Injection, |
Concentration |
Volume |
USP required for |
reconstitution |
25 mg vial |
0.68 mL |
25 mg/0.5 mL |
0.5 mL |
75 mg vial |
1.6 mL |
75 mg/1.5 mL |
1.5 mL |
(50 mg/mL) |
Reconstitute the number of REBLOZYL vials to achieve the appropriate dose based on the patient’s weight. Use a syringe with suitable graduations for reconstitution to ensure accurate dosage.
Reconstitution Instructions
1. Reconstitute with Sterile Water for Injection, USP using volumes described in Table 1 (Reconstitution volumes) with the stream directed onto the lyophilized powder. Allow to stand for one minute.
2. Discard the needle and syringe used for reconstitution. The needle and syringe used for reconstitution should not be used for subcutaneous injections.
3. Gently swirl the vial in a circular motion for 30 seconds. Stop swirling and let the vial sit in an upright position for 30 seconds.
4. Inspect the vial for undissolved particles in the solution. If undissolved powder is observed, repeat step 3 until the powder is completely dissolved.
5. Invert the vial and gently swirl in an inverted position for 30 seconds. Bring the vial back to the upright position, and let it sit for 30 seconds.
6. Repeat step 5 seven more times to ensure complete reconstitution of material on the sides of the vial.
7. Parenteral drug products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration whenever solution and container permit. REBLOZYL is a colorless to slightly yellow, clear to slightly opalescent solution which
is free of foreign particulate matter. Do not use if undissolved product or foreign particulate matter are observed.
8. If the reconstituted solution is not used immediately:
• Store at room temperature at 20°C to 25°C (68°F to 77°F) in the original vial for up to 8 hours. Discard if not used within 8 hours of reconstitution.
• Alternatively, store refrigerated at 2°C to 8°C (36°F to 46°F) for up to 24 hours in the original vial. Remove from refrigerated condition 15-30 minutes prior to injection to allow solution to reach room temperature for a more comfortable injection. Discard if not used within 24 hours of reconstitution.
• Do not freeze the reconstituted solution.
Discard any unused portion. Do not pool unused portions from the vials. Do not administer more than 1 dose from a vial. Do not mix with other medications.
Instructions for Subcutaneous Administration
Calculate the exact total dosing volume of 50 mg/mL solution required for the patient.
Slowly withdraw the dosing volume of the reconstituted REBLOZYL solution from the single-dose vial(s) into a syringe. Divide doses requiring larger reconstituted volumes (i.e., greater than 1.2 mL) into separate similar volume injections and inject into separate sites. If multiple injections are required, use a new syringe and needle for each subcutaneous injection.
Administer the injection subcutaneously into the upper arm, thigh, and/or abdomen.
• For injection: 25 mg white to off-white lyophilized powder in a single-dose vial for reconstitution.
• For injection: 75 mg white to off-white lyophilized powder in a single-dose vial for reconstitution.
5.1 Thrombosis/Thromboembolism
In adult patients with beta thalassemia, thromboembolic events (TEE) were reported in 8/223 (3.6%) REBLOZYL-treated patients. Reported TEEs included deep vein thromboses, pulmonary embolus, portal vein thrombosis, and ischemic strokes. Patients with known risk factors for thromboembolism, e.g. splenectomy or concomitant use of hormone replacement therapy, may be at further increased risk of thromboembolic conditions. Consider thromboprophylaxis in
patients with beta thalassemia at increased risk of TEE. Monitor patients receiving REBLOZYL for signs and symptoms of thromboembolic events and institute treatment promptly.
5.2 Hypertension
Hypertension was reported in 10.7% (61/571) of REBLOZYL-treated patients. Across clinical studies, the incidence of grade 3-4 hypertension ranged from 1.8% to 8.6%. In adult patients with beta thalassemia with normal baseline blood pressure, 13 (6.2%) patients developed systolic blood pressure (SBP) > 130 mm Hg and 33 (16.6%) patients developed diastolic blood pressure (DBP) > 80 mm Hg. Monitor blood pressure prior to each administration. Manage new-
onset hypertension or exacerbations of preexisting hypertension using anti-hypertensive agents.
5.3 Embryo-Fetal Toxicity
Based on findings from animal reproductive studies, REBLOZYL may cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman. In animal reproduction studies, administration of luspatercept-aamt to pregnant rats and rabbits during organogenesis resulted in adverse developmental outcomes including increased embryo-fetal mortality, alterations to growth, and structural abnormalities at exposures (based on area under the curve [AUC]) above those occurring at the maximum recommended human dose (MRHD) of 1.25 mg/kg.
Advise pregnant women of the potential risk to a fetus. Advise females of reproductive potential to use an effective method of contraception during treatment with REBLOZYL and for at least 3 months after the final dose[see Use in Specific Populations (8.1, 8.3)].
The following clinically significant adverse reactions are described elsewhere in the labeling:
• Thrombosis/Thromboembolism[see Warnings and Precautions (5.1)]
• Hypertension[see Warnings and Precautions (5.2)]
6.1 Clinical Trials Experience
Because clinical trials are conducted under widely varying conditions, adverse reaction rates observed in the clinical trials of a drug cannot be directly compared to rates in the clinical trials of another drug and may not reflect the rates observed in practice.
The data in the WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS reflect exposure to REBLOZYL as a single agent administered across a range of doses (0.125 mg/kg to 1.75 mg/kg) in 571 patients in 4 trials.
Beta Thalassemia
The safety of REBLOZYL in patients with beta thalassemia was evaluated in the BELIEVE trial[see Clinical Studies (14.1)].Key eligibility criteria included adult patients with beta thalassemia (with exception of S/β-thalassemia) without major organ damage or recent DVT stroke and platelet counts less than or equal to 1000 x 109/L.
Patients received a starting dose of REBLOZYL 1 mg/kg subcutaneous injection every 3 weeks. Overall, 53% of patients had their dose increased to 1.25 mg/kg (46% REBLOZYL, n = 223) or
placebo (66%, n = 109). The median duration of treatment was similar between the REBLOZYL and placebo arms (63.3 weeks vs. 62.1 weeks, respectively). Per protocol, patients in the REBLOZYL and placebo arms were to remain on therapy for at least 48 weeks in the double-blind phase of the trial.
Among patients receiving REBLOZYL, 94% were exposed for 6 months or longer and 72% were exposed for greater than one year.
The median age of patients who received REBLOZYL was 30 years (range: 18, 66); 59% female; 54% White and 36% Asian.
Serious adverse reactions occurred in 3.6% of patients on REBLOZYL. Serious adverse reactions reported in 1% of patients were cerebrovascular accident and deep vein thrombosis. A fatal adverse reaction occurred in one patient treated with REBLOZYL who died due to an unconfirmed case of AML (M6).
Permanent discontinuation due to an adverse reaction (Grades 1-4) occurred in 5.4% of patients who received REBLOZYL. Most frequent adverse reactions requiring permanent discontinuation in patients who received REBLOZYL included arthralgia (1%), back pain (1%), bone pain (<1%), and headache (<1%).
Dosage reductions due to an adverse reaction occurred in 2.7% of patients who received REBLOZYL. Most frequent adverse reactions requiring dosage reduction in >0.5% of patients who received REBLOZYL included hypertension and headache.
Dosage interruptions due to an adverse reaction occurred in 15.2% of patients who received REBLOZYL. Most frequent adverse reactions requiring dosage interruption in >1% of patients who received REBLOZYL included upper respiratory tract infection, ALT increase, and cough.
The most common adverse reactions (at least 10% for REBLOZYL and 1% more than placebo) were headache (26%), bone pain (20%), arthralgia (19%), fatigue (14%), cough (14%), abdominal pain (14%), diarrhea (12%), and dizziness (11%).
Table 2 summarizes the adverse reactions in BELIEVE.
Table 2: Adverse Drug Reactions (>5%) in Patients Receiving REBLOZYL with a Difference Between Arms of 1% in BELIEVE Trial
Placebo |
Body System |
(N=223) |
(N=109) |
Adverse Reaction |
All Grades |
Grades ≥3 a |
All Grades |
Grades ≥3 |
n (%) |
n (%) |
n (%) |
n (%) |
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders |
Bone Pain |
44 (20) |
3 (1) |
9 (8) |
0 (0) |
6 |
Placebo |
Body System |
(N=223) |
(N=109) |
Adverse Reaction |
All Grades |
Grades ≥3 a |
All Grades |
Grades ≥3 |
n (%) |
n (%) |
n (%) |
n (%) |
Arthralgia |
43 (19) |
0 (0) |
13 |
(12) |
0 (0) |
Infections and infestation |
Influenza |
19 (9) |
0 (0) |
6 |
(6) |
0 (0) |
Viral Upper Respiratory |
14 (6) |
1 (0.4) |
2 |
(2) |
0 (0) |
Infection |
Nervous system disorders |
Headache |
58 (26) |
1 (<1) |
26 |
(24) |
1 (1) |
Dizziness |
25 (11) |
0 (0) |
5 |
(5) |
0 (0) |
General disorders and administration |
site conditions |
Fatigue |
30 (14) |
0 (0) |
14 |
(13) |
0 (0) |
Gastrointestinal disorders |
Abdominal Pain b |
31 (14) |
0 (0) |
13 |
(12) |
0 (0) |
Diarrhea |
27 (12) |
1 (<1) |
11 |
(10) |
0 (0) |
Nausea |
20 (9) |
0 (0) |
6 |
(6) |
0 (0) |
Vascular disorders |
Hypertension c |
18 (8) |
4 (2) |
3 |
(3) |
0 (0) |
Metabolism and nutrition disorders |
Hyperuricemia |
16 (7) |
6 (3) |
0 |
(0) |
0 (0) |
Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal |
disorders |
Cough |
32 (14) |
0 (0) |
12 |
(11) |
0 (0) |
a Limited to Grade 3 reactions with the exception of 4 events of Grade 4 hyperuricemia.
b Grouped term includes: abdominal pain and abdominal pain upper.
c Grouped term includes: essential hypertension, hypertension, and hypertensive crisis.
Clinically relevant adverse reactions in <5% of patients include vertigo/vertigo positional, syncope/presyncope, injection site reactions and hypersensitivity.
Liver function abnormalities in the BELIEVE trial are shown in Table 3.
Table 3: Liver Function Laboratory Abnormalities in the BELIEVE Trial
Placebo |
N=223 |
N=109 |
n (%) |
n (%) |
26 (12) |
13 |
(12) |
25 (11) |
5 |
(5) |
17 |
(8) |
1 (<1) |
Total bilirubin ≥ 2 × ULN |
143 |
(64) |
51 |
(47) |
Direct bilirubin ≥ 2 × ULN |
13 |
(6) |
4 |
(4) |
ALP = alkaline phosphatase; ALT = alanine aminotransferase; AST = aspartate aminotransferase; ULN = upper limit of normal.
6.2 Immunogenicity
As with all therapeutic proteins, there is potential for immunogenicity. The detection of antibody formation is highly dependent on the sensitivity and specificity of the assay. Additionally, the observed incidence of antibody (including neutralizing antibody) positivity in an assay may be influenced by several factors including assay methodology, sample handling, timing of sample collection, concomitant medications, and underlying disease. For these reasons, comparison of the incidence of antibodies to luspatercept in the studies described below with the incidence of antibodies in other studies or to other products may be misleading.
Of 284 patients with beta thalassemia who were treated with REBLOZYL and evaluable for the presence of anti-luspatercept-aamt antibodies, 4 patients (1.4%) tested positive for treatment-emergent anti-luspatercept-aamt antibodies, including 2 patients (0.7%) who had neutralizing antibodies.
Luspatercept-aamt serum concentration tended to decrease in the presence of neutralizing antibodies. There were no severe acute systemic hypersensitivity reactions reported for patients with anti-luspatercept-aamt antibodies in REBLOZYL clinical trials, and there was no association between hypersensitivity type reaction or injection site reaction and presence of anti-luspatercept-aamt antibodies.
8.1 Pregnancy
Risk Summary
Based on findings in animal reproduction studies, REBLOZYL may cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman. There are no available data on REBLOZYL use in pregnant women to inform a drug-associated risk of major birth defects, miscarriage, or adverse maternal
or fetal outcomes. In animal reproduction studies, administration of luspatercept-aamt to pregnant rats and rabbits during the period of organogenesis resulted in adverse developmental outcomes including embryo-fetal mortality, alterations to growth, and structural abnormalities at exposures (based on area under the curve [AUC]) above those occurring at the maximum recommended human dose (MRHD) (see Data). Advise pregnant women of the potential risk to a fetus.
The estimated background risk of major birth defects and miscarriage for the indicated population is unknown. All pregnancies have a background risk of birth defect, loss, or other adverse outcomes. In the U.S. general population, the estimated background risk of major birth defects and miscarriage in clinically recognized pregnancies is 2% to 4% and 15% to 20%, respectively.
Animal Data
In embryo-fetal development studies, luspatercept-aamt was administered subcutaneously at 5, 15, or 30 mg/kg on gestation days 3 and 10 (rats) or 5, 20, or 40 mg/kg on gestation days 4 and 11 (rabbits). Effects in both species included reductions in numbers of live fetuses and fetal body weights, and increases in resorptions, post-implantation losses, and skeletal variations (such as asymmetric sternal centra in rats and angulated hyoid in rabbits). Effects were observed at exposures (based on AUC) approximately 13-times (rats) and 18-times (rabbits) the MRHD of 1.25 mg/kg.
In a pre- and postnatal development study, pregnant rats were administered luspatercept-aamt subcutaneously at 3, 10, or 30 mg/kg once every 2 weeks during organogenesis and through weaning, gestation day 6 through postnatal day 20. At all dose levels lower F1 pup body weights and adverse kidney findings (such as membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, tubular atrophy/hypoplasia, and vessel ectasia occasionally associated with hemorrhage) were observed. These effects were observed at exposures (based on AUC) approximately 1.6-times the MRHD of 1.25 mg/kg.
8.2 Lactation
Risk Summary
Luspatercept-aamt was detected in milk of lactating rats. When a drug is present in animal milk, it is likely that the drug will be present in human milk. There are no data on the presence of REBLOZYL in human milk, the effects on the breastfed child, or the effects on milk production. Because of the potential for serious adverse reactions in the breastfed child, advise patients that breastfeeding is not recommended during treatment with REBLOZYL, and for 3 months after the last dose.
8.3 Females and Males of Reproductive Potential Pregnancy Testing
Pregnancy testing is recommended for females of reproductive potential before starting REBLOZYL treatment.
REBLOZYL may cause embryo-fetal harm when administered to pregnant women[see Use in Specific Populations (8.1)]. Advise female patients of reproductive potential to use effective contraception during treatment with REBLOZYL and for at least 3 months after the last dose.
Based on findings in animals, REBLOZYL may impair female fertility[see Nonclinical Toxicology (13.1)].Adverse effects on fertility in female rats were reversible after a 14-week recovery period.
8.4 Pediatric Use
Safety and effectiveness in pediatric patients have not been established. Based on findings in juvenile animals, REBLOZYL is not recommended for use in pediatric patients[see Non-Clinical Toxicology (13.1)].
8.5 Geriatric Use
Clinical studies of REBLOZYL in beta thalassemia did not include sufficient numbers of subjects aged 65 years and older to determine whether they respond differently from younger subjects.
Luspatercept-aamt is an erythroid maturation agent. Luspatercept-aamt is a receptor fusion protein consisting of a modified extracellular domain of the human activin receptor type IIB linked to a human IgG1 Fc domain with a calculated molecular mass of approximately 76 kD. Luspatercept is produced in Chinese hamster ovary cells by recombinant DNA technology.
REBLOZYL (luspatercept-aamt) for injection is a sterile, preservative-free, white to off-white, lyophilized powder in single-dose vials for subcutaneous use after reconstitution.
Each 25 mg single-dose vial provides nominal 25 mg of luspatercept-aamt and citric acid monohydrate (0.085 mg), polysorbate 80 (0.10 mg), sucrose (45.0 mg), and tri-sodium citrate dihydrate (1.35 mg) at pH 6.5. After reconstitution with 0.68 mL Sterile Water for Injection USP, the resulting concentration is 25 mg/0.5 mL of luspatercept-aamt and the deliverable volume is 0.5 mL.
Each 75 mg single-dose vial provides nominal 75 mg of luspatercept-aamt and citric acid monohydrate (0.254 mg), polysorbate 80 (0.30 mg), sucrose (135 mg), and tri -sodium citrate dihydrate (4.06 mg) at pH 6.5. After reconstitution with 1.6 mL Sterile Water for Injection USP, the resulting concentration is 75 mg/1.5 mL (50 mg/mL) of luspatercept-aamt and the deliverable volume is 1.5 mL.
12.1 Mechanism of Action
Luspatercept-aamt is a recombinant fusion protein that binds several endogenous TGF-β superfamily ligands, thereby diminishing Smad2/3 signaling. Luspatercept-aamt promoted erythroid maturation through differentiation of late-stage erythroid precursors (normoblasts) in mice. In a model of β-thalassemia, luspatercept-aamt decreased abnormally elevated Smad2/3 signaling and improved hematology parameters associated with ineffective erythropoiesis in mice.
12.2 Pharmacodynamics
Increases in Hemoglobin in Patients with Low RBC Transfusion Burden
In patients having received < 4 units of RBC transfusion within 8 weeks prior to study, hemoglobin increased within 7 days of initiating REBLOZYL and correlated with the time to luspatercept-aamt maximum serum concentration (Cmax). The greatest Hgb increase occurred after the first dose (0.75 g/dL on average at a dose of 0.6 to 1.25 times the recommended starting dose), with additional smaller increases observed after subsequent doses. Hemoglobin levels returned to baseline approximately 8 weeks from the last dose following administration of luspatercept-aamt at a dose of 0.6 to 1.25 times the recommended starting dosage.
Increasing luspatercept-aamt serum exposure (AUC) was associated with greater Hgb increase in patients with beta thalassemia (a mean increase of 0.7 g/dL in Hgb for 100-unit increase in AUC after the first dose).
12.3 Pharmacokinetics
Luspatercept-aamt exhibited linear pharmacokinetics (PK) over the dose range of 0.2 to 1.25 mg/kg (0.2 to 1.25 times the recommended starting dosage) in patients with beta thalassemia. The mean (% coefficient of variation [%CV]) steady-state AUC was 126 (35.9%) day•µg/mL at 1 mg/kg and 157 (35.9%) day•µg/mL at 1.25 mg/kg in patients with beta thalassemia. The mean (%CV) steady-state Cmax was 8.17 (29.9%) µg/mL at 1 mg/kg and 10.2 (29.9%) µg/mL at 1.25 mg/kg in patients with beta thalassemia. Luspatercept-aamt serum concentration reached steady state after 3 doses when administered every 3 weeks. The accumulation ratio of luspatercept-aamt was approximately 1.5.
The median (range) time to maximum concentration (Tmax) of luspatercept-aamt was observed at approximately 7 [6 to 8] days post-dose in adult healthy volunteers and patients with beta thalassemia. The absorption of luspatercept-aamt was not significantly affected by the subcutaneous injection sites (upper arm, thigh, or abdomen).
The mean (%CV) apparent volume of distribution (Vd/F) of luspatercept-aamt was 7.1 (26.7%) L for patients with beta thalassemia.
The mean (%CV) half-life (t1/2) of luspatercept-aamt was approximately 11 (25.7%) days and the mean (%CV) apparent total clearance (CL/F) was 0.44 (38.5%) L/day in patients with beta thalassemia.
Luspatercept-aamt is expected to be catabolized into amino acids by general protein degradation processes in multiple tissues.
Specific Populations
No clinically significant differences in the luspatercept- aamt PK was observed based on age (18 to 66 years), sex, race/ethnicity (Asian, White), mild to severe hepatic impairment (total bilirubin
≤ upper limit of normal [ULN] and aspartate aminotransaminase [AST] or alanine transaminase [ALT] > ULN, or total bilirubin > ULN and any AST or ALT), mild to moderate renal impairment (estimated glomerular filtration rate [eGFR] 30 to 89 mL/min/1.73 m2), baseline albumin (30 to 56 g/L), baseline serum erythropoietin (2.4 to 972 U/L), red blood cell (RBC) transfusion burden (0 to 34 units/24 weeks), beta thalassemia genotype (β0/β0 vs. non-β0/β0) and splenectomy. The effect of AST or ALT >3 x ULN and the effect of severe renal impairment (eGFR <29 mL/min/1.73 m2) on luspatercept-aamt PK is unknown.
Body Weight
The apparent CL/F and Vd/F of luspatercept-aamt increased with increasing body weight (34 to 97 kg).
Drug Interaction Studies
Effect of Iron-chelating Agents on Luspatercept-aamt
No clinically significant differences in luspatercept-aamt PK were observed when used concomitantly with iron-chelating agents.
13.1 Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility
No carcinogenicity or mutagenicity studies have been conducted with luspatercept-aamt.
In a repeat-dose toxicity study, juvenile rats were administered luspatercept-aamt subcutaneously at 1, 3, or 10 mg/kg once every 2 weeks from postnatal day 7 to 91. Hematologic malignancies (granulocytic leukemia, lymphocytic leukemia, malignant lymphoma) were observed at 10 mg/kg resulting in exposures (based on area under the curve [AUC]) approximately 8 times the maximum recommended human dose (MRHD) of 1.25 mg/kg.
In a combined male and female fertility and early embryonic development study in rats, luspatercept-aamt was administered subcutaneously to animals at doses of 1 to 15 mg/kg. There were significant reductions in the average numbers of corpora lutea, implantations, and viable embryos in luspatercept-aamt-treated females. Effects on female fertility were observed at the highest dose with exposures (based on AUC) approximately 7 times the MRHD of 1.25 mg/kg.
Adverse effects on fertility in female rats were reversible after a 14-week recovery period. No adverse effects were noted in male rats.
14.1 Beta Thalassemia
The efficacy of REBLOZYL was evaluated in adult patients with beta thalassemia in the BELIEVE trial (NCT02604433).
BELIEVE is a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in which (n=336) patients with beta thalassemia requiring regular red blood cell transfusions (6-20 RBC units per 24 weeks) with no transfusion-free period greater than 35 days during that period were randomized 2:1 to REBLOZYL (n=224) or placebo (n=112). In BELIEVE, REBLOZYL was administered subcutaneously once every 3 weeks as long as a reduction in transfusion requirement was observed or until unacceptable toxicity. All patients were eligible to receive best supportive care, which included RBC transfusions; iron-chelating agents; use of antibiotic, antiviral, and antifungal therapy; and/or nutritional support, as needed.
The BELIEVE trial excluded patients with hemoglobin S/β-thalassemia or alpha-thalassemia or who had major organ damage (liver disease, heart disease, lung disease, renal insufficiency). Patients with recent deep vein thrombosis or stroke or recent use of ESA, immunosuppressant, or hydroxyurea therapy were also excluded. The median age was 30 years (range: 18-66). The trial was comprised of patients who were 42% male, 54.2% white, 34.8% Asian, and 0.3% Black or African American. The percent of patients reporting their race as “other” was 7.7%, and race was not collected or reported for 3% of patients.
Table 4 summarizes the baseline disease-related characteristics in the BELIEVE study.
Table 4: Baseline Disease Characteristics of Beta Thalassemia in BELIEVE
Disease Characteristic |
Placebo |
(N=224) |
(N=112) |
Beta thalassemia diagnosis, n |
(%) |
Beta-thalassemia |
174 (77.7) |
83 |
(74.1) |
HbE/beta thalassemia |
31 (13.8) |
21 |
(18.8) |
Beta thalassemia combined |
with alpha-thalassemia |
18 (8) |
8 |
(7.1) |
Missing a |
1 (0.4) |
0 |
Baseline transfusion burden 12 weeks prior to randomization |
Median (min, max) |
(Units/12 weeks) |
6.12 (3, 14) |
6.27 (3, 12) |
13 |
Placebo |
(N=224) |
(N=112) |
Beta thalassemia gene mutation grouping, n (%)
β0/β0 |
68 (30.4) |
35 |
(31.3) |
Non-β0/β0 |
155 (69.2) |
77 |
(68.8) |
Missing a |
1 (0.4) |
0 |
Baseline serum ferritin level (μg/L) |
N |
220 |
111 |
Median (min, max) |
1441.25 (88, 6400) |
1301.50 |
(136, 6400) |
Splenectomy, n (%) |
Yes |
129 (57.6) |
65 (58) |
No |
95 (42.4) |
47 (42) |
Age patient started regular |
transfusions (years) |
N |
169 |
85 |
Median (min, max) |
2 (0, 52) |
2 (0, 51) |
BSC=best supportive care; ECOG=Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; Hb=hemoglobin; HbE=hemoglobin E; ITT=intent to treat; SD=standard deviation.
a "Missing" category includes patients in the population who had no result for the parameter listed.
The efficacy of REBLOZYL in adult patients with beta thalassemia was established based upon the proportion of patients achieving RBC transfusion burden reduction (≥33% reduction from baseline) with a reduction of at least 2 units from Week 13 to Week 24.
Efficacy results are shown in Table 5.
Table 5: Efficacy Results in Beta Thalassemia - BELIEVE
Endpoint |
Placebo |
Risk |
Difference |
p-value |
(N=224) |
(N=112) |
(95% CI) |
≥33% Reduction from baseline |
in RBC transfusion burden |
with a reduction of at least 2 |
units for 12 consecutive weeks |
Primary endpoint – Week 13 |
48 (21.4) |
5 (4.5) |
17.0 |
<0.0001 |
to Week 24 |
(10.4, 23.6) |
14 |
Placebo |
Risk |
Endpoint |
Difference |
p-value |
(N=224) |
(N=112) |
(95% CI) |
Week 37 to Week 48 |
44 (19.6) |
4 (3.6) |
16.1 |
<0.0001 |
(9.8, 22.4) |
≥50% Reduction from baseline |
in RBC transfusion burden |
with a reduction of at least 2 |
units for 12 consecutive weeks |
Week 13 to Week 24 |
17 (7.6) |
2 (1.8) |
5.8 |
0.0303 |
(1.6, 10.1) |
Week 37 to Week 48 |
23 (10.3) |
1 (0.9) |
9.4 |
0.0017 |
(5, 13.7) |
REBLOZYL (luspatercept-aamt) for injection is a white to off-white lyophilized powder supplied in a single-dose vial. Each carton contains one vial.
REBLOZYL 25 mg/vial (NDC 59572-711-01)
REBLOZYL 75 mg/vial (NDC 59572-775-01)
16.2 Storage
Store vials refrigerated at 2°C to 8°C (36°F to 46°F) in original carton to protect from light. Do not freeze.
Discuss the following with patients prior to and during treatment with REBLOZYL.
Thromboembolic Events
Advise beta thalassemia patients of the potential risk of thromboembolic events. Review known risk factors for developing thromboembolic events and advise patients to reduce modifiable risk factors (e.g., smoking, use of oral contraceptives)[see Warnings and Precautions (5.1)].
Effects on Blood Pressure
Caution patients that REBLOZYL may cause an increase in blood pressure[see Warnings and Precautions (5.2)].
Advise females of reproductive potential of the potential risk to a fetus. Advise females of reproductive potential to use effective contraception while receiving REBLOZYL and for at least 3 months after the final dose. Advise females to contact their healthcare provider if they become pregnant, or if pregnancy is suspected, during treatment with REBLOZYL[see Warnings and Precautions (5.3) and Use in Specific Populations (8.1)].
Advise females not to breastfeed during treatment with REBLOZYL and for 3 months after the final dose[see Use in Specific Populations (8.2)].
Manufactured by:
Celgene Corporation
86 Morris Avenue
Summit, NJ 07901
U.S. License No. 2114
Jointly Marketed by:
Acceleron Pharma, Inc.
Cambridge, MA 02139
REBLOZYL® is a registered trademark of Celgene Corporation.
Patent: www.celgene.com/therapies
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